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Cyber(nota)truck even more Not a truck than I first thought

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nkr? Don't let the fanboy flames discourage you from sharing your (valid) thoughts.

For those that love it, enjoy the likely, short-lived bliss. To each! šŸ»
The real reason I have come to Elon's snake pit is to try and waken him (and his snakes). Once you get past the shiney and the good internal tech there isn't a damn thing about the Cyberturd that is better than a Ford, and several things the Ford design team did so much better than Tesla.
I don't know how they could have made such a turd of a vehicle unless Elon's flaws manifested themselves on every level with this crappy vehicle. He has no idea what a truck is. But he is a stubborn azzhole. Often being stubborn is good. But not when you are so clueless and just plain wrong. I think it his stubbornness bore sweet fruit with steer-by-wire, 48 volt, all-wheel steering. He showed he ain't that bright by insisting on the Rolling bed cover. That thing in and of itself ruined several characteristics of the vehicle. He should have dumped it. Or someone should have had the balls to tell him how poorly the design would be with it.
When you are smart in an area and stubborn you are a leader.
When you are ignorant and stubborn you're not.
The problem with that is, many people later add aftermarket covers of their choosing. Can't do that with the CyberTurd, from what I can tell.
I really thought There would be some sort of passthrough for the CyberTurd. And when I heard Telsa was going to design add-ons for the turd I immediately thought I'd buy "The Wedge SS Campershell" Fo $10k. And just carry around an extra three hundred lbs of rolled up crap in the bowels of the vehicle. And in the bowels is exactly where the Turdneau cover should be.
But damn Elon is smarter'n me on all things. Or so he thinks.
I just hope one of his lackeys will eventual take this to him...and he doesn't get killed for it.
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Thanks for the background and color. No, I was not familiar with his history, but do agree the CT result was far from what was espoused by Elon for more than four years. I was a fan, but then voted with my wallet and pulled my day zero reservation on delivery event day. To each, as they say.
I donā€™t think itā€™s that far off. I also donā€™t believe itā€™s a ā€˜finishedā€™ vehicle.

The pricing was always going to be higher, especially initially. History of Tesla vehicle pricing would tell someone that.

The charging rates will get better. Features will be added. Efficiency will increase with ā€˜properā€™ tires and software updates. I had wanted more range and I have the option of adding range later if I find I need it to navigate my reality. I donā€™t need brighter headlights - Iā€™ll just drive through it and/or wait for some entrepreneurial talent to design a not-grill-guard. Or mount some flood lights on the roof myself. Whatever. I can roll with it.

As I am not a young person, I have acquired the wisdom of tempering expectations in such a way that I rarely experience disappointment but more often pleasant surprises. Additionally, Iā€™ve learned to accept reality and quickly adjust accordingly. I want the CT and so I can make it work. If others canā€™t or donā€™t want to make it work, then simply walk away and spend your money somewhere else. Thereā€™s zero need to trash talk.
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You are always someone I admire and respect on this site.
However I am not acting in any way, shape, form or fashion that is not honest, deserved, and truthful. You are only human, and as so many humans on this site you are very definitely biased to the point that you think I am stating half-truths? or lies?
I am not. If your perception was not so damn affected by the pleasure TSLA and Tesla has given you over the years I believe you would be right beside me. I am just trying to make the members I like on this site understand that all the positives about the Cyber(nota)truck but a turd have NOTHING to do with being a truck. All the breakthroughs, all the new directions. They are just Tesla vehicle core components that will be in more and more of the entire Tesla line. The "truck" design and engineering of this vehicle is abhorrent because of its lack of every virtue expected at Tesla in designing and engineering.
Comically I see it as when Elon's Brother puts on Cowboy boots and a hat. I've run cattle. The closest Kimball has come to a cow is with his lips. And this POS Cyberturd is exactly like Kimball. I hadn't heard the saying "All hat and no cattle." till I was long out of tossing a calf on the gas tank of Honda Motorcycle and having momma come on along. But I damn sure ain't loving Tesla's Hatmobile.
I tried to do the same last month, but it was like "pushing rope". Devotionalists will be just that, no matter. To each.
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You are always someone I admire and respect on this site.
However I am not acting in any way, shape, form or fashion that is not honest, deserved, and truthful. You are only human, and as so many humans on this site you are very definitely biased to the point that you think I am stating half-truths? or lies?
I am not. If your perception was not so damn affected by the pleasure TSLA and Tesla has given you over the years I believe you would be right beside me.
I would not be beside you. I wouldnā€™t be here at all having moved on.

I am just trying to make the members I like on this site understand that all the positives about the Cyber(nota)truck but a turd have NOTHING to do with being a truck. All the breakthroughs, all the new directions. They are just Tesla vehicle core components that will be in more and more of the entire Tesla line. The "truck" design and engineering of this vehicle is abhorrent because of its lack of every virtue expected at Tesla in designing and engineering.

You have made your points abundantly clear. Now you are simply ranting and being divisive.

If the CT is so awful as you believe then they will not sell very many and Tesla will design a more traditional pickup as publicly stated by Elon years ago. So just wait for that to happen
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The real reason I have come to Elon's snake pit is to try and waken him (and his snakes). Once you get past the shiney and the good internal tech there isn't a damn thing about the Cyberturd that is better than a Ford, and several things the Ford design team did so much better than Tesla.
I don't know how they could have made such a turd of a vehicle unless Elon's flaws manifested themselves on every level with this crappy vehicle. He has no idea what a truck is. But he is a stubborn azzhole. Often being stubborn is good. But not when you are so clueless and just plain wrong. I think it his stubbornness bore sweet fruit with steer-by-wire, 48 volt, all-wheel steering. He showed he ain't that bright by insisting on the Rolling bed cover. That thing in and of itself ruined several characteristics of the vehicle. He should have dumped it. Or someone should have had the balls to tell him how poorly the design would be with it.
When you are smart in an area and stubborn you are a leader.
When you are ignorant and stubborn you're not.
Entirely wrong way to go about it.
I donā€™t think itā€™s that far off. I also donā€™t believe itā€™s a ā€˜finishedā€™ project.

The pricing was always going to higher, especially initially. History of Tesla vehicle pricing would tell someone that.

The charging rates will get better. Features will be added. Efficiency will increase with ā€˜properā€™ tires and software updates. I had wanted more range and I have the option of adding range later if I find I needed navigating my reality. I donā€™t need brighter headlights - Iā€™ll just drive through it and/or wait for some entrepreneurial talent to design a not-grill-guard. Or mount some flood lights on the roof myself. Whatever. I can roll with it.

As I am not a young person, I have acquired the wisdom of tempering expectations in such a way that I rarely experience disappointment but more often pleasant surprises. Additionally, Iā€™ve learned to accept reality and quickly adjust accordingly. I want the CT and so I can make it work. If others canā€™t or donā€™t want to make it work, then simply walk away and spend your money somewhere else. Thereā€™s zero need to trash talk.

No disagreement. I'm also not young (retired for many years). Price was never my beef with what was released (I was an early Plaid adopter....). As you know from my December rants, it was more about Elon's Charlatan behavior and misrepresentations (right up until a week before the "delivery day" spectacle) that chapped my @$$.

I am really am concerned about all those "early adopters" that fell for the line of BS and are paying the Founder's Edition premium - as they are getting an inferior (not done, and startup quality issues) product that will be obsolete in short order as Tesla iterates the design many times over the next two years (as they did with the refreshed Model S/X/Plaid), hoping someday to get it closer to what Elon (aka, the Great Charlatan) told everyone it was going to be.
I tried to do the same last month, but it was like "pushing rope". devotionalists will be just that, no matter. To each.
Stop using divisive language like that. As long as you use terminology meant to be belittling, nobody of import will hear your point of view or even care to acknowledge you in a serious manner. If youā€™re okay with that and being thought of as less, then carry on. But if you want to converse with people at a higher level of respect then stop.
No disagreement. I'm also not young (retired for many years). Price was never my beef with what was released (I was an early Plaid adopter....). As you know from my December rants, it was more about Elon's Charlatan behavior and misrepresentations (right up until a week before the "delivery day" spectacle) that chapped my @$$.

I am really am concerned about all those "early adopters" that fell for the line of BS and are paying the Founder's Edition premium - as they are getting an inferior (not done, and startup quality issues) product that will be obsolete in short order as Tesla iterates the design many times over the next two years (as they did with the refreshed Model S/X/Plaid), hoping someday to get it closer to what Elon (aka, the Great Charlatan) told everyone it was going to be.
I stopped reading at charlatan. Itā€™s unnecessary language to make your point. I challenge you to stick to simply facts and leave the colorful language for the young adults who have yet to learn how to converse without reflecting such negativity at others.
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The real reason I have come to Elon's snake pit is to try and waken him (and his snakes). Once you get past the shiney and the good internal tech there isn't a damn thing about the Cyberturd that is better than a Ford, and several things the Ford design team did so much better than Tesla.
I don't know how they could have made such a turd of a vehicle unless Elon's flaws manifested themselves on every level with this crappy vehicle. He has no idea what a truck is. But he is a stubborn azzhole. Often being stubborn is good. But not when you are so clueless and just plain wrong. I think it his stubbornness bore sweet fruit with steer-by-wire, 48 volt, all-wheel steering. He showed he ain't that bright by insisting on the Rolling bed cover. That thing in and of itself ruined several characteristics of the vehicle. He should have dumped it. Or someone should have had the balls to tell him how poorly the design would be with it.
When you are smart in an area and stubborn you are a leader.
When you are ignorant and stubborn you're not.

I'm no "Elon fan," when it comes to Elon as the Tesla CEO. I am a fan of what SpaceX is doing, but not all of the X posts from Elon. In a way, I think Elon was good for Tesla early on, but I think Tesla would do better today with him relinquishing the CEO/Leader reins and passing them on to some else. He can then focus more of the other businesses he tries to run. Lastly, in recent years, this statements and posts have become quite bizarre, to say the least. Maybe Ketamine or THC fueled, who knows... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
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Stop using divisive language like that. As long as you use terminology meant to be belittling, nobody of import will hear your point of view or even care to acknowledge you in a serious manner. If youā€™re okay with that and being thought of as less, then carry on. But if you want to converse with people at a higher level of respect then stop.
Not an unreasonable point, but having spent many years (in a professional work environment) having to be "politically correct," and having to use "mealy-mouthed" language (rather than calling it as I see it), kinda takes a toll on one that made it all the way to my age... So, I'm going to continue to call it (here) as I see it - in hopes reaching an uninformed prospective buyer of these products. Why? There lacks a balance in Social Media between all the rosy shill post/reports/reviews and reality. Sometimes the use of "nicknames," like "Charlatan," help the reader think twice about all of the over-hyped (and often false) rosy reports. Take FSD and FSD beta for example - It's "Mind-blowing," isn't it? That's 95% of what we are fed by the shills on a minute by minute basis, like Whole Mars. Tesla/Elon even "play" to this audience by releasing stuff (e.g., FSD beta) to them first.

Edit: Not trying to convince you I'm right, but rather just explaining why. To each...
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I really thought There would be some sort of passthrough for the CyberTurd. And when I heard Telsa was going to design add-ons for the turd I immediately thought I'd buy "The Wedge SS Campershell" Fo $10k. And just carry around an extra three hundred lbs of rolled up crap in the bowels of the vehicle. And in the bowels is exactly where the Turdneau cover should be.
But damn Elon is smarter'n me on all things. Or so he thinks.
I just hope one of his lackeys will eventual take this to him...and he doesn't get killed for it.

Serious suggestion: Research and check out a Rivian R1T. Much of what you're after resides in that product. Not a "dis," but a rather recommendation from a member who has actually owns one (for the past 1.5 years).
Not an unreasonable point, but having spent many years (in a professional work environment) having to be "politically correct," and having to use "mealy-mouthed" language (rather than calling it as I see it), kinda takes a toll on one that made it all the way to my age... So, I'm going to continue to call it (here) as I see it - in hopes reaching an uninformed prospective buyer of these products. Why? There lacks a balance in Social Media between all the rosy shill post/reports/reviews and reality. Sometimes the use of "nicknames," like "Charlatan," help the reader think twice about all of the over-hyped (and often false) rosy reports. Take FSD and FSD beta for example - It's "Mind-blowing," isn't it? That's 95% of what we are fed by the shills on a minute by minute basis, like Whole Mars. Tesla/Elon even "play" to this audience by releasing stuff (e.g., FSD beta) to them first.

Edit: Not trying to convince you I'm right, but rather just explaining why. To each...
Iā€™m not asking you to be politically correct or mealy-mouthed. Iā€™m not asking you to not call it like you see it. But thereā€™s absolutely no reason to use such ā€˜nicknamesā€™ for anyoneā€™s benefit.

Your previous post was just fine until your last sentence about Ketamine and THC. Entirely unnecessary and uncalled for. You have zero evidence and itā€™s trash talk at best.
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I would not be beside you. I wouldnā€™t be here at all having moved on.

I am just trying to make the members I like on this site understand that all the positives about the Cyber(nota)truck but a turd have NOTHING to do with being a truck. All the breakthroughs, all the new directions. They are just Tesla vehicle core components that will be in more and more of the entire Tesla line. The "truck" design and engineering of this vehicle is abhorrent because of its lack of every virtue expected at Tesla in designing and engineering.

You have made your points abundantly clear. Now you are simply ranting and being divisive.

If the CT is so awful as you believe then they will not sell very many and Tesla will design a more traditional pickup as publicly stated by Elon years ago. So just wait for that to happen
"If the CT is so awful as you believe then they will not sell very many and Tesla will design a more traditional pickup as publicly stated by Elon years ago. So just wait for that to happen."

You really don't believe the masses are rational and intelligent? You can't be a cat person and believe that.
Fools and their money....
The value and function of a vehicle's sales have more often than not been separated from the number sold. Boys will buy toys.
Entirely wrong way to go about it.
I tried other ways. But not with any real conviction. I am a realist. There have to be a bunch of fools from various sources writing to Tesla to get them to do what they want for a myriad of reasons.
So I can try and pitch a fit, and go against the grain on a Tesla fanboy site hoping one of the geeks at Tesla actually quits putting avocado on his gluten-free bagel when he reads me.
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No disagreement. I'm also not young (retired for many years). Price was never my beef with what was released (I was an early Plaid adopter....). As you know from my December rants, it was more about Elon's Charlatan behavior and misrepresentations (right up until a week before the "delivery day" spectacle) that chapped my @$$.

I am really am concerned about all those "early adopters" that fell for the line of BS and are paying the Founder's Edition premium - as they are getting an inferior (not done, and startup quality issues) product that will be obsolete in short order as Tesla iterates the design many times over the next two years (as they did with the refreshed Model S/X/Plaid), hoping someday to get it closer to what Elon (aka, the Great Charlatan) told everyone it was going to be.
I agree with K-cat. Elon is not a charlatan, per the real definition. I feel he has never said he had something no one else had and he was special because of it. EXCEPT when he has it.
But I have to really question his choices in the past 6 months when the Cyberturd went into production and it was not close to what he said it would be for the last four years. He should have a special town hall and bring in the design and engineering team like he did at Battery day and have them explain what happened.
I actually looked it up because it didnā€™t ring true. With the ā€˜eco boostā€™ stuff, the highest Ford lists mileage is 750. And of course itā€™s 750 with an *. And we all know what an * means.
I have a harder time believing getting into the 11's in the quarter.
Isn't that a 7000+lb vehicle? My nephew has a 18? Raptor and it is not anywhere near that.
I'm no "Elon fan," when it comes to Elon as the Tesla CEO. I am a fan of what SpaceX is doing, but not all of the X posts from Elon. In a way, I think Elon was good for Tesla early on, but I think Tesla would do better today with him relinquishing the CEO/Leader reins and passing them on to some else. He can then focus more of the other businesses he tries to run. Lastly, in recent years, this statements and posts have become quite bizarre, to say the least. Maybe Ketamine or THC fueled, who knows... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
I blocked Elon on X several months ago. And then I was given a two week time-out for discussing how one group of people that actively killed people just because of what country they were in should all be rounded up and killed. But the people that did such atrocities and those that support, protect and hide them can continue to post that murderers and rapists should be allowed to exist so they can keep killing.
You can post videos of the carnage and praise the terrorists. But I couldn't condemn them. Even though the subject was war.
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