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I'm T-minus 2 day for delivery and my car is on the lot yet no sales contract/final #s

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Don't be so sure. They only reveal when it screws up the delivery that had been already scheduled. I think this is the reason they are pulling the VIN from account until 7 days. So they can hide this going forward. Also dealers cannot perform body work and not tell you, only manufactures can because they consider it as part of the manufacturing process. Dealers are 3rd party vendors who resell products and if said products are damaged while in their possession are required to inform you. Now do they? Probably hit or miss. My folks were buying a car in 2002 and they signed all the papers and left. Next day got a call that the dealer scratched the car, tiny scratch but asked if they wanted to see it. They went over, saw it and refused the car. Dealer provided them with a new vehicle. Now what did they do with that car? I have no idea. Given how dishonest the entire car industry I say they repainted it and sold it as new.

Either way I agree this is not some collectable one of Bugatti so we should not care as much but nevertheless I am jaded by the body shop industry. Over the years I've seen way too much. I even been to dealer auctions and seen these dealers run around the car with paint depth scanners and scan panels to see if the car been repainted so they can bid accordingly. My experience is only within the state of NJ the city of New York. I do not know if elsewhere the quality of work is much better but here it is good from far but far from good.

I watch this guy's channel on youtube sometimes and if you want to see things that should not be driven, go here: Arthur tussik
Dealers most certainly can and do repair cars that receive damage and do not have to disclose it. The laws vary from state to state but they can repair some fairly significant damage and never say a thing. Your brand new car might not be completely new after all
I'm beginning to take your side, Vadimr. The paint film co. called me back to tell me of dirt blemishes in the paint on the passenger door and fender. I didn't notice these in the short time I had the vehicle after pickup. I guess whoever approved the 2nd attempt hoped I wouldn't notice either. I honestly see little point in getting the Xpel applied to a shoddy paint job, if only I wasn't 2 hours away from all the proceedings. Probably better to cancel this costly Xpel wrap and pay off some debts instead. I should have never accepted delivery.
I probably wouldn't count on that delivery happening :(

I'd contact the SC directly and see if they can find out who your Delivery Specialist is supposed to be. Thats the person that will help push your contracts through and will know for certain that delivery is happening.

Update! I called the main 51-Tesla line and they were able to help push my contract through. After like 30 mins wait on the phone.

Man. Wish Tesla does things a little more smoothly.
I have delivery scheduled for tomorrow and everyone I talk to at Tesla says the contract guys are completely overloaded. ISA said contract my not show until shortly before my appointment tomorrow, which is fine. Then went to get my VIN for insurance and there is the final bits of the contract.

Honestly, hearing everyone on here complain about how slow everything is and how they wish Tesla would do things differently needs to wake up and realize that everything is happening at speeds that make all other car companies, and most other companies in the world look like turtles trying to walk backwards while Tesla is a roadster running them all over.

Lets all get out of the mindset of just vomiting complaints online and recognize the intelligence and dedication of the people behind the transformational product we are all supporting.
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I have delivery scheduled for tomorrow and everyone I talk to at Tesla says the contract guys are completely overloaded. ISA said contract my not show until shortly before my appointment tomorrow, which is fine. Then went to get my VIN for insurance and there is the final bits of the contract.

Honestly, hearing everyone on here complain about how slow everything is and how they wish Tesla would do things differently needs to wake up and realize that everything is happening at speeds that make all other car companies, and most other companies in the world look like turtles trying to walk backwards while Tesla is a roadster running them all over.

Lets all get out of the mindset of just vomiting complaints online and recognize the intelligence and dedication of the people behind the transformational product we are all supporting.

I have to disagree. I think if people are willing to pay $60k for their vehicle they deserve the best possible service and the right to vent here if they want.

“Transformational product we are all supporting” - I just want to buy an electric car that starts at $35k and goes over 200 miles of range BUT I cannot right now so I am willing to pay $60k to get it now. I am not looking to change the world I just want my freakin car but I would settle for a VIN!

We are coming up on one year of when deliveries started with employees. By now I would expect some kind of streamlined process. People have waited for more than two years and are refreshing their pages every 5 minutes, checking the Model 3 spreadsheet, anxiously calling Tesla, checking their emails, and still little information on where they stand after configuration and you want us to stop complaining....

I think most people would appreciate some clear communication and great customer service.
I have delivery scheduled for tomorrow and everyone I talk to at Tesla says the contract guys are completely overloaded. ISA said contract my not show until shortly before my appointment tomorrow, which is fine. Then went to get my VIN for insurance and there is the final bits of the contract.

Honestly, hearing everyone on here complain about how slow everything is and how they wish Tesla would do things differently needs to wake up and realize that everything is happening at speeds that make all other car companies, and most other companies in the world look like turtles trying to walk backwards while Tesla is a roadster running them all over.

Lets all get out of the mindset of just vomiting complaints online and recognize the intelligence and dedication of the people behind the transformational product we are all supporting.

Theres no excuse for the contract and paperwork process to be like this. They do everything before the delivery appointment in an effort to speed up the delivery process, but in reality they can't meet the deadlines with their remote team. In your exact situation, if someone was financing the car through a 3rd party credit union there would be a high chance that financing couldnt be finalized in time for delivery if contracts are delivered on that short amount of time. That's not acceptable.
I’m suppose to pick up my car in 24 hours and no final payment and contract. I emailed my ISA and still have not heard back. I call him and it goes to voicemail. I try the Tesla line and it’s busy.

I had the same problem.
I have delivery scheduled for tomorrow and everyone I talk to at Tesla says the contract guys are completely overloaded. ISA said contract my not show until shortly before my appointment tomorrow, which is fine. Then went to get my VIN for insurance and there is the final bits of the contract.

Honestly, hearing everyone on here complain about how slow everything is and how they wish Tesla would do things differently needs to wake up and realize that everything is happening at speeds that make all other car companies, and most other companies in the world look like turtles trying to walk backwards while Tesla is a roadster running them all over.

Lets all get out of the mindset of just vomiting complaints online and recognize the intelligence and dedication of the people behind the transformational product we are all supporting.

I buy a lot of cars - 2 a year for work and 2 personal vehicles. In the last year I have bought from Ford, Toyota, Suzuki, Yamaha, Ducati - none of them operate like Tesla and none of them are close to $160K vehicle price.

Luckily someone at Tesla saw the emails and jumped in otherwise I would walk away from my deposit.

I love Tesla but "we are a startup mentality needs to stop."
I had the same problem.

I buy a lot of cars - 2 a year for work and 2 personal vehicles. In the last year I have bought from Ford, Toyota, Suzuki, Yamaha, Ducati - none of them operate like Tesla and none of them are close to $160K vehicle price.

Luckily someone at Tesla saw the emails and jumped in otherwise I would walk away from my deposit.

I love Tesla but "we are a startup mentality needs to stop."

I agree! My car was ready ahead of schedule, and when the local delivery person called me I had to explain that I was more than ready to pick it up, but I had still not received contracts needed to finalize financing. At that point I was 4 days out from the original delivery, and they wanted to move it up 3 days. She was able to get them to me in about 15 minutes. Funny how that works.

I totally get why they don't want stores to have to do this part of the transaction. Doing it at the store would make it feel more like a 'normal' car purchase, which Tesla doesn't want. They just have to get better at it.
My appointment is Monday morning. No contract info yet. Apparently the contract team is swamped with Canada orders so 48 hours prior to appointment is the new normal for contracts to show up.

I was also told to basically not sweat it and that they would get it done and will take the money with personal check if nesessary. Wire can be done the same day and they only need proof that it is in transit, not money in the bank. Also, the ACH transfer can be done literally when I'm there.

Yes, this is not smooth, it's new and can be frustrating. They are doing the best they can for right now and will improve. They have been a boutique company till now and never dealt with volumes. They are scaling with crazy never before heard of speeds and they deserve kudos for that. Scaling affects all phases up to delivery and service after, not just production. Production is what they tackled first which is understandable.

Patience is a virtue.
Matt and his partner (who's name I once again forgot) from http://www.mobileautomotivesolutions.com/ just did bikini partial xpel wrap of my Model 3 and debaged the front. They also wrapped top of the rear bumper where it always gets scratched when you take things out of the truck. I love it! This is a second car he wrapped for me and man are they good. They tucked in all the edges and best of all, they did this in my garage. I did not have to go anywhere. I only wish someone did tints the same way. Anyone know anyone that does high quality tinting in NNJ?


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My appointment is Monday morning. No contract info yet. Apparently the contract team is swamped with Canada orders so 48 hours prior to appointment is the new normal for contracts to show up.

I was also told to basically not sweat it and that they would get it done and will take the money with personal check if nesessary. Wire can be done the same day and they only need proof that it is in transit, not money in the bank. Also, the ACH transfer can be done literally when I'm there.

Yes, this is not smooth, it's new and can be frustrating. They are doing the best they can for right now and will improve. They have been a boutique company till now and never dealt with volumes. They are scaling with crazy never before heard of speeds and they deserve kudos for that. Scaling affects all phases up to delivery and service after, not just production. Production is what they tackled first which is understandable.

Patience is a virtue.

Just got final numbers on the site and submitted final payment. Car is at the delivery center, Monday cannot come soon enough!