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Anyone Have a HPWC Low Profile Bracket They

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Colorado, USA
Edit: Title should read: "Anyone Have a HPWC Low Profile Bracket They're Not Using" but the enter button is right next to the quotation mark key and apparently 1) hitting enter submits a thread (lame) and 2) you can't edit the thread title even moments after posting the thread. Hella lame.

Does anyone have the low-profile wall mount from their HPWC Gen 2 they're not using? If anyone had an HPWC installed and they have the little metal low profile bracket that came with them that they're not using I can put it to use. The part I'm looking for is pictured (screws too if possible) Hoping I can p/u today in the Northern Colorado area so let me know as soon as possible. If nothing local willing to cover shipping of course.


HPWC Low Pro.jpg