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Elon & Twitter

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If Elon is on the plane he usually flies at this moment, I wonder if he was ordered to testify in Deutschland...
Well I was wrong. The plane went to the location of the World Cup.
Corporate security is SRS BSNS.
Treat employees like children and don't be surprised if all of the adults leave.
"If it weren’t obvious before, the latest moves make clear that Musk tends to run this company the way dictators run their states: by making decisions that serve his personal interests rather than those of the public, and capriciously getting rid of people who stand in his way. That’s why tech workers and journalists who have lost their jobs in the past few weeks should come together to create non-profit social networks designed to serve the public interest."

He paid $44 billion for it, he can run it into the ground if he wants to. But seriously, why is anyone still on there? Unlike in a real world sovereign nation state dictatorship, he can't stop people from leaving.
We'll agree to disagree on the interior. I LOVE the minimalism. Like going from a blackberry to a smartphone and dropping the keys and none of the functionality.
I actually wouldn't mind the interior so much *if* it had a head-up display that I could customize to show me the parameters I wanted to see. But compared to other cars you have to look farther away from the road to see what's going on with the systems. It doesn't really affect safety too much but I prefer to be able to look down instead of down and sideways. It's kind of like the side camera view while signaling, which Tesla inexplicably put in the lower left corner of the display, one area where you really do not want to be looking when you are changing lanes (which is why I almost never use it, despite having it enabled since it was introduced as a feature). Where should those images go? If turning left, somewhere near the left side of the windshield, and if turning right, somewhere near the right side of the windshield...
And as you mention, the car drives excellent. I had a BMW 3 series, sport version known for handling, and the P3D I have now eats it alive in every way.
Even the non performance version drives excellent and I don't really think there's a big difference between can't-sit-up-straight power and snap-your-neck-back power if you aren't at the track. And I've never been a fan of low profile tires nor of lowered suspension that makes it easier to bottom out so...
Musk replied to Schiff, “Thankfully, you lose your chairmanship very soon. Your brain is too small.”

Well, Mr. Musk, I' sure that posting boorish insults on kindergarten level will be tremendously helpful to turn Twitter into a successful business venture.
Looks like that tweet got deleted. Was that an actual reply from Schiff?
2.5 men went to the dogs post-sheen. What’s your point?
As hominem attacks are a sign that you're not "winning" the argument. If someone is engaging in ad hominem attacks it's a pretty good sign that the person has no actual logical argument to refute what is being said about him/her and thus resorts to attacking the messengers instead of the messages.


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it's a pretty good sign that the person has no actual logical argument to refute what is being said about him/her
OT but find me 10 randos off the street inside an hour who genuinely agree that +Kutcher’s 2.5men was actually better.

You won’t. I promise.

But anyhow, this isn’t about Sheen and that’s not a good comparison to make.
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When you were in middle school there were probably a lot of "fat jokes" directed at some overweight kids. You probably laughed at them and thought they were funny. From everything you've written so far I have every reason to believe that even today you think they're just funny jokes. But they're not and they never were. They were and are expressions of hate. Nearly everything the Babylon Bee writes is similarly pure hate pretending to masquerade as humor. That you can't see it says a lot about who you are.
Haha yeah, I was that overweight kid. I was not very athletic and definitely not the cool kid. I was bullied a couple of times as well and the amount of "ching ching chang chang" slanty eye jokes made toward my face went into adulthood too. And lets just say the clothes I was wearing was culturally different and that I remember led to this one girl just went off on me calling me gay for wearing short shorts.

Just part of growing up...I adjust, roll with the punches, didn't go on any kind of backlashing, and became a 1%er.
OT but find me 10 randos off the street inside an hour who genuinely agree that +Kutcher’s 2.5men was actually better.

You won’t. I promise.

But anyhow, this isn’t about Sheen and that’s not a good comparison to make.
Lighting $44B on fire is a pretty good comparison to me. You find me another corporate takeover parallel to this dumpster fire if you can.

P.S. you can’t.
Haha yeah, I was that overweight kid. I was not very athletic and definitely not the cool kid. I was bullied a couple of times as well and the amount of "ching ching chang chang" slanty eye jokes made toward my face went into adulthood too. And lets just say the clothes I was wearing was culturally different and that I remember led to this one girl just went off on me calling me gay for wearing short shorts.

Just part of growing up...I adjust, roll with the punches, didn't go on any kind of backlashing, and became a 1%er.
A perfect example of how not being coddled by society makes one a stronger person.
Elon is not religious and the only thing he supports is the right to do what you want. Saying what BB and Elon are aligned is nonsense. He just feel that comedy shouldn't be canceled, and whatever BB believes go have at it.

It's the super woke that is the problem. They are the ones whining so loud that it is impeding on other people's freedoms.

If Elon wasn't so woke he'd call the Holiday firmware update by a more traditional name. 😉
  • Funny
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