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1 click away from ordering model Y

To buy it not buy !

  • Stop procrastinating - order it now !

    Votes: 53 60.9%
  • Hold out a bit longer

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • Treat yourself, red paint, white seats and autopilot !!

    Votes: 25 28.7%

  • Total voters
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Hello all,

What a great forum.

I’m hoping for pearls of wisdom and some insight.

I’m one click away from ordering the model Y - I’m in the U.K. so costs are quite considerable compared to US prices for example I believe. This is one reason why I’ve not ordered yet - with the red paint and the white interior it’s almost £60,000.

I realise I could have standard white paint and black interior and it would save me £3,200 but base price of £55,000 the extra £3,200 to choose the spec I’d like seems insignificant.

Am I right in thinking if I’d like to add enhanced autopilot I can add this later ?

Model 3 was discounted as I have mobility issues and need a vehicle that’s easier to get in and out of and I found the model 3 a bit low.

I tend to keep my cars for 5-6 years on average so I want to get it right as it’s a considerable expense.

This will be a switch from Mercedes C class coupe to my first EV so it’s a mixture of excitement and the unknown !

Any personal experience and insights -
Encouragements or reasons to hold off buying would be very welcome.

Thank you all 🙏🏽
Most of the UK customers (from the excel) has EAP added as the part of initial order, which is useful in case you are using financing. If its cash purchase, then you could add EAP (£3400) through the console software update. Although EAP has got better than every , I am not sure. In fact , I remeoved EAP from my model. BTW - Mine is the vanialla MYLR (white /black)
You got some really great advise - car color can be very important or in ice car you take what’s on the lot - when I ordered my M3 I refused to pay for any xtra - finally the ugly aero wheels started to bother me so I gave in and added the 19 “ sport wheels - I’m not a fan of the blue grey but it’s included and different /. You will spend on accessories also as Tesla cars seem to become “a hobby” Alan g
I, like the others, doubt that pricing will improve any time soon, if ever. I see 2024 as when the competition gets meaningful, and Tesla already has a fat order pipeline to weather the recession fear.

But...if one is looking to buy a LR, put in the order and the $250 order fee. It's not refundable, but if there is a marked drop in pricing or sales promotion, it will be for thousands. Take the small loss and go back to the end of the line, or to that alternative brand. This strategy won't work for the P where delivery can be expected shortly, but fine for anything with a 2023 delivery date. $250 is a cheap hedge.

Back in early Feb, I put a (refundable) deposit on the Rivian and then the $250 order on the Tesla while I continued to examine the options. It was obvious by the end of the month that it was the Y or nothing (meeting my requirements) in 2022.
I ordered my LR Model S in February 2021, and finally got it in October 2021. During that time frame, the price had gone up, so I encourage those people who want a Tesla to pull the trigger and order it now. Recession or not, the car is not going to get cheaper.
Finally she is here !!! Opted for the MYP in the end due to the price reduction.

Best choice ever !


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