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Emergency Lane Departure - False Positives

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Yeah, late last night I got a "red line" one while poking around. This looked/sounded like the banshee I'd seen before in 8.6! Didn't last as long as I'd seen under 8.6, so the banshee wasn't entirely banished? LDA was turned off, so it definitely wasn't some deeper mode of LDA. That makes 8.6 even more enigmatic.

It might be that ELDA will do this when it is "sure" of where the edge of the road is and will get progressively louder the longer you are there (longer being a relative term here, in 1/10's of seconds). That's a guess, so far at least.
Thanks Sammich. I’ve found that ELDA goes off whether or not there is a line on the right side of the road. Tesla Mobile Service was here Friday and he told me Tesla is aware of the issue. Come on Tesla. Give me the opportunity to turn off ELDA permanently. I can’t remember to turn it off before every drive, not to mention the daily trips I make just to do errands with many stops. 16.2 has also broken auto lock. I can get into the car without a key, but thankfully can’t drive it. 16.2 is the worst buggiest firmware for me.
It's definitely still occurring for me on 16.2: had two false positives twice this weekend alone.

Anecdotally it seems to work great on larger, well-signed roads and starts to have problems on local roads (all of my false positives have been on pretty rural roads).

It is pretty easy to overpower it, that much is true, but that leads to alert fatigue: it's definitely not a good sign to learn that you can just ignore the "BEEBEEBEEP" because it's a false positive. I just turn it off every time I drive for now, but that is also extremely annoying.

Also, pretty much nobody can borrow the car now without getting the standard "to drive this car you have to be aware of ELDA, and here's how to turn it off every single time unless you enjoy surprise jerks from your car getting spooked by recycling bins" spiel.

it's a shame, because I think it's a fantastic feature when it works: I always turn it on for highway driving. it's half baked though, and should have been much more thoroughly tested.
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Since seeing this thread I have been driving my 2019 M3 RWD SR+ carefully in what I consider boundary conditions. So far I have been unable to set off ELDA in controlled situations, such as letting the car drift out of a lane. I've always had to manually correct the steering. I have never shut off ELDA, and never experienced a false positive. I'm starting to wonder if there are calibration differences that account for this. I've had 2019.16.2 installed since May 23.
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yeah, it's certainly possible that there are calibration differences: certainly there's something accounting for the vast disparity in behavior across the fleet that seems reflected in this thread and on reddit. I don't think there's anything up with my setup, though: the autopilot is smooth as silk otherwise (in fact I think the 2019.16.x autopilot is better, anecdotally, than any of the ones before for me). It's just ELDA that is like an overzealous parent grabbing the wheel on these rural roads.

My guess is they simply didn't have enough training data for the type of rural roads / alternatively signed roads that people are consistently having trouble with: for some of the Dutch posters, for example, that's almost certainly the case.
This feature is absolutely unconscionable--in particular the fact that it cannot be permanently disabled.

I love driving my model 3 because it does exactly what I want when I'm driving. It is perfectly responsive. Now, over the course of just two days, I am finding that it has decided it knows better than me in terms of what it should be doing on the road, which is absolutely unacceptable to a serious driver, and has put me in multiple potentially perilous situations due to the car doing one thing when I am telling it to do something else.

I have put up with Tesla's quirky, bugginess so far because the car has so many great features, but this is beyond the realm of reason. If this feature is not fixed soon, so that it can at least be permanently disabled, I will have no choice but to sell the car. I will also dump all my stock (even at a loss), and pray for the collapse of a company I once loved.

Fix this.
Against my better judgement I installed the software update. I can see how it would be startling if you don't know about the feature beforehand. I guess I'm going to have to start signaling every time I cross a line. It went off when I crossed a dashed bike lane before a right turn. I didn't really see anything I could have hit except the curb.
ELDA is like honey badger, it don't care about your signaling. :p It'll fire off even when you have your signal light on.
Oops. I must have missed that.
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Oops. I must have missed that.
View attachment 415085

The good news is that ELDA appears to be fairly rare as long as you don't drive on rustic, rural and/or twisty roads and stuff. I've not been able to set off ELDA on straigh-ish, well marked roads. Only LDA, which indeed is sated by signal lights (and maybe even strongish driver wheel input?). Objects close proximity to the road also might be a factor, which mostly gets you back to rural areas. There does appear to be a speed floor, as far as I've been able to tell, as well, so bike courier dudette zipping past you while you're crawling in traffic shouldn't fire it off, either?

The good news is that ELDA appears to be fairly rare as long as you don't drive on rustic, rural and/or twisty roads and stuff. I've not been able to set off ELDA on straigh-ish, well marked roads. Only LDA, which indeed is sated by signal lights (and maybe even strongish driver wheel input?). Objects close proximity to the road also might be a factor, which mostly gets you back to rural areas. There does appear to be a speed floor, as far as I've been able to tell, as well, so bike courier dudette zipping past you while you're crawling in traffic shouldn't fire it off, either?
I set it off crossing the dashed bike lane to turn right at this intersection on my first drive using it. I guess I should make sure LDA isn't on. This does not bode well...
Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at 10.51.10 AM.png

I guess I can see that it looks like a soft shoulder since there is no sidewalk...
I set it off crossing the dashed bike lane to turn right at this intersection on my first drive using it. I guess I should make sure LDA isn't on. This does not bode well...View attachment 415090
I guess I can see that it looks like a soft shoulder since there is no sidewalk...
LDA steers (in Assist) or gives the wheel rumble (in Warning). If it beeped and threw a red warning that is ELDA.
I set it off crossing the dashed bike lane to turn right at this intersection on my first drive using it. I guess I should make sure LDA isn't on. This does not bode well...View attachment 415090
I guess I can see that it looks like a soft shoulder since there is no sidewalk...
You sure there wasn't a grandpa on a bike nearby and it thought you were going for the 100 points?

Yeah, the narrow "lane" there probably threw it for a loop. :/ Bike lanes have been reported as giving it fits.
Define "fixed"? I can turn it off?
I haven't had false positives since installing it, despite trying hard. The week before on 16.2 I had 12 or so.

In my trying it did still intervene 6 times. Correctly and acceptably. No dangerous wheel tugs to wrong lanes or potentially into oncoming traffic but mild corrections to prevent hitting trees or other objects off road.

And yes I am the guy first shouting out publicly about the huge issues with bike lanes.
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I haven't had false positives since installing it, despite trying hard. The week before on 16.2 I had 12 or so.

In my trying it did still intervene 6 times. Correctly and acceptably. No dangerous wheel tugs to wrong lanes or potentially into oncoming traffic but mild corrections to prevent hitting trees or other objects off road.

And yes I am the guy first shouting out publicly about the huge issues with bike lanes.
Ability to turn it "Off" indefinitely is the only fix I'm interested in.

Reducing triggers is just delaying the problem.