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  1. SocalMS

    Plastic Accelerator Pedal of Tesla

    Since I've been driving a Tesla, I noticed something "odd" feeling about the accelerator pedal. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.. Was it the location, the height, way it's located close to the carpet side wall? The other day, I reached down and "touched" the accelelerator pedal, and...
  2. SocalMS

    No ventilated seats as promised

    Sounds like they took the option off when you actually pulled the trigger and ordered the vehicle. Can you confirm the option is on your vehicle order?
  3. SocalMS

    Holy crap, repairs are insanely expensive, beware!!

    I must concur... (Unless something changes soon... )
  4. SocalMS

    Vendor New Cubby Drawer

    Does it sit in a frame so that it doesn't pull out all the way and fall off?
  5. SocalMS

    Las Vegas Strip to Mt. Charleston in NV

  6. SocalMS

    Las Vegas Strip to Mt. Charleston in NV

    I've never made this trip.. have you? I don't know how steep this climb is...
  7. SocalMS

    Las Vegas Strip to Mt. Charleston in NV

    Has anyone taken the trip from the Las Vegas area to Mt. Charleston NV? I believe it's mostly uphill.. Any charger stations available? It's about 40miles from the strip...
  8. SocalMS

    Model X service - couple of issues

    A person's weight shouldn't be an excuse or an issue.. Tesla needs to get these issues right..
  9. SocalMS

    Motley Fool story - Tesla Replacement Part Delays

    I would advise you to keep your expectations low.. for your own sanity..
  10. SocalMS

    New Model S and X Center Console Feedback

    Here's my newly "McGyvere'd" solution to this design issue. Not "factory molded" but it works... 1. It adds 5 separate compartments to the top portion. 2. In the area 3 Yellow, I can actually fit a full size water bottle 3. Raised the walls, so I can put more stuff inside 4. I can put a cell...
  11. SocalMS

    New Model S and X Center Console Feedback

    You have an entire area, basically set aside for 2 cup holders. The center area, literally goes to the floor, but you're allocated 8" of that... Compared to ICE cars, the center console is comparable.. and it's "OK". But remember, Teslas have no engine... Compared to the POTENTIAL of what...
  12. SocalMS

    New Model S and X Center Console Feedback

    The ideal tool is probably a sledgehammer.. ..... On another note... I find the new center console to have too many "areas" that are hard to reach and get to. You have to slide your hand underneath the plastic...and it's not functional... The sliding drawer doesnt' open all the way, so...
  13. SocalMS

    New Model S and X Center Console Feedback

    The original center console idea from Tesla was to have "nothing".. Which has it's own pros and cons. While driving a loaner 2013 (bad experience) Model S, I noticed the vehicle had no center console. So I used 2 shoe boxes and it was actually pretty good. Tons of space to throw my "stuff"...
  14. SocalMS

    False Information: Tesla Admits It Still Hasn't Completed A Model 3 Beta Prototype

    Yes, I understand how it works. I wasn't asking any questions, I was merely quoting the article...
  15. SocalMS

    False Information: Tesla Admits It Still Hasn't Completed A Model 3 Beta Prototype

    Some people would say something similar about CNN/MSNBC/New York Times... etc..
  16. SocalMS

    False Information: Tesla Admits It Still Hasn't Completed A Model 3 Beta Prototype

    My guess is that there's plenty of profit per car sold.. but the overhead is what's hurting Tesla a. Building out Supercharger Stations b. Battery Development c. Building new factories Thus the need to go to the public markets and sell stock..
  17. SocalMS

    Motley Fool story - Tesla Replacement Part Delays

    There may be a business opportunity for an entrepreneur to come in and start developing a full line of after market replacement parts. Does anyone have contacts with an automotive accessories manufacturer or machine shop who's willing to tackle this?
  18. SocalMS

    False Information: Tesla Admits It Still Hasn't Completed A Model 3 Beta Prototype

    from: Tesla Admits It Still Hasn't Completed A Model 3 Beta Prototype | Zero Hedge Excerpts Below… …buried deep within the company's most recent 10-K filing is an admission that there is still no Model 3 beta prototype. …However, with production due to begin in H2 2017 (just 4 months...
  19. SocalMS

    Motley Fool story - Tesla Replacement Part Delays

    With all due respect, what is your point? That it's ok for a Tesla to be in a body shop for 12 months because it' a safe car to drive? Why can't Tesla owners have BOTH? A safe car.. and accessible parts for repairs... Let's not "normalize" this..
  20. SocalMS

    Motley Fool story - Tesla Replacement Part Delays

    Basically what it comes down to is this: 1. Tesla is not a convenient car to own 2. You'll save on gas, but you'll pay for it in INCONVENIENCE and SERVICE ISSUES 3. The cars drive great, but have many nagging fitment and trim problems 4. If you get into an accident, expect NOT to have your car...
  21. SocalMS

    Motley Fool story - Tesla Replacement Part Delays

    With all due respect, accidents happen "accidentally". Your argument is the same as other posters that say, "don't open the window, and you won't have any problems w/ it..."
  22. SocalMS

    Motley Fool story - Tesla Replacement Part Delays

    We appreciate your honest account of your situation. Too many Tesla owners (and stock holders) don't want to see or hear any wrong doings about Tesla, and stay in la la land about how great the car is and how amazing the company is. ..Dismiss everything as "fixable". What a nighmare situation...
  23. SocalMS

    More Tesla Model X Fails, videos and pictures

    When someone is willing to spend $100K to $150K on a new vehicle that is touted to be the best in the world, run by the one of the smartest guys in the world, having one issue after another, I'd be pretty CONFUSED and FRUSTRATED, just like the OP. How can this be? Who could've expected this...
  24. SocalMS

    2017 Model S P100D Delivery Disaster ****

    I do not blame the OP at all. This is completely unacceptable from Tesla and it's more common than not. The apologists that say this is "common" have already "normalized" these quality issues and is now overlooking them.. I for one, do not want this to be NORMAL for a Tesla vehicle. We...
  25. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    Most Tesla owners seem to dismiss these quality issues, and that's unfortunate. Yes, some of these things can be fixed, and honestly some cannot.. They can be fixed to "Tesla's Acceptable Degree of Quality", and at the point where you just emotionally decide to accept the quality fails...
  26. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    Are you kidding me? I've done nothing but TRY. How do you suppose I came to these realizations?
  27. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    Sorry for your misunderstanding. Let me clarify.... I disagree w/ those who say that this issue can be fixed "perfectly". I disagree w/ those who say that this issue is not prevalent w/ Teslas.
  28. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    I respectfully disagree with my detractors... 1. There is NO perfect when it comes to this 2. Tesla service and support cannot make it perfect, but they will try to make it as good as possible until you can tolerate it. 3. I don't want the public, new Tesla buyers, or existing owners to think...
  29. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    Yes, brand new Model S owner and been driving and Model X for a month... What's shocking to me is how poorly these cars are made in terms of fitment and trim... I am hoping and wishing that Tesla raises their quality level if enough owners stop overlooking them...
  30. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    As baffling as that sounds... Sadly.. it appears so. Go visit a Tesla dealership yourself... and look at all the cars on the lot. New and pre-owned... This is not from my own observation, but from conversations w/ service personnel and service managers.. "WITHIN THE MARGIN OF QUALITY"
  31. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    The only fix is that it's "good enough" and "tolerable"... But there is NO fix where it comes to being at a Lexus quality (for example).
  32. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    I'd like to repost something I have on another thread.... A couple of weeks ago, I was at a Supercharger station and was talking to another X owner. He was quite happy with the car. We were talking and I mentioned some of the quality issues I notice that Tesla's had and said that I hoped...
  33. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    I can tell you this... Every car I've reviewed in the showroom and on their lots.. have this problem to some degree or another.... It's again, "within their margin" of quality... And I respectfully disagree that this is an easy fix.. because there is no fix.. there's only tolerating their...
  34. SocalMS

    Tesla Chrome Trim Quality Failure

    This appears to be a very common issue w/ all new Teslas. The chrome trim doesn't fit right. I've attached one pic example, but this could be true on any chrome portion of your vehicle. The are off. Everyone who's getting new delivery should keep an eye out for this and make it an issue...
  35. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    I can tell everyone that all new S models appear to have these ugly gaps.. In showroom cars as well.. Some are worse than others... and perhaps 5% are ok.. (i don't know) The sales/service techs and Fremont confirms it's "within their margin of acceptability" I for one, am not apologetic to...
  36. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    No issues? You positive about that? A couple of weeks ago, I was at a Supercharger station and was talking to another X owner. He was quite happy with the car. We were talking and I mentioned some of the quality issues I notice that Tesla's had and said that I hoped Tesla would get their act...
  37. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    Speaking of the national debt and economics... I don't think anyone can tell me what the national debt is based on how they "feel". There is no direct correlation, unless you lose your job or it spikes the price of goods, to the point where you can't buy groceries. It's a number that none...
  38. SocalMS

    Couple of thoughts on Quality Control on new Teslas

    Not as simple as it sounds... 1. You have to make an initial deposit.. so now they have your money 2. If you're getting financing.. you have to settle this and sign the docs BEFORE you take delivery. So you're already on the hook. Basically, they HAVE you... so now you're fighting in their...
  39. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    I respectfully disagree. It's like saying, "there's a dried up cockroach in the trunk of my car.. but who cares since I don't notice it.." We need to hold Tesla accountable. I know I've had my share of conversations w/ the service manager, service personnel, sales personnel, and emailed...
  40. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    In theory you are 100% right. But once they have your money, and you're argueing about annoying fitment issues, sometimes you have to pick your battles. Do I want to argue and make it my life mission to fight "Tesla" over minor fitment issues? In theory, yes... but in reality.. (it's very...
  41. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    That's interesting... based on my discussion w/ the service manager, he says the older Model S cars had MORE fitment/trim/build issues... Basically counting me lucky to have a newer car..
  42. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    It's a shame! Tesla owner's should speak up.. That's the only way Tesla will improve their "trim" quality... We cannot allow this to be "normalized"
  43. SocalMS

    Model S 2017 - Behind Back Seat Open Panels - Quality Fail

    If you fold down the back seats, you can see carpet panels above where the wheels are.. I notice that basically every Model S has these panels that seem to have "manufacturer issues". They are open or have a huge gap... and you see inside into the electrical. Most Tesla salesman are...
  44. SocalMS

    Loan car disappointment

    No doubt there are car companies that do this... But "superior" MBZ,BMW, LEXUS, Audi dealers.. DO NOT DO THIS. They loan out nice cars of their Make... Nice, newer, clean cars.... I think as Tesla customers, we should expect Tesla to raise standards of service and experience.. not just tread...
  45. SocalMS

    Bad repair experience, Tesla needs to open up

    Your situation sucks... I wonder y owning a Tesla can be so @#$ complicated?
  46. SocalMS

    Couple of thoughts on Quality Control on new Teslas

    I wish ... But they will NOT do that... Tesla's service personnel have the "illusion" of being able to help you.... But at the end.. they just follow "policy". And in many cases, they are pretty clueless themselves... (but they do try and do their best..) I would try to build a relationship...
  47. SocalMS

    Loan car disappointment

    Tesla is a car company. They manufacture cars. I don't see any reason why they need to outsource car loaners to Hertz... (except to sell more cars) I'll tell you this though... It makes me NOT want to bring my car into service at Tesla.. knowing I might get stuck w/ an cheap ICE car or an OLD...
  48. SocalMS

    Needs improvement

    The goal of Tesla is to sell Electric cars... I don't know what using your phone or using the overhyped screen browser has anything to do w/ it... The Tesla 17" screen isn't a good web browser.. period. I wish Tesla would stop hyping it and over selling this feature.
  49. SocalMS

    Loan car disappointment

    In So Cal.. getting an ICE loaner is very common... (very) sad, but common.... And they're not even high end ICE cars... they're older MBZ C-Class or Volvos... Not sure about other locations...
  50. SocalMS

    Couple of thoughts on Quality Control on new Teslas

    I agree. The problem is that by the time you've stepped into their showroom to take delivery, you've already paid for the car (via loan doc, wire transfer etc..) So basically, you're NOT taking delivery on a car you've already paid for.... Lose Lose situation... I hope Tesla starts improving...