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Elon said:
FSD beta 9 is using the pure vision production code for highway driving. Beta 10 hopefully (Beta 11 definitely) will use one stack to rule them all – city streets, highway & complex parking lots.

Elon said:
Yes, a leap in improvements.
Elon said:
FSD beta 9 is using the pure vision production code for highway driving. Beta 10 hopefully (Beta 11 definitely) will use one stack to rule them all – city streets, highway & complex parking lots.

Elon said:
Yes, a leap in improvements.
Elon said:
FSD beta 9 is using the pure vision production code for highway driving. Beta 10 hopefully (Beta 11 definitely) will use one stack to rule them all – city streets, highway & complex parking lots.

Elon said:
Yes, a leap in improvements.
A bit more of improvements is required! On July 14th, I have experienced a potentially catastrophic failure of FSD on a good, straight 30 m/h road outside of Tenby (Wales). I tried FSD features during my trip from Birmingham (UK) to Wales and in general liked it, although a few times I nervously took the steering myself as it seemed that my car was overtakeing obstacles too closely. Eventually, I decided that the autopilot knows better - a grave mistake. It passed too closely to a parked BMW resulting in two crashed mirrors. Now I think of this as a lucky escape - such a failure could have resulted in much worse. I have reported the accident to Tesla and wait for their engineers reaction (not expecting, naturally, that Tesla admits any liability.


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Personally, I think Elon is being too optimistic again with the "roughly 1 month per release" estimate. I think it will take longer than a month between V9 and V10. IMO, Elon underestimates the number and difficult of edge cases that need to be solved.
Yes. He has 0 credibility left for any FSD timelines. Unfortunately there does not seem to be any way to hold him accountable.
A bit more of improvements is required! On July 14th, I have experienced a potentially catastrophic failure of FSD on a good, straight 30 m/h road outside of Tenby (Wales). I tried FSD features during my trip from Birmingham (UK) to Wales and in general liked it, although a few times I nervously took the steering myself as it seemed that my car was overtakeing obstacles too closely. Eventually, I decided that the autopilot knows better - a grave mistake. It passed too closely to a parked BMW resulting in two crashed mirrors. Now I think of this as a lucky escape - such a failure could have resulted in much worse. I have reported the accident to Tesla and wait for their engineers reaction (not expecting, naturally, that Tesla admits any liability.
Wow, that is very disappointing.
..."roughly 1 month per release"...

From V8 to V9, it took 9 months as the first article that I saw was on 10/21/2020:

People keep saying it's leaps and bounds this time, then this time again, and again since October 2016!
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From V8 to V9, it took 9 months as the first article that I saw was on 10/21/2020:

People keep saying it's leaps and bounds this time, then this time again, and again since October 2016!

Yeah, that's my point. It took 9 months to go from V8 to V9. So I doubt that it will only take 1 month to go from V9 to V10.
Personally, I think Elon is being too optimistic again with the "roughly 1 month per release" estimate. I think it will take longer than a month between V9 and V10. IMO, Elon underestimates the number and difficult of edge cases that need to be solved.
Of course you do. But Waymo, that's Nirvana to you. In spite of total fails in construction zones.
Of course you do.

Because I think the facts support me. Elon consistently gets it wrong on timelines. Heck, I got sucked in again when Elon promised "the button" and I got disappointed yet again.

But Waymo, that's Nirvana to you. In spite of total fails in construction zones.

Waymo is not perfect. But Waymo has autonomous driving that is really good. And, Waymo does not totally fail in construction zones. That was one fail among thousands of successful times when Waymo handles construction zones just fine.
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Accountable for what, exactly? What part of "extensive software validation" before release makes him accountable for it not being ready when you want it?
When Tesla says "Later this year" every year. When Elon says "next month" and "definitely" to various statements about it.

To hold their promises that have clear timelines to some footnote is wrong, mainly because they keep doing it. The definition of "wrong" is open to interpretation. I'd offer "misleading", but some say "cautious", some say harsher things. Either way they could at least stop saying "coming later this year", that phrase is played out.
And, Waymo does not totally fail in construction zones. That was one fail among thousands of successful times when Waymo handles construction zones just fine.
So your first sentence is factually incorrect. It did fail, spectacularly and totally, the one time it was caught on video. (How many fails weren't?)

There are a helluva lot of videos of beta FSD by actual owners, but very very few Waymo videos other than those from the company.
Accountable for what, exactly? What part of "extensive software validation" before release makes him accountable for it not being ready when you want it?

Accountable for repeatedly deceiving customers on expected delivery time for a product they purchased and paid for.

A proper thing to do would be to say "Sorry, we have failed to deliver FSD you paid for. This is hard science and we do not know exactly how much more it will take for us to ship. To compensate, we give you two options: a) return for a full refund, b) keep FSD, enjoy the early features we release for it and get a discount/benefit X only available for early buyers.". This would be a step to start earning back the trust Tesla has lost among its most enthusiastic early adopters.
So your first sentence is factually incorrect. It did fail, spectacularly and totally, the one time it was caught on video. (How many fails weren't?)

No, I am correct. Waymo rides are well documented in many videos by the public, ride testimonials and disengagement and safety data. The fact is that the failure we saw in that construction zone video is rare. Heck, with all the people riding in Waymo now with no NDA, if it failed a lot, we would know about it.

There are a helluva lot of videos of beta FSD by actual owners, but very very few Waymo videos other than those from the company.

This is completely false. There are lots of videos of Waymo rides from the public, not marketing videos from Waymo.

@JJRicks alone has done 70 videos, unedited rides, all documented here:

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A bit more of improvements is required! On July 14th, I have experienced a potentially catastrophic failure of FSD on a good, straight 30 m/h road outside of Tenby (Wales). I tried FSD features during my trip from Birmingham (UK) to Wales and in general liked it, although a few times I nervously took the steering myself as it seemed that my car was overtakeing obstacles too closely. Eventually, I decided that the autopilot knows better - a grave mistake. It passed too closely to a parked BMW resulting in two crashed mirrors. Now I think of this as a lucky escape - such a failure could have resulted in much worse. I have reported the accident to Tesla and wait for their engineers reaction (not expecting, naturally, that Tesla admits any liability.
You have FSD Beta in the UK??