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  1. P

    Spotify Playlists - Force refresh? Or what?

    My Spotify has been displaying random playlists from my library in a totally different order from my phone app. It usually follows the phone/computer library perfectly...
  2. P

    Have you noticed Spotify being weird lately?

    My Spotify is acting strange as well for the last few days. It usually displays my playlists/albums in the order that they appear on my phone and computer, but now it's mixing everything up randomly on the display. I wish that the Tesla/Spotify app would work with folders, as on the...
  3. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    My M3 has yielded to adjacent cars' turn signals for many months before 11.4.9
  4. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    My 2022 Model 3 did this even with EAP, and did it yesterday with FSDb 11.3.6
  5. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I was on a work trip over the weekend and took a few Uber rides... It's interesting when you ride in a car with other drivers and see what their style of driving is. FSDb is smoother and safer than any of the drivers I had. I think that we are so used to our own driving styles that it's really...
  6. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    So...this may have been discussed before so please excuse me. If you're on 2023.12.xx w/ FSDb 11.3.6, you'll have to wait for FSDb to catch up to your version to get 11.4.x, right? There's no way your car will update from 2023.12.x to 2023.7.x, right?
  7. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Whose SOLAR do you have? I'm interested...thx!
  8. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    And how do you think the NHTSA would react to that?
  9. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    My hair is already grey and turning white as I teach my daughter to drive...and not on the Tesla.
  10. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Interesting...I'm still on 11.3.6 which performed admirably for the first week I had it (last week) but has been misbehaving quite a bit these last few days.
  11. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    After one week with 11.3.6, my main issues are: - would love to see the car stay closer to the left lane line, instead of centering between the line and parked cars - it's often way too close to parked cars, esp with the way some people swing open their doors w/o looking - drives too close to a...
  12. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I finally dl'd 2023.12.9 earlier this week hoping I'd be able to get FSDb, but the goal post was moved to 2023.12.10 which arrived this morning along with FSDb 11.3.6. A very impressive first drive...looking forward to more.
  13. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I have 2023.12.9 on my 2022 Model 3 LR. Today I subscribed to FSD, but the Beta tab is grayed out and says FSDb will be available in a future update. I thought that we were all caught up and that I'd be able to at least get 11.3.6. Any thoughts and/or facts would be appreciated...
  14. P

    Less Nag ?

    Yes, no nags for about the last month or two
  15. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yep, I keep refusing and turning wifi off when I park at home... I just wanted to see what was happening because I haven't been checking in here every day...it's futile and a waste of time to wade through all the complainers.
  16. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    My M3 is on 2023.2.12 It wants me to update to 2023.12.5.3 I want FSD(b) What should be my strategy at the moment?
  17. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Or you need at least 2 people AND/OR have ugly stickers on your bumpers...! That pisses me off...
  18. P

    FSD problem dealing with exit lanes

    Yes, EAP does the same thing...looking fwd to this fix.
  19. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

  20. P

    Solved*: AP, TACC, Auto Wipers & Lights

    I'm on 2023.2.12 and I haven't had any lane ping-pong or PB at all on my M3 LR EAP. Make sure your cameras are clean and calibrated...but I know what you mean re: regressions. They can be so disappointing.
  21. P

    Enhanced Autopilot Quirks

    You'll get used to #1...I agree, but you will learn to trust the car and it takes a while. In the meantime, set your follow distance to 7 and see how that works for you. You can always use the scroll wheel to decelerate when seeing brake lights up ahead, or disengage if that feels safer. It's...
  22. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Human drivers are mostly crap esp here in SoCal...it used to be so civil, drivers would kindly let you in on a merge or other move, but now 40 years later it's a free-for-all. Follow distances are one car length at 75mph...and driving 50mph in a 35 zone on city streets, and mad because I'm doing...
  23. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I think there is a special version of the software that allows hands-off...a few employees and influencers have this, and my guess is a few other tweaks.
  24. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Some people have lives is my guess...
  25. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    It's still a good metric...
  26. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I've seen this in my neighborhood in the last month...
  27. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    That's absolutely insane...traffic here in SoCal is ridiculous but I don't ever see people running red lights.
  28. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I think that if there were no speed limits, it would be chaos out there. It would be a total free-for-all. It would be taken as a license to drive however and whatever.
  29. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    Yeah, me too... But living in SoCal (as you do as well, Dewg) it always amazes me at the speed driven on the freeways and the general nature of driving skills (or non-skills). My theory is that there are a huge amount of drivers who were raised on video games and take that experience out on the...
  30. P

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I like it in stop and go traffic, but in heavy traffic on the 10 or 134 there are usually so many tailgaters who are pissed off that you're not doing 75, it gets brutal. I took a trip to San Diego last weekend and though the traffic was heavy, I used NoA quite a bit, just disengaging when others...
  31. P

    FSD 11.3.2 on the Highway

    I'm not on FSD yet, but when I'm on NoA here in So Cal, it wants to get into an exit lane or interchange lane way way ahead of time. Traffic is usually so intensely heavy that it can be a long time before any space opens up at all to make the lane change. And that applies to when I'm driving...
  32. P

    Energy usage while parked [with sentry mode on]

    For me, it's been 1 mph loss if Sentry Mode is on. I use it only for short 1 hour absences ie grocery store, yoga class, etc.
  33. P

    Good Vid for Showing FSDb to Curious Friend?

    Thank you for the AI Drvr video. I've never run across them before... Is there a reason Whole Mars Catalog wasn't mentioned? Just curious...
  34. P

    Autopilot slowing when passing trucks on highways

    For me, with my only other experience being BMWs for the last 20 years, the adaptive cruise control IS much better in user experience and the car is a joy to drive. I paid $6k in order to have Auto Lane Change and NoA, and maybe parking. My car, and I understand that it's not everyone else's...
  35. P

    Autopilot slowing when passing trucks on highways

    In general, I think that if a car doesn't make you comfortable with a certain part of it, just don't use it. There will never be a perfect car for everyone who expects or needs certain behavior in every type of situation. I had BMWs for years before my Tesla, and the cruise control and other...
  36. P

    basic autopilot: a bit disappointed

    AP keeps the car perfectly centered in the lane, but most drivers favor the left side of the lane. We sit on that side of the car (in the US) and that's a natural tendency. I wonder if UK drivers feel that it's biased toward the right? I'm used to it now and it feels perfectly natural, but I...
  37. P

    Autopilot slowing when passing trucks on highways

    Curious if it's "common safety" in the EU to drive at 87mph?
  38. P

    basic autopilot: a bit disappointed

    Sorry, I deleted my original reply. I didn't want you to think I was dissing you in any way, when in actuality we basically agree.
  39. P

    basic autopilot: a bit disappointed

    Exactly... EAP Auto Lane Change works perfectly...it's a joy to use. If you read their reports, you could see that they don't get it...
  40. P

    Poor Model Y Tesla Vison Experience

    Sorry, wasn't talking about PB...
  41. P

    Poor Model Y Tesla Vison Experience

    I don't think it's a bug... I just know that when I see red lights piling up in front of me at 65-70mph, I start letting go of the throttle and use my judgement. AP doesn't seem to do that and I get a bit antsy. It's never NOT done what it's supposed to do, but for peace of mind I'd like a...
  42. P

    Poor Model Y Tesla Vison Experience

    I'd like an increased following distance as well, plus a quicker reaction to stopped or slowed highway traffic, but I've learned how to manage. Here in So California, drivers follow 1 or 2 car lengths behind at 65-75 mph. It's ridiculous...and although EAP is excellent, it's the main reason I...
  43. P

    Poor Model Y Tesla Vison Experience

    Exactly what I meant. There's too much misnaming of these features here on TMC and it's confusing to new owners and prospective buyers.
  44. P

    Poor Model Y Tesla Vison Experience

    EAP does this NOT "Basic FSD"
  45. P

    Why are TACC, AP (and ?FSD) so bad?

    If they're not smart enough to read the manual or do a tiny bit of research or ask someone, they shouldn't be driving at all. Does our whole world always have to be skewed to the lowest common denominator?
  46. P

    Why are TACC, AP (and ?FSD) so bad?

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but FCW is a warning only with red flashing and audio beeping. It doesn't apply braking...emergency braking does that but only at the last second to minimize impact. I've had the FCW warning several times when the car sees that no braking has been applied (regen...
  47. P

    Tesla slams into stationary fire truck. Driver killed. Police say “unclear” if AP/FSD at fault.

    I don't think there has been an occurrence where this has happened, a Cujo event. Are you worried about that?
  48. P

    Tesla cofounder says FSD is “Crap”

    "So, keep in mind that all this FSD autonomous, autopilot crap — none of that existed when I was there," he said. He said he doesn't like the idea of a software based car. He didn't criticize FSD and autopilot...he said the idea of FSD/Autopilot is crap. There's a big difference...he's not a fan...
  49. P

    Tesla Begrudgingly “Recalls” FSD Beta for NHTSA

    I think that some of YouTubers have definitely pointed out the fixes that are needed and do so continuously...unprotected lefts, lane selection, turning issues, late and phantom braking, etc
  50. P

    Tesla Begrudgingly “Recalls” FSD Beta for NHTSA

    First smile on here all day, thank you!