When I had a Delorean, everyone thought they were cool. Owning one wasn't a sign of being rich (but it should have been - don't get me started on maintenance).
Just curious - has anyone been the butt of jokes, insults or other such behavior for owning a Model S? Owning a Lambo, for example, gets both admiration and outright jealousy. Some folks might even try to damage an expensive car because they don't have one (I'm not talking about theft).
Any Tesla owners starting to get the "rich old jerk" comments?
Just curious - has anyone been the butt of jokes, insults or other such behavior for owning a Model S? Owning a Lambo, for example, gets both admiration and outright jealousy. Some folks might even try to damage an expensive car because they don't have one (I'm not talking about theft).
Any Tesla owners starting to get the "rich old jerk" comments?