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CPO Model 3 Performance vs Model S 2019 lifetime Supercharger similar cost

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I have seen and read a lot of posts about buying a new M3 over a pre owned Model S, but I am now in the market for a Tesla and having some doubts.


I am in Europe, new Tesla M3 LR or Performance doen't apply for tax credits anymore due to price.


- CPO M3 Performance from Tesla is €55k with 30,000miles. A new model is €74K

- Preowned Tesla Model S 75D 2019 with lifetime free Supercharger and similar mileage go for $60k

- Tesla Model S 100D Long Range 2019 also lifetime supercharger for €65K.

What should I be looking at to make a decision here? I have test drove both, and prefer the feel of de Model S, but my gut tells me there might be more to the decision, and would love to hear thoughts and advice.
I use to have a 2014 Model S performance
toward the end of the warranty everything went wrong
then went to a performance model 3
that had great instant performance but lots of creaks and with my age not so easy to transport stuff
and get in and out
Im now with the Model Y
Sold the three for more than i bought it for, and got in a new Y for pretty much nothing
If you dont want to worry about taking your car in for service go with the newer model 3 and Y
If you are cool with lots of issues, then the older model S is great
Free supercharging is great when you can use it
But waking up to a full charge at home is better
Either way make sure you can use the car as you need it
Im real happy with the Y Miss the 3 performance
and remember the model S