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Who is buying a LHD Refresh M S/X?

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Given the resale value of an LHD I can imagine why no finance company is keen to have it in their books... Easier for them to subsidise MYs at 1.9%
Yeah, most likely reason, or the old "if you've got 100K to spend, then you can afford it" or some such. But unless it changes then it'll be a no from me. I've a figure in mind and if it drops below that, then I'll defo consider it.
A bit off topic, but following @FastLaneJB’s post about checking DC charging after a repair, I stopped by a local V3 supercharger to check my Dec ‘20 MS.

Was surprised to see it hit 240 kW charge rate (I usually only do small top-ups at superchargers, leaving the charging from low SOC to overnight charging). Did some digging to find this - which I was unaware of. Apparently happened June 2020. Another reason now to hang on to it.
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Saw my first LHD X at swimming drop off last weekend, I feel genuinely sorry for the owner. You have be mad and deluded to buy any new Tesla right now, and a LHD drive one as your main family car......

I'm increasing sure I'm going to eat humble pie and change my plans for our X come next September when the battery/motor warranty period end. I get my 'fun' on road from something very different these days, so safety is the key. I want another SUV, same the size as the X ideally.

The choice I think comes down the 'sensible' one, RX plug in Hybrid, the X5 plugin however offers the closets performance to the X and I do miss my old 335i.......the totally mad option though would be the Cayenne turbo plugin, totally unnecessary, expensive......but than again so was the X, and I've always wanted to scratch the Porsche itch......decisions, decisions:).



Sorry to hear it Gangzoom but understand your reasoning.

Give the bmw iX a look too. It’s a nice place to be inside, if you can get past the challenging exterior looks. Although I’m guessing you have one eye on range concerns if you are looking at hybrid options?
Saw my first LHD X at swimming drop off last weekend, I feel genuinely sorry for the owner. You have be mad and deluded to buy any new Tesla right now, and a LHD drive one as your main family car......

I'm increasing sure I'm going to eat humble pie and change my plans for our X come next September when the battery/motor warranty period end. I get my 'fun' on road from something very different these days, so safety is the key. I want another SUV, same the size as the X ideally.

The choice I think comes down the 'sensible' one, RX plug in Hybrid, the X5 plugin however offers the closets performance to the X and I do miss my old 335i.......the totally mad option though would be the Cayenne turbo plugin, totally unnecessary, expensive......but than again so was the X, and I've always wanted to scratch the Porsche itch......decisions, decisions:).

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Have you considered the Kia EV9? It looks very accomplished.

Like you I have seen the LHD S and X in service centre showrooms, and it just seems a massive shame that there is no avenue for people in existing ones to get it. LHD is too big a compromise in this country, and it's ridiculous that the UK prices take no account of this. You're paying the normal price and getting a severely compromised experience.
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Have you considered the Kia EV9? It looks very accomplished.

Like you I have seen the LHD S and X in service centre showrooms, and it just seems a massive shame that there is no avenue for people in existing ones to get it. LHD is too big a compromise in this country, and it's ridiculous that the UK prices take no account of this. You're paying the normal price and getting a severely compromised experience.
Besides the impossible resale value, which for me is the dealbreaker, what is exactly the compromised experience of a LHD to you?
I had one, and honestly, unless you're frequently using a multi-storey with a ticket barrier or going to drive-throughs on your own, it can be manageable.
Overtaking is surely harder because you can't peer out and see if it's clear. The aforementioned issue with multi-storeys, drivethroughs, anywhere with a ticket booth, etc. Resale value as you say - if you have to convince the market you're trying to sell to that "it's not that bad honestly" then you're automatically on the back foot.

Perhaps "severely" is hyperbole, but I'd still suggest it's compromised.
Saw my first LHD X at swimming drop off last weekend, I feel genuinely sorry for the owner. You have be mad and deluded to buy any new Tesla right now, and a LHD drive one as your main family car......

I'm increasing sure I'm going to eat humble pie and change my plans for our X come next September when the battery/motor warranty period end. I get my 'fun' on road from something very different these days, so safety is the key. I want another SUV, same the size as the X ideally.

The choice I think comes down the 'sensible' one, RX plug in Hybrid, the X5 plugin however offers the closets performance to the X and I do miss my old 335i.......the totally mad option though would be the Cayenne turbo plugin, totally unnecessary, expensive......but than again so was the X, and I've always wanted to scratch the Porsche itch......decisions, decisions:).

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Why are you thinking of replacing the X? Do you need more range?
But if it's OK... Worth replacing?

New car's engines get out of warranty as well - is that the reason to replace the car?
Strictly speaking no, but it does depend on how reliant you are on it really.

Engines going pop in ICE cars is pretty rare, and when it does go there are usually a myriad of places that can deal with it. If the battery goes on an X then I’d assume that’s the best part of £20k you need to find.

Not saying it’s any more or less likely, but it is a risk that needs to be weighed up.
Strictly speaking no, but it does depend on how reliant you are on it really.

Engines going pop in ICE cars is pretty rare, and when it does go there are usually a myriad of places that can deal with it. If the battery goes on an X then I’d assume that’s the best part of £20k you need to find.

Not saying it’s any more or less likely, but it is a risk that needs to be weighed up.
but batteries going pop in EVs are not much of more often to be fair.

there also was few costs from battery replacement for few cars here on forum, where battery cost was 8k and not 20.. and that is actually in line of few more rarer engines like V8 or so :/
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Saw my first LHD X at swimming drop off last weekend, I feel genuinely sorry for the owner. You have be mad and deluded to buy any new Tesla right now, and a LHD drive one as your main family car......

I'm increasing sure I'm going to eat humble pie and change my plans for our X come next September when the battery/motor warranty period end. I get my 'fun' on road from something very different these days, so safety is the key. I want another SUV, same the size as the X ideally.

The choice I think comes down the 'sensible' one, RX plug in Hybrid, the X5 plugin however offers the closets performance to the X and I do miss my old 335i.......the totally mad option though would be the Cayenne turbo plugin, totally unnecessary, expensive......but than again so was the X, and I've always wanted to scratch the Porsche itch......decisions, decisions:).

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Go for a lotus eletre like me :)
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I saw a 24 plate LHD X Plaid charging at Winchester back in February. He came and went, so i presumed it wasnt the dealers.

I wouldnt buy a Tesla again after the MCU1 and connectivety issues i am currently having with Tesla . The cars are too reliant on connectivity and a pain when it falls down. It was the only choice at the time with no estate cars, but now the BMW I5 Touring is out, that looks rather promising.