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2023 Model Y Unacceptable Build Quality and Issues Feb 20223

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We just had to leave the dealership because the new vehicle model Y was non operational ( Dead like brick) during the delivery inspection process and had scratches on the front windshield ( it was advised that Tesla will replace it). We ended up without picking up the car today. Tech was working in parking lot and trying to save dying Tesla . Also, it was not a good experience at the time of delivery. The delivery check in representative was in too much rush to make us sign and accept delivery without us inspecting the car. We had asked him if we could inspect the car before signing those documents and we felt like he wasn't happy about it.
They have reschedule delivery in march first week, let's see what happen.
Any one please let me know hoe can i find out headlight if matrix or not from VIN #


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That's a pretty horrible delivery day experience. Thanks for sharing though.

I think we all need to be insisting on exterior, interior, and on the lot functional inspections before signing for acceptance. I used to do pre-purchase inspections of business jets and airliners in the 15-50 million USD price range for a living. We had checklists a mile long of things to inspect, test, shakedown, etc. Even after manufacturer testing for 20-40 flight hours, and maybe half a dozen test hops, there were still things that weren't quite right. Different price class and market than cars, I know, but the principle is the same. You don't know what you are signing for until you've seen it with your own eyes. The idea that some Tesla locations are trying to force people to sign before ensuring that they are getting what they paid for is pretty abhorrent to me. Customers should not be accepting this BS!

Tesla needs to set the policy companywide that you get to sit in and inspect your interior before delivery. Or set a no questions asked 100% refund return policy for X days and Y miles would work too. But belligerently bullying people into signing for acceptance with no opportunity to inspect and test needs to go away right now.
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I wish they would do more inspections prior to delivery as well. It takes the excitement away from new car purchases. Would be an easy customer “satisfyer”.

At lease fix the blatant issues. Dealerships “usually” do that.

For comparison:

“Damage to new vehicles prior to delivery is relatively common and usually minor. Even when damage is significant, it’s almost never disclosed because sellers don’t want to “spook” potential buyers or open the door to further discounting. In Ontario, the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act requires a dealer to disclose damage in excess of $3,000 or when two adjacent body panels have been replaced; failure to do so opens the door to reversing the sale within the first 90 days using a rescission remedy.

Michael Turk, the APA’s legal counsel for Ontario, says that when it comes to damage below the $3,000 threshold, the question to ask is, “Is it material?” For a brand new vehicle, it’s reasonable for consumer expectation to be higher. Replacing a bumper and tail light on a brand new vehicle and painting a mirror, even if done properly, is material information a buyer would want to know.”

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The fact this nonsense is *still* going on over two years since the Model Y rollout tells us what a joke Tesla's build quality is. They've made no real progress on tuning up their production line. Build quality, fit, and finish remain, in the words of one well-known reviewer, "abysmal."

I still get irritated thinking what an absolute disaster my own pick-up attempt was over two years ago here in Northern Virginia, with interior parts literally hanging loose inside the vehicle and massive, almost comical panel gaps and misalignments all over. There wasn't a single piece of exterior trim or metal panels that didn't nee significant adjusting. It took them a week with the car just to handle the obvious stuff. Five more service center visits over the course of the next few months to find and fix everything. Even now, over two years later, I still sometimes find some obvious mistake and make mobile service appointments to address trim falling off or loose.

My Volvo XC40 is an order of magnitude nicer, with muuuuuch better build quality and interior features than my Model Y, and is less expensive as well.

Even the *Kia EV6* -- which I do NOT own, to be clear -- seems magnificent and much more solidly made than the Tesla, based on a test drive I did recently. I looked at the handful they had on the lot, and they were all just rock-solid....no panel gaps, no scratches, clean, no obvious mis-assembled parts.

As Tesla's EV market share in the U.S. continues to slowly drop, I think they'll reach a tipping point. The fact they're distracted with the ridiculous "Cybertruck" means they won't focus on the real needs here.
Sooooo, from your posts you just got your vin number at 6:30am this morning and at 6:52 you claim you refused delivery of a vehicle while also asking how to decode the vin to see if it has LCD headlights. Why does this post seem Overly far fetched……….
Sooooo, from your posts you just got your vin number at 6:30am this morning and at 6:52 you claim you refused delivery of a vehicle while also asking how to decode the vin to see if it has LCD headlights. Why does this post seem Overly far fetched……….
This report is his first VIN and rejected delivery. His post this morning is his 2nd (new) VIN he received.