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Congestion charge 'discount' removal

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I guess this comes as no surprise following on from EV's being subject to 'car tax' next year....

The motorist continues to be a repeatable 'spankable' object 🙄
Another government backed scam to steal money from the pocket of the driver!

We are just a cash cow. I wish everyone refused to pay it and there would then be nothing they could do but sadly the iron fist of stealing money continues.

There is zero reason for EVs to be exempt from a congestion charge anyway, they cause exactly the same amount of congestion as ICE cars and the charge is very effective in preventing unnecessary driving in the city. Nobody in their right mind drives in to central London anyway unless unavoidable.

The only reason the discount ever existed was as a carrot to encourage more people to buy electric, which kinda made sense when EVs were mostly Nissan Leaf or Renault Twizzy sized things and there weren’t many of them anyway.
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