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Cyber(nota)truck even more Not a truck than I first thought

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I have a harder time believing getting into the 11's in the quarter.
Isn't that a 7000+lb vehicle? My nephew has a 18? Raptor and it is not anywhere near that.
Well, we all know they staged that fake 1/4 mile CT vs stock 911 run…. And the “charlatan” used that as a main point in his bizarre delivery event speech. How many times did he call the CT a “car” and the vault a “trunk”?!
I’m not asking you to be politically correct or mealy-mouthed. I’m not asking you to not call it like you see it. But there’s absolutely no reason to use such ‘nicknames’ for anyone’s benefit.

Your previous post was just fine until your last sentence about Ketamine and THC. Entirely unnecessary and uncalled for. You have zero evidence and it’s trash talk at best.

Come on. His comments, views, interviews and whatnot have become most bizarre in the past couple of years. How about that “GFY” rant/interview? You object to my use of nicknames, but condone his behavior? Please…

The guy has become “unhinged,” for some reason. Ketamine and pot use are facts, as I believe Elon himself has said he uses Ketamine for some reason that I don’t recall. We also have those “images” of pot smoking that even troubled the Tesla board, back in the day. Also, when I mentioned those two substances (as possible reasons), I also said I didn’t know, specifically. Added the 🤷‍♂️ for good measure, but you missed or ignored all of that. We can agree to disagree - fine. I don’t need your parental tone and judgement, however.
"If the CT is so awful as you believe then they will not sell very many and Tesla will design a more traditional pickup as publicly stated by Elon years ago. So just wait for that to happen."

You really don't believe the masses are rational and intelligent? You can't be a cat person and believe that.
Fools and their money....
The value and function of a vehicle's sales have more often than not been separated from the number sold. Boys will buy toys.
Money is the most important thing to the vast majority of people. It provides them shelter, food, status and stuff. You don’t fit into that category given what I know of how you live your life, but it exists nonetheless.

You are correct that this vehicle may be viewed as a boy toy. If that’s the case, what do you actually care? It simply means Tesla will sell a lot, make a bunch of money, and turn that money into yet another revenue stream down the road. That’s a win.

I assure you, whether you view me as a fool or not, I will utilize my CT everyday in a variety of ways AND I will enjoy every second while not polluting my mountain air.
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Money is the most important thing to the vast majority of people. It provides them shelter, food, status and stuff. You don’t fit into that category given what I know of how you live your life, but it exists nonetheless.

You are correct that this vehicle may be viewed as a boy toy. If that’s the case, what do you actually care? It simply means Tesla will sell a lot, make a bunch of money, and turn that money into yet another revenue stream down the road. That’s a win.

I assure you, whether you view me as a fool or not, I will utilize my CT everyday in a variety of ways AND I will enjoy every second while not polluting my mountain air.
Enjoy - To each!
I tried other ways. But not with any real conviction. I am a realist. There have to be a bunch of fools from various sources writing to Tesla to get them to do what they want for a myriad of reasons.
So I can try and pitch a fit, and go against the grain on a Tesla fanboy site hoping one of the geeks at Tesla actually quits putting avocado on his gluten-free bagel when he reads me.
Tesla does what Tesla thinks is best for the company regardless of what you or anyone else thinks. If customers make suggestions that Tesla thinks are good, needed, viable, appropriate etc… then Tesla listens. I’m quite positive, though, that CT came from the minds of Elon, Franz and the like. Not from random sources writing to them.
Come on. His comments, views, interviews and whatnot have become most bizarre in the past couple of years. How about that “GFY” rant/interview? You object to my use of nicknames, but condone his behavior? Please…

The guy has become “unhinged,” for some reason. Ketamine and pot use are facts, as I believe Elon himself has said he uses Ketamine for some reason that I don’t recall. We also have those “images” of pot smoking that even troubled the Tesla board, back in the day. Also, when I mentioned those two substances (as possible reasons), I also said I didn’t know, specifically. Added the 🤷‍♂️ for good measure, but you missed or ignored all of that. We can agree to disagree - fine. I don’t need your parental tone and judgement, however.
I haven’t condoned anyone’s behavior. You’re being purposely obtuse now and so I bow out. If you carry on with name calling and such, which is against forum rules, I will report those posts. It is posts of your nature that have gotten several threads locked on this forum and topics banned.
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I haven’t condoned anyone’s behavior. You’re being purposely obtuse now and so I bow out. If you carry on with name calling and such, which is against forum rules, I will report those posts. It is posts of your nature that have gotten several threads locked on this forum and topics banned.

I do not condone the calling of other TMC members “names,” which should be deleted or banned by admin. Calling Elon a “liar” or exhibiting “Charlatan-like” behavior does not violate forum rules (but I will need to revisit the rules and guidlines to make sure that’s a correct interpretation).
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Link to forum rules/guidelines, for those interested.

Didn’t lie about a single thing.

22mpg @ 80 mph

4 second 0-60, high 11 1/4 mile.

3.5 tt v6 with Livernois tune.
I don't remember the tune mentioned earlier but "yeah" that would do it with a twin turbo cranked up :)

This 3.5 tt Livernois tune reminds me of what Nelson Racing has done with some LS motors like the 1650HP first gen RX7

We had a Cummins tuned by DR. Performance many years ago and it went from 175HP to over 300 Torque broke 850lb ft. and this was back in the mid 1990's.
Well done sir.
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Tesla does what Tesla thinks is best for the company regardless of what you or anyone else thinks. If customers make suggestions that Tesla thinks are good, needed, viable, appropriate etc… then Tesla listens. I’m quite positive, though, that CT came from the minds of Elon, Franz and the like. Not from random sources writing to them.
I've never seen a clearer example of a coattail rider than Franz.
If 3 Dirt Bikes fit into the Bed of the Cybertruck will an RzR fit?

When the Cyberbeast comes out what is it competing with? Is it supposed to be a high speed Off Roader like the Raptor or TRX? Ford built an Off Road Race version of the Lightning. Will the Cyberbeast be Tesla's foray into Off Road Racing?

There were several videos made of the CTs construction (and I’m not including the shill/consultant and receiver of two CTs from Elon - Sandy Munro). I believe one was a from T-Sportline and the other from some other company. The videos were not flattering, re construction and robustness needed for overlanding or off roading. It’s more like a different looking vehicle that is better suited for paved roads.
Well, we all know what happens if you don’t agree with everything Elon says or thinks (if an employee of Elon’s). I don’t recall where I read it, but the engineering team at Tesla was not in favor of the current CT design, but Elon insisted on realizing his Bladerunner dream.
If you read between the lines of his telling about the Cyberturd look he said something like. "They were against it, and I said if it fails we'll just make a normal truck."
I read that as some of the engineers had "reservations" that were so strong they actually told Elon to his face they were "concerned." And I don't think Elon likes anyone even showing some concerns. And those engineers probably felt like a Minister of State talking to Putin about the state of Russia."
Elon does not want to be told he's off his rocker.