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  1. R

    Gen 3 wall connector power sharing

    Power sharing support with Gen3 HPWC is great news. Question… I park 2 Model 3s in my garage, which also has the main electrical panel for the house. The panel has a single 60A breaker that was intended to feed 2 Gen2s by way of a junction box that would send power to each one, that would also...
  2. R

    Range Loss Over Time, What Can Be Expected, Efficiency, How to Maintain Battery Health

    I fear I have an issue with range degradation. My Model 3 is a 2020 (purchased new last Feb.), and it is AWD LR dual motor. So when brand new, car’s rated range was 322. Shortly after purchase, I took a roadtrip with cold temps less than 32°. I charged the car to 319 miles at 100%, which I...
  3. R

    Puzzled by loud fan or blower noise

    Several times I have walked out to the garage an hour or so after driving my Model 3, and there is a loud fan or blower noise coming from somewhere in front of the windshield and behind the frunk. I can stop the blower by opening the driver’s door and then closing it. Does anybody know what is...
  4. R

    Question about software updates

    My Model 3 received a software update a few weeks ago, so it is now running on 2020.32.3 and Teslascope and the software info page on the display screen indicate that my software is up-to-date. However, other Model 3s have gone from 2020.32.3 to 2020.32.5. And still others have gone to 2020.36...
  5. R

    How to protect a charging cable from every-day wear and tear

    My Tesla Wall Charger is mounted on the wall opposite my Model 3’s charging port. So I have a 24’ cable, and a large part of it lies on and gets dragged across my rough and gritty garage floor whenever I charge my car. I started to worry about wear and tear on the cable. The thought that I...
  6. R

    Pressing button on mobile charger doesn’t open charge door

    I used to have issues all the time using the wall charger’s connection point button to open my Model 3’s charging port. It would only work if I woke the car up first by opening and closing one of the doors. I had to jump through the same hoops again in order to use the button to unlock and...
  7. R

    2020.24.6.4 software update- SiriusXM?? How??

    It is hard to find mention of the SiriusXM improvements in the 2020.24.6.4 software update release notes. They are definitely there... but apparently only for Model S and Model X. Even though the Model 3 received an update with exactly the same number designation, it does NOT offer this feature...
  8. R

    2020.24.6.4 software update- SiriusXM?? How??

    After installing the latest software update (2020.24.6.4) on my M3, I was excited about the prospect of being able to stream SiriusXM, especially with all the trouble I am having with “Loading Error” issues on TuneIn. I have been unable to listen to MSNBC for this reason for weeks. While...
  9. R

    Roadside assistance for a flat tire?

    Getting ready to take my 2020 Model 3 on its first road trip, close to 1,000 miles. I have the tire “repair kit” and the Tesla compressor unit for tire inflation. But I’m wondering about the reliability of Tesla Roadside Assistance for dealing with a flat tire situation...? Would love to hear...
  10. R

    Audio menu bar no longer offers USB as an option

    I made a very dumb mistake when I tried to evaluate what might have gone wrong here. The problem was completely my fault and was the result of careless connection of wires in the dark and hard to see (without a flashlight) storage area at the front of the center console where the car’s USB ports...
  11. R

    Audio menu bar no longer offers USB as an option

    I tried the steps you listed - unplugging, resetting the computer, replugging - to no avail. It changed nothing. I do not have a USB option on my audio menu bar. Furthermore... I now have a “Phone” option. I don’t recall when it first appeared - I just noticed it today v. Hv
  12. R

    Audio menu bar no longer offers USB as an option

    I am running 2020.24.6.1 on my Model 3. I have a number of issues that revolve around the Audio System, but let me start with this one: where did “USB Music” go?? This no longer shows up on the audio menu bar as an option. I have a ton of personal music on a USB mini-HD that is plugged into...
  13. R

    TuneIn Login by scanning a QR code??

    I just installed Tesla’s software update 2020.24.6.1, with some nice improvements to the TuneIn app, according to release notes. I want to sync my iPhone TuneIn account with my Model 3 so that all the choices available on phone are also available in my car. I accomplish my iPhone login via my...
  14. R

    Unlock charge plug without opening door...THANK YOU

    I really like the new feature that allows you to park at home and walk away without locking the car. However... I have the “Stats” app installed on my iPhone. I like this app because it provides some interesting analysis and info. But, apparently this app also checks the car from time to time...