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Autopilot & Autonomous/FSD forum needs a moderator

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As far as I know, the Autopilot & Autonomous/FSD forum currently doesn't have a moderator. If there is a mod out there who would volunteer to add the forum to their duties, that would be fantastic. Thankfully, the forum is relatively small so the moderating workload would be relatively small. I would be grateful to any mod who is willing to take this on.
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No we dont. Theres already a moderator. This is another one of your concerted effort to become a mod or have a mod dictate the conversation to your favor, have control and push your articles. After you didnt have your way the last time you created your own forum and tried to advertise it here and get people to go there. A mod stopped you.

Your forum clearly hasn't worked out, so now you're back. Again pushing your 'thesis'. Posting threads after threads that basically repeats your same talking points over and over again.

What makes you important? Why do we have to listen to you?

You tried it here before it failed.
Then you tried to get ppl banned in /r/selfdrivingcars, it failed. Bro give it a rest.
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I would be grateful to any mod who is willing to take this on.

Yes! This forum contains ideas and opinions that are contrary to the clear truth that “more data solves everything lol.” I mean, just look at how ImageNet performance scales with more training data! It’s clear as day that self-driving is just like ImageNet, so we have to stamp these contrary opinions out. Personally, I would love it if every thread in this forum has the @Trent Eady icon on it. That way, we will get only the best and most complete view of the AV space.
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Also it’s so thrilling to see that @Trent Eady has really taken the Baidu paper I showed him ten months ago to heart! :) He actually includes it in all his articles now, because it is so scholarly. It’s okay that he cherry-picks one figure from it and ignores the rest! That’s how you do science, bro! Line up all the evidence you can, and then make $$ on SeekingAlpha! Fist bump from a fellow scientist!
I could swear just earlier today some moderator moved multiple threads together that had to do with the CT accident.

Or maybe I'm just seeing things. In any case I don't mind light moderation like that, and other clean up stuff.

But, I don't agree with any heavy handed moderation. We haven't killed each other yet, and it's usually the usual suspects so I don't see any need to change things up.

Or we could try an automated moderator. That would be umm, interesting.
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Moderator note: There are multiple eyes on the reports for this forum as of recently. Nobody is specifically assigned but more mods are looking at and handling them.

Thank you for this information! Glad to hear it!

And yes the mods are doing their job.... I know because I got spanked a few months ago and put in time out.

For a post on the Autopilot & Autonomous/FSD subforum?
Hey mods — you get to make a choice today about one of the most prolific crackpots ever to post here.

@Trent Eady fulfills every part of the crackpot rubric:

- He has an overarching “thesis” that he pushes with every post. The thesis is tenuous, reductive, simplistic, and almost universally criticized.

- He has written a disturbingly large corpus of hundreds of articles, all stating essentially the same things. He constantly inserts links to these articles into everything he posts.

- He does not have any education or professional experience in his chosen field, but desires or demands to be seen as an expert.

- He leaves the forum in tantrums, comes back, then blitzes the forum with pages and pages of repetitive content.

- He constantly appeals to the moderators to protect him — to enable him.

- He clearly craves an audience more than any real conversation. If he had his druthers, no one would ever be allowed to challenge his views.

I ran a physics forum with 10M daily views for many years, and it was constantly besieged by crackpots who craved the legitimacy of being seen on our site. @Trent Eady is a classic crackpot. You get to decide today to side with the crackpots, or to side with healthy and interesting discussion.
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