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Best Way To Organize Music on USB stick?

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Hi everyone,

So I pick up my 70D this Friday. I am currently in the process of organizing my music collection on USB (given that the Model S doesn't recognise iPod)

So, for Instance:

Take an Album: Now That's What I Call Music! 85. Comes with 2 discs and is Various Artists.

I set up a Folder called: Now That's What I Call Music! 85

Then under that folder, I start each song with the number "01 Get Lucky" (and then I make sure that the 1st song of CD2 starts with a number after the last number of the song on CD1) But there is no artist name on the file in question - that would be too much of a pain to do for my entire music collection.

Will the system figure it out the name of the artist by the name of the song and the album its in?

I get my Model S in 5 days and I am trying to sort out my files on the USB in the best possible way.

Also each folder is just the Album name (don't necessarily include artist name), should I change that?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Music placed on the USB flash drive is searched by the Tesla software and is usually sorted alphabetically (artist/track) and you are forced to use the "random" function to play the tracks.
I notice that the random playlist is not very accurate and keeps playing few of the same songs again and again each time you get into the car. If anyone wants to preserve the sequence of your playlists from your music collection, please download a program called "Amok Playlist Copy" and see the tutorial below with images:
1. Download the virus free software from AmoK Playlist Copy 2.06 | Download (Official Website). I used the installer instead of zip version and once you finish installation, open the program.
2. Pick any size USB flash drive and format it to FAT 32. Then create a bunch of music folders on the flash drive to mimic your home music playlists.
3. Drag each playlist at a time to the Amok interface and then click on "copy/save" then choose the option "to number serially (No Playlist)". Then choose the flash drive sub-folder you want the music copied to.
4. Click "playlist options" and then choose "delete playlist" (it will just remove them from the program but NOT from your PC). Repeat the same process for all your playlists.
It takes a while for the first time, but you will be able to keep the playlist order while playing the music in Tesla. This program is very fast and is compatible with FLAC and WAV/MP3 formats.



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