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How I Recovered Half of my Battery's Lost Capacity

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So here are my crude and imperfect numbers. The truth is in general I don't pay much attention to those on TMC who seem so sure of their complex analysis and detailed calculations. The more complex, wordy, they tend to be the less I trust the results. They always make fundamental unproven assumptions.

So........my experience is my 2019 M3, Stealth Performance, had a rated range when new of 310 miles. It now has 54K total miles. Most of those miles are at 80+ mph on the interstate highway. I charge twice a week to 100%, most of that done at 120v, a wall charger. For the first 20k+ miles, the rated range reading varied from 308-302. Around that time I got a Gen 3 Tesla wall charger for home and we got a Supercharger in the town where I work, 150 miles from home. I occasionally use the Supercharger.

After 20k miles the rated range slowly decreased to around 280 miles, a 10% change. I did try the methods discussed here in this post but not much changed. What did seem to affect those numbers in my situation was when I started charging at home with the Tesla wall charger at a different amp setting. Why not? At home, and for the last 20k+ miles, I mostly charge at 12 amp, rather than the max 48a wall charger wired on a 60 amp circuit. The car just sitting in the garage overnight charging slower is no inconvenience. If I need more power sooner I crank the amp up, if not I use 12 amp. The rated range is now reading 290-295.

The truth, however, is I see no real difference in practical range. I average 1.5 miles rated range per mile traveled. That's with performance setting, mostly driving with NOA at 85 mph, not flat land, variable winds, temps from 110f to -20f, and taking no care at all to conserve power. I average 340 Wi/mi. That's not very efficient, and I don't care. With 100% charge, I arrive home/work, 150 miles, with 5%-30% charge remaining. Depending mostly on weather, temperature, and wind. At neg 20f in a blizzard, I do have to slow down.

So for me personally people can play with numbers all they want. The important thing is to know your numbers and what you need to do with those numbers to achieve your purpose. It's like the test resulting in numbers we do in emergency medicine. None of those numbers are absolutes and all are affected by a multitude of factors. The point is numbers are an attempt to make certain uncertain realities. But that's all it is, an attempt.

This is so helpful, thank you for the post. I live in Montreal, Canada and it’s getting pretty cold here now ( Dec 1, 2022) and my M3 SR+ ( 16,000 kms, has gone from approx 390 kms max (it’s supposed to be rated 424kms but I never saw that, even when brand new) now it shows 325 kms. I attributed it to cold weather but now I‘m thinking that it may be a combination of the BMS system needing recalibration. I have rarely let it go below 50% before recharging it to 85% And my sentry system is always on.

this has opened my eyes and I will now shut my sentry system at home (where I always charge) and let my car get below 30% regularly.

thank you
So here are my crude and imperfect numbers. The truth is in general I don't pay much attention to those on TMC who seem so sure of their complex analysis and detailed calculations. The more complex, wordy, they tend to be the less I trust the results. They always make fundamental unproven assumptions.

So........my experience is my 2019 M3, Stealth Performance, had a rated range when new of 310 miles. It now has 54K total miles. Most of those miles are at 80+ mph on the interstate highway. I charge twice a week to 100%, most of that done at 120v, a wall charger. For the first 20k+ miles, the rated range reading varied from 308-302. Around that time I got a Gen 3 Tesla wall charger for home and we got a Supercharger in the town where I work, 150 miles from home. I occasionally use the Supercharger.

After 20k miles the rated range slowly decreased to around 280 miles, a 10% change. I did try the methods discussed here in this post but not much changed. What did seem to affect those numbers in my situation was when I started charging at home with the Tesla wall charger at a different amp setting. Why not? At home, and for the last 20k+ miles, I mostly charge at 12 amp, rather than the max 48a wall charger wired on a 60 amp circuit. The car just sitting in the garage overnight charging slower is no inconvenience. If I need more power sooner I crank the amp up, if not I use 12 amp. The rated range is now reading 290-295.

The truth, however, is I see no real difference in practical range. I average 1.5 miles rated range per mile traveled. That's with performance setting, mostly driving with NOA at 85 mph, not flat land, variable winds, temps from 110f to -20f, and taking no care at all to conserve power. I average 340 Wi/mi. That's not very efficient, and I don't care. With 100% charge, I arrive home/work, 150 miles, with 5%-30% charge remaining. Depending mostly on weather, temperature, and wind. At neg 20f in a blizzard, I do have to slow down.

So for me personally people can play with numbers all they want. The important thing is to know your numbers and what you need to do with those numbers to achieve your purpose. It's like the test resulting in numbers we do in emergency medicine. None of those numbers are absolutes and all are affected by a multitude of factors.
So here are my crude and imperfect numbers. The truth is in general I don't pay much attention to those on TMC who seem so sure of their complex analysis and detailed calculations. The more complex, wordy, they tend to be the less I trust the results. They always make fundamental unproven assumptions.

So........my experience is my 2019 M3, Stealth Performance, had a rated range when new of 310 miles. It now has 54K total miles. Most of those miles are at 80+ mph on the interstate highway. I charge twice a week to 100%, most of that done at 120v, a wall charger. For the first 20k+ miles, the rated range reading varied from 308-302. Around that time I got a Gen 3 Tesla wall charger for home and we got a Supercharger in the town where I work, 150 miles from home. I occasionally use the Supercharger.

After 20k miles the rated range slowly decreased to around 280 miles, a 10% change. I did try the methods discussed here in this post but not much changed. What did seem to affect those numbers in my situation was when I started charging at home with the Tesla wall charger at a different amp setting. Why not? At home, and for the last 20k+ miles, I mostly charge at 12 amp, rather than the max 48a wall charger wired on a 60 amp circuit. The car just sitting in the garage overnight charging slower is no inconvenience. If I need more power sooner I crank the amp up, if not I use 12 amp. The rated range is now reading 290-295.

The truth, however, is I see no real difference in practical range. I average 1.5 miles rated range per mile traveled. That's with performance setting, mostly driving with NOA at 85 mph, not flat land, variable winds, temps from 110f to -20f, and taking no care at all to conserve power. I average 340 Wi/mi. That's not very efficient, and I don't care. With 100% charge, I arrive home/work, 150 miles, with 5%-30% charge remaining. Depending mostly on weather, temperature, and wind. At neg 20f in a blizzard, I do have to slow down.

So for me personally people can play with numbers all they want. The important thing is to know your numbers and what you need to do with those numbers to achieve your purpose. It's like the test resulting in numbers we do in emergency medicine. None of those numbers are absolutes and all are affected by a multitude of factors. The point is numbers are an attempt to make certain uncertain realities. But that's all it is, an attempt.
I've had two LR AWD model 3's. Both of the cars held their range respectfully at 310 and 358 miles at 100% until the exact moment that I first charged them on a supercharger(for both cars it was around the 10k mile mark). I don't know what it is about it, but that initiated a nosedive for both cars until they both settled approximately 10% lower. Until I supercharged I used the exact same Juicebox L2 charging station at home. I don't care too much because driving conditions impact range more than what the BMS thinks you can drive anyway, but I do find it fascinating how it has played out for both of my cars.
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Your observations are irrelevant to your age. It’s clear that the Tesla team has not been working on the human interface. You should not need to take your eyes off the road, and simple tasks should be simple! Human factors engineering needs attention and designed for absolute simplicity.
To state they haven’t been working on it isn’t accurate right..
I think it’s clear the Tesla Team has been working on the interface non stop. Thus the never ending software updates...
You may not like the set up, or progress, but they’ve obviously been working on it.

To suggest you shouldn’t have to take your eyes off the road, is a wonderful wish list. Maybe one day this will be true. However, that isn’t something any car manufacturer can even come close to claiming yet.

They're improving on the interface, and functionality, regularly. We all see this. They're also far ahead of most, if not all in that department, depending on your personal preferences.
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Like many others, I have been concerned with loss of 100% indicated battery range on one of my Model 3s. My P3D (build date 9/13/2018, delivery date 10/8/2018) had gotten down to 270.3 miles at 100% charge on January 20, 2020, at about 30,700 miles, which is a loss of 40.8 miles since the car was new.

I posted about going to the service center to talk with them about battery degradation, which I did on March 9, 2020. It was a great service appointment and the techs at the Houston Westchase service center paid attention to my concerns and promised to follow up with a call from the lead virtual tech team technician. I detailed this service visit in the following post:

Reduced Range - Tesla Issued a Service Bulletin for possible fix

While that service visit was great, the real meat of addressing the problem came when I spoke to the virtual tech team lead. He told me some great things about the Model 3 battery and BMS. With the knowledge of what he told me, I formulated a plan to address it myself.

So here is the deal on the Model 3 battery and why many of us might be seeing this capacity degradation.

The BMS system is not only responsible for charging and monitoring of the battery, but computing the estimated range. The way it does this is to correlate the battery's terminal voltage (and the terminal voltage of each group of parallel cells) to the capacity. The BMS tries to constantly refine and calibrate that relationship between terminal voltage and capacity to display the remaining miles.

For the BMS to execute a calibration computation, it needs data. The primary data it needs to to this is what is called the Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) of the battery and each parallel group of cells. The BMS takes these OCV readings whenever it can, and when it has enough of them, it runs a calibration computation. This lets the BMS now estimate capacity vs the battery voltage. If the BMS goes for a long time without running calibration computations, then the BMS's estimate of the battery's capacity can drift away from the battery's actual capacity. The BMS is conservative in its estimates so that people will not run out of battery before the indicator reads 0 miles, so the drift is almost always in the direction of estimated capacity < actual capacity.

So, when does the BMS take OCV readings? To take a set of OCV readings, the main HV contactor must be open, and the voltages inside the pack for every group of parallel cells must stabilize. How long does that take? Well, interestingly enough, the Model 3 takes a lot longer for the voltages to stabilize than the Model S or X. The reason is because of the battery construction. All Tesla batteries have a resistor in parallel with every parallel group of cells. The purpose of these resistors is for pack balancing. When charging to 100%, these resistors allow the low cells in the parallel group to charge more than the high cells in the group, bringing all the cells closer together in terms of their state of charge. However, the drawback to these resistors is that they are the primary cause of vampire drain.

Because Tesla wanted the Model 3 battery to be the most efficient it could be, Tesla decided to decrease the vampire drain as much as possible. One step they took to accomplish this was to increase the value of all of these resistors so that the vampire drain is minimized. The resistors in the Model 3 packs are apparently around 10x the value of the ones in the Model S/X packs. So what does this do to the BMS? Well, it makes the BMS wait a lot longer to take OCV readings, because the voltages take 10x longer to stabilize. Apparently, the voltages can stabilize enough to take OCV readings in the S/X packs within 15-20 minutes, but the Model 3 can take 3+ hours.

This means that the S/X BMS can run the calibration computations a lot easier and lot more often than the Model 3. 15-20 minutes with the contactor open is enough to get a set of OCV readings. This can happen while you're out shopping or at work, allowing the BMS to get OCV readings while the battery is at various states of charge, both high and low. This is great data for the BMS, and lets it run a good calibration fairly often.

On the Model 3, this doesn't happen. With frequent small trips, no OCV readings ever get taken because the voltage doesn't stabilize before you drive the car again. Also, many of us continuously run Sentry mode whenever we're not at home, and Sentry mode keeps the contactor engaged, thus no OCV readings can be taken no matter how long you wait. For many Model 3's, the only time OCV readings get taken is at home after a battery charge is completed, as that is the only time the car gets to open the contactor and sleep. Finally, 3 hours later, OCV readings get taken.

But that means that the OCV readings are ALWAYS at your battery charge level. If you always charge to 80%, then the only data the BMS is repeatedly collecting is 80% OCV readings. This isn't enough data to make the calibration computation accurate. So even though the readings are getting taken, and the calibration computation is being periodically run, the accuracy of the BMS never improves, and the estimated capacity vs. actual capacity continues to drift apart.

So, knowing all of this, here's what I did:

1. I made it a habit to make sure that the BMS got to take OCV readings whenever possible. I turned off Sentry mode at work so that OCV readings could be taken there. I made sure that TeslaFi was set to allow the car to sleep, because if it isn't asleep, OCV readings can't get taken.

2. I quit charging every day. Round-trip to work and back for me is about 20% of the battery's capacity, and I used to normally charge to 90%. I changed my standard charge to 80%, and then I began charging the car at night only every 3 days. So day 1 gets OCV readings at 80% (after the charge is complete), day 2 at about 60% (after 1 work trip), and day 3 at about 40% (2 work trips). I arrive back home from work with about 20% charge on that last day, and if the next day isn't Saturday, then I charge. If the next day is Saturday (I normally don't go anywhere far on Saturday), then I delay the charge for a 4th day, allowing the BMS to get OCV readings at 20%. So now my BMS is getting data from various states of charge throughout the range of the battery.

3. I periodically (once a month or so) charge to 95%, then let the car sleep for 6 hours, getting OCV readings at 95%. Don't do this at 100%, as it's not good for the battery to sit with 100% charge.

4. If I'm going to take a long drive i.e. road trip, then I charge to 100% to balance the battery, then drive. I also try to time it so that I get back home with around 10% charge, and if I can do that, then I don't charge at that time. Instead, let the car sleep 6 hours so it gets OCV readings at 10%.

These steps allowed the BMS to get many OCV readings that span the entire state of charge of the battery. This gets it good data to run an accurate calibration computation.

So what's the results?


On 1/20/2020 at 30,700 miles, I was down to 270 miles full range, which is 40.8 miles lost (15.1 %). The first good, accurate recalibration occurred 4/16/2020 at 35,600 miles and brought the full range up to 286 miles. Then another one occurred on 8/23/2020 at 41,400 miles and brought the range up to 290 miles, now only a 20 mile loss (6.9 %).

Note that to get just two accurate calibration computations by the BMS took 7 months and 11,000 miles.

So, to summarize:

1. This issue is primarily an indication/estimation problem, not real battery capacity loss.
2. Constant Sentry mode use contributes to this problem, because the car never sleeps, so no OCV readings get taken.
3. Long voltage stabilization times in the Model 3 prevent OCV readings from getting taken frequently, contributing to BMS estimation drift.
4. Constantly charging every day means that those OCV readings that do get taken are always at the same charge level, which makes the BMS calibration inaccurate.
5. Multiple accurate calibration cycles may need to happen before the BMS accuracy improves.
6. It takes a long time (a lot of OCV readings) to cause the BMS to run a calibration computation, and therefore the procedure can take months.

I would love if someone else can perform this procedure and confirm that it works for you, especially if your Model 3 is one that has a lot of apparent degradation. It will take months, but I think we can prove that this procedure will work.
Had to reply to this post. I came across your suggestions about a week and half ago and I have already seen a 10 mile improvement in the range estimate. I had been 284 miles at 90 percent for about 1 month and now the vehicle is showing about 295 miles at 90%. I shall be updating this thread of further improvement occurs.

Main takeaway for me was to let the vehicle sleep at different SOC(25%, 55%, 40%, 80% etc) without sentry mode for about 3 hours. I used to charge to 90% any chance I got but based on your post, the vehicle would always take readings at 90% and had nothing else to compare it to.
Had to reply to this post. I came across your suggestions about a week and half ago and I have already seen a 10 mile improvement in the range estimate. I had been 284 miles at 90 percent for about 1 month and now the vehicle is showing about 295 miles at 90%. I shall be updating this thread of further improvement occurs.

Main takeaway for me was to let the vehicle sleep at different SOC(25%, 55%, 40%, 80% etc) without sentry mode for about 3 hours. I used to charge to 90% any chance I got but based on your post, the vehicle would always take readings at 90% and had nothing else to compare it to.
Suggestion: Set charging to Scheduled charing in the middle of the night at a time when the car could sit for several hours before charing starts. That way if driving varies then variable readings with slow times in excess in 3 hours daily.
Not sure why I'm having a difficult time wrapping my mind around this overnight automation set up for regular BMS calibration. Can those that recently mentioned doing this break down the methodology behind it?

Like are you driving it until it's low and then plugging in set to a SoC of like 50% late afternoon or early evening so it sits at 50% for several hours and then using scheduled departure to then have it continue to the desired SoC (80%, 90%, whatevs) so it's ready to go or... ? What am I missing here?

If you have a moment, please spell out the exact steps you use for what a couple of you just mentioned briefly that is providing successful range correction for the positive.
Not sure why I'm having a difficult time wrapping my mind around this overnight automation set up for regular BMS calibration. Can those that recently mentioned doing this break down the methodology behind it?

Like are you driving it until it's low and then plugging in set to a SoC of like 50% late afternoon or early evening so it sits at 50% for several hours and then using scheduled departure to then have it continue to the desired SoC (80%, 90%, whatevs) so it's ready to go or... ? What am I missing here?

If you have a moment, please spell out the exact steps you use for what a couple of you just mentioned briefly that is providing successful range correction for the positive.
I think you may be overthinking the recommendation (if you're referring to @Flybyglass 's recent one), which is to simply plug it in when you arrive home (but not charging) and set up scheduled charging so it starts to charge in the middle of the night.

In my own personal experience, I keep the battery between 30-75% (waiting until it gets down to 30% to even bother plugging it in) and then charging to 75% (this is usually every 4 days or so). I do occasionally charge to 100% when traveling.
How is yours doing? Maybe I missed a recent update?

Cryochamber performing nominally?
Strangely, after recently discussing not leaving the car at really low SOCs at low temps to avoid lithium plating, I did exactly that thing one night, 2 weeks ago. I came home from skiing, and it was only 8% but I had set the car to charge at 5:30am, and forgot to turn it off. So, the car sat all night at less than 8% in very cold weather.

After that, I did look at my SMT data and saw my Full Pack number was now 75.3kWh and my range was 307miles. It had been 76.4kWh earlier this Summer when I first got the SMT.

First time I've seen it under the original EPA-rating of 310. Woe is me.
I think you may be overthinking the recommendation (if you're referring to @Flybyglass 's recent one), which is to simply plug it in when you arrive home (but not charging) and set up scheduled charging so it starts to charge in the middle of the night.

In my own personal experience, I keep the battery between 30-75% (waiting until it gets down to 30% to even bother plugging it in) and then charging to 75% (this is usually every 4 days or so). I do occasionally charge to 100% when traveling.
So the target is to just have it hit 100% at least 3 hours before you leave the next morning then, right.
So the target is to just have it hit 100% at least 3 hours before you leave the next morning then, right.
I suppose, but even though I REALLY baby my battery, I don't even go that far. I just charge to 100% the night before using my normal start time. I suppose it does get done around 4 hours before departure, but I'm not so concerned about getting the timing right. It's not like I'm traveling very often.
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