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  1. K

    Full Size Spare Tire - everything I learned after 3 months of research

    Thanks, my bad. I ended up here from an external search and forgot to confirm.
  2. K

    Full Size Spare Tire - everything I learned after 3 months of research

    Thanks for the links. Unfortunately I'm looking for an MX spare, which I think is bigger than the M3.
  3. K

    Full Size Spare Tire - everything I learned after 3 months of research

    Late to the party... but I'm looking into this myself now. We have had 5 flats in the past 2 years in our EVs, 2 of which required a tow and a multi-day wait for a replacement tyre. Both of these really screwed up the respective trips, and fortunately the other holes could be fixed with goo. Bad...
  4. K

    Car unlocked and door opened by itself

    Ghosts that can operate in 315MHz range (like the key fob) :)
  5. K

    FWDs have a mind of their own: Opening and closing at their leisure and at all hours.

    I've just had this happen (noted it here) and it definitely wasn't the FOB because at the time the door opened, the FOB was sitting on my desk at work. It wasn't in my pocket, and I was a long way from the car. I've got sentry video from the event, and there was no-one nearby. I've got old...
  6. K

    Car unlocked and door opened by itself

    I have sent a query to the local service team. Since my car is already booked for some work... hopefully they can investigate. Cheers.
  7. K

    Car unlocked and door opened by itself

    I was sitting in my office at work this evening when I received a notification from the tesla app that I had left the door on my MX open. That was weird since I had been at work all day. It was definitely not me opening the door since I was in my office a long way from the car, and the key...
  8. K

    FSD H/W Update - a little underwhelming

    One further thing on the traffic lights... Last night I was sitting at the lights with 3 red lights clearly visible, and visible on my display. One of the lights also had a red arrow. When that arrow turned green, *all* the lights on my dash turned green and the "bong" sounded. Lucky I wasn't...
  9. K

    FSD H/W Update - a little underwhelming

    Heres stop/start: (click). Apparently I need to upgrade the MCU as well for it to work right (I have an early 2017 MX).
  10. K

    FSD H/W Update - a little underwhelming

    Hi I've recently received the FSD H/W update for my MX. It seems a little underwhelming: It has added sentry mode recording, but the recording is useless because the video is stop/start (this apparently requires the MCU update to work properly). There are many examples of this online if you...
  11. K

    Is your dashcam video as bad as mine?

    Thanks for that. This seems quite different to my experience. My Infotainment seems identical to before the upgrade - perhaps its a little slower routing but otherwise just fine. However the TeslaCam is quite unusable. (I should have mentioned that I am looking at the video recorded by...
  12. K

    Is your dashcam video as bad as mine?

    I have only upgraded the Autopilot computer. If the MCU is also required for TeslaCam to work, did they make a mistake to enable it after the FSD upgrade? Thx. P
  13. K

    Is your dashcam video as bad as mine?

    The media isn't showing above, at least for me. Here's a link: Bad teslacam video
  14. K

    Is your dashcam video as bad as mine?

    Hi, I have a 2017 MX. Way back, when FSD was offered for a low price, I jumped on it and have been waiting for the last few years for the h/w upgrade to become available. I have just had my FSD upgrade completed. One of the features that appeared after the upgrade was TeslaCam. I appreciate...
  15. K

    New Owner Pending: Battery Inquiry

    Here's my personal experience: As everyone has said... filling at home is much nicer than going to a gas station. Once or twice a week I plug in, and in the morning I come out to a full car. I spend *less* time filling the car than when I had an ICE, even though I might do it more often. Some...
  16. K

    Superchargers capped at 80% in some locations

    Sure hope that doesn't happen down our way. The superchargers heading south of me are spaced at: 278km (Auckland to Taupo) and 251km (Taupo to Palmerston North). 80% wont be enough in an MX75 Fortunately there are plenty of Chademo chargers around.
  17. K

    Seriously Tesla, TACC sucks now

    TACC seems to alternate between grandma acceleration from the lights, and "cruise, cruise, OMG SLOW DOWN NOW!, cruise cruise, ....". Not to mention the ever-present hard braking just to keep the people behind you on their toes. TACC has become pretty uncomfortable for any passengers in the car...
  18. K

    Driver door not opening as wide as passenger door

    I do the Xmas show pretty regularly because I often attend the EV display at car shows, and also are frequently asked when kids are riding in the car. I've noticed that recently the driver door is not opening as far as the passenger door, making the car look lopsided during the show. Is this a...
  19. K

    Driver door not opening as wide as passenger door

    [Invalid post. Sorry]
  20. K

    Supercharging speed throttled? [RESOLVED: not really]

    Yeah, we've got some "superchargers" here that are permanently limited. I think its more about power available to the region. (I'm looking at you Taupo with your wimpy 84kW)
  21. K

    Sudden slowing on AP at highway speed

    Sudden braking provides all the excitement I could ever want.
  22. K

    Gentle weaving on autopilot

    Mike, I didn't mention, but the wife's trip (which was the same day we got back) was just her with no luggage or passengers. The weaving happened then. I keep my tyres 2 psi high for better economy (42 vs 40), so I am pretty sure the weaving wasn't low pressure. Thx for the ideas.
  23. K

    Sudden slowing on AP at highway speed

    I still get phantom braking... although the causes do seem to be changing over time as AP develops. Braking used to happen often under bridges (shadows), but that hasn't happened for a long time. Braking used to happen on empty roads and in busy traffic during the day, and it still does that...
  24. K

    Gentle weaving on autopilot

    I've had 42.2 for a while, but this was my first long trip with it - so the first chance to use AP for long. Perhaps it was a calibration issue that will sort itself out. I sure do hope so. Of note - my wife went on another longish trip (120km) the same day we returned from our long trip and it...
  25. K

    Gentle weaving on autopilot

    Recently I did a longish trip and tried to use the AP on the motorway portions. I had a car full of people (6 - its an MX) plus luggage. I found that on very often on both straight and curved sections, the car seemed to start doing a slow, gentle weaving. The steering wheel barely moved left...
  26. K

    I think my V9 AP had a bad day

    On 42.2... On my way in to work this morning, the AP had a few issues: Driving along a 2 lane road with a motorcycle ahead of me but in the next lane over. It would disappear and reappear on my display every few seconds, like the car couldn't keep track of it. Driving up to a set of lights, the...
  27. K

    Tunein is still a piece of crap in V9.

    It's terrible to hear that others are struggling with the same problems. I'll file more bugs with Tesla on TuneIn and refer to this thread (for what its worth). Thanks for the feedback.
  28. K

    Tunein is still a piece of crap in V9.

    Tunein is the Tesla software to connect to Podcasts provided by tunein.com. It was developed by Tesla and not by Tunein (I checked before making bug reports). TLDR is: it's crap. I filed quite a few bug reports on it in V8. While its got a pretty new face in V9, all the core bugs that render...
  29. K

    Where do you keep your foot?

    Will do. Sadly (for me) my wife is taking the MX away for a weekend trip. I'm relegated to the Leaf. :(.
  30. K

    Where do you keep your foot?

    @Aljohn, I'll try reducing the gap. For me, phantom braking is relatively rare - maybe once or twice every couple of weeks when I'm doing more motorway/long distance driving (my normal commute is via back streets and I can't use AP at all). But it does happen on straight divided motorways and...
  31. K

    Where do you keep your foot?

    @kavyboy I've driven AP1 - I envy your smoothness and predicability. It felt like places AP1 failed, it would do so more gracefully. @animorph I'm beginning to think you are right. I've normally left my foot on the ground in front of the accelerator (most comfortable) - and when braking hits, I...
  32. K

    Where do you keep your foot?

    You are lucky to never have "phantom braking" as it is known. The car suddenly decelerates hard in the middle of flowing traffic, in this case on a dead straight piece of road. That creates some excitement and consternation from the cars behind you :-) Rapidly hitting the accelerator is...
  33. K

    Where do you keep your foot?

    On a long drive over the weekend I had yet another case of phantom braking. It was in reasonably busy but fast traffic on a main (multi-lane) motorway. I had to hit the throttle quickly because of the cars close behind. This is V9 - 42.2 BTW. I'm pretty sure it was braking and not just slowing...
  34. K

    Configuring your Tesla for a show

    Nice! For anyone else who's interested, I found them on Amazon for $30.
  35. K

    Configuring your Tesla for a show

    @Tam That faraday cage would be really useful as a place to leave your keys in the evening - given all the instances of key relays being used to steal cars. If use a cage at the event, I'd have to remember to turn off walk-away locking of the doors.
  36. K

    Configuring your Tesla for a show

    @Tam - CCS type 2 (combo Mennekes) and Chademo are the main fast charging connectors here, and (as in Australia and Europe) the Tesla cars and superchargers all use Mennekes (normal, not combo). I could leave my Mennekes to Chademo connector plugged in. Be nice if it locked in place. It's a...
  37. K

    Configuring your Tesla for a show

    All, I occasionally attend EV events, bringing along my Tesla for people to look at, sit in, and occasionally I take them for rides. I've never let anyone else drive it yet. There's always concerns doing this - will anyone "accidentally" put it in drive, children opening and shutting the...
  38. K

    X75D full charge miles

    Thanks for the numbers. Mine does seem a little low. Its one of the models that has an 85kWh battery, software locked to 75 (I think they were getting rid of the 85 batteries at the time). I wonder if the s/w lock is a little off.
  39. K

    X75D full charge miles

    @travwill So your 86kWh pack gets 240+miles (after a year or two), and the above list of used MX75s are getting 240 (ish). Is that right? Am I missing something here that these numbers seem a little off? Is it rated vs real world?
  40. K

    X75D full charge miles

    Grumble grumble. I have an early 2017 X 75D with 27k kms, and I have always got 330km at 100% (or 205 miles), and has lost a couple of kms from there. Mine has always had a much shorter range than what others are showing. I always charge to 80%, except for relatively rare trips.
  41. K

    Tricks to Maximizing Power/Acceleration?

    Voltage drops with charge so a high SoC will help. Lithium batteries have a relatively gentle drop-off between 90% down to 10-40% (depending on load). So a very full charge will help.
  42. K

    EAP - How Often Do you "take over" ?

    All the time, even on the motorway. The car does not have good lane placement based on conditions - it does not take into account large trucks next to you a barrier very close to the lane being in the far left or far right lane In all of this situations, normal drivers will change their...
  43. K

    16 days Model X storage - no charger

    [This is a copy of what I've posted before] I have an MX75 and a while ago went on a long (3.5 week) business trip. I parked my car in a parking building and walked away (I didn't change any settings). Here is the graph of vampiric energy drain. Vampiric Drain As you can see - energy dropped...
  44. K

    Scheduled charging failed!

    When I'm staying at the beach house, I charge at 10A/240V/8km/hr all the time - it takes nearly 2 days to fill the tank. I checked with the local SC and they said the main cause of degradation is heat, and there is very little heat generated from slow charging. As was noted above - slow...
  45. K

    How much will the battery drain?

    @bob_p You are probably right - settings changes might help. I'm keen to try that on my next long trip (assuming my wife lets me store the car - she's kinda keen on driving it when I'm not using it :)). I didn't check the car for the first week either - but there was still more drain early on...
  46. K

    Adaptive headlights finally working?

    I have never been able to tell they were working before... so I assumed it was subtle and I didn't notice. I'm on .32.<something>. I look forward to .34 to see if it works.
  47. K

    How much will the battery drain?

    I have an MX75 and a while ago went on a long (3.5 week) business trip. I parked my car in a parking building and walked away (I didn't change any settings). Here is the graph of vampiric energy drain. Vampiric Drain As you can see - energy dropped more quickly for the first week, then the car...
  48. K

    What to do at supercharging stations?

    On long trips - get the kids out of the car and running around before they go crazy. Usually they want food too. In the city - Auckland's brand new superchargers come with a 24x7 lounge provided by Tesla, with nice loos, good coffee (free) and somewhere to sit and work.
  49. K

    Battery impact of very low power charging

    Hey @Rocky_H, @mtndrew1 Thanks for the feedback. It is temporary, so its not going to matter I'm guessing. Talked to the local tesla service people for their opinion, and their line is that heat is the enemy, and slow charging will not build up any heat. I think that lines up with both of your...
  50. K

    Supercharging: multiple charging speed restriction?

    That does seem strange. You supercharged just before 12. I’m going to guess it took ½ an hour. So you drove from 12:30 to 5:30 with 2 x 1 hour breaks. So that’s about 3 hours driving with long breaks. It seems unusual that the cars’ TMS couldn’t keep up. 22-26 sounds balmy for the UK, but its...