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Insanely great.

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To quote Steve Jobs... this car is insanely great.

And, while I'm sure Tesla has its issues as a company, I encountered none of them.

Picked up this morning at the Paramus NJ Tesla center. A huge shout out to Sean Dubits & Chris Wimbert, my delivery advisors! They. are. AWESOME. This is a service and sales center done right. Super efficient, pleasant, friendly, knowledgeable, and they absolutely have their act together.

My Model 3 is flawless; just stunning to look at, was professionally detailed and spotless before delivery. Had a full 100% charge, too. Firmware was 2019.8.5... given that they re-spun 2019.8.6.1 just yesterday, I'd say 2019.8.5 is the right place to be.

Chris took over an hour with us reviewing the car, the features, its functions and making sure we had everything we needed.

By the time I drove home, I already had a personal email from him in my inbox welcoming me to the family, with a copy of all my documents attached, and a letter from the NJ MVC that he suggested I keep in the glovebox -- electric vehicles are exempt from inspection in NJ but not all police officers know that. Good to have that handy in case I get stopped.

So again - I couldn't have asked for this purchase, process or vehicle to be any more flawless.

Thanks everyone for putting up with my questions and inanity. Happy to be part of the family!

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Except for the wheels (and I never went to get the Dual motor badging added) looks like my baby! Even have the same mats. Hey welcome the family. Really great you shared your story and sounds like they have a well managed store/delivery center there. Who knows if Elon's announcement to close some stores has some locations working harder on customer service. While ideally every delivery should be like this, they definitely should be when it's not end of quarter rush. No excuse otherwise. In fact your delivery sounds very much like our MS delivery back in March of 2017 before things for Tesla went crazy.

Enjoy your car. How is the family liking it?
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Except for the wheels (and I never went to get the Dual motor badging added) looks like my baby! Even have the same mats. Hey welcome the family. Really great you shared your story and sounds like they have a well managed store/delivery center there. Who knows if Elon's announcement to close some stores has some locations working harder on customer service. While ideally every delivery should be like this, they definitely should be when it's not end of quarter rush. No excuse otherwise. In fact your delivery sounds very much like our MS delivery back in March of 2017 before things for Tesla went crazy.

Enjoy your car. How is the family liking it?

I chose the 18" wheels for the additional range and (hopefully) slightly softer ride. Not a huge fan of low profile tires; the 20s were non-starters... the 19s were up for debate, but in the end I thought the extra range with the 18s was worth the tradeoff!

It really was well managed; I'm sure someone can find a bad example at the same store - hey, it happens - but I was duly impressed. Any worry or concern I had from reading the horror stories here were for naught. I'm sure they happen but we just don't hear the good ones too often!

My son absolutely LOVES it. He's Tesla crazy and now counting the days (6 years) until he has his license. My wife... she's warming up a bit. Still finds the idea of the screen distracting and would much prefer physical buttons, but she's taken her first drive and survived. Not bad... she'll do great; it's just new and different and scary.

Headed for some nasty storms tonight and tomorrow morning but after that - doing the show-off circuit to some family and friends. Test drives out the wazoo for the next couple weeks I'm sure!
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I assumed that was your son in the one photo grinning :D. Kids are pretty adaptable to learning new tech. I was hesitant to drive my husband’s MS when he got it. Not that I’m a bad driver but the thought of having the car damaged when I was driving it or parking it (most expensive car we had owned) and that it was his car made me a bit nervous. The new setup and driving with regen braking didn’t take me long to adjust though. Nor did it take me long to appreciate an EV and especially our Tesla. Knew without a doubt what car I would be ordering when we replaced my old car and definitely not a single regret buying a second EV, Tesla or my Model 3.

Love to hear how your wife does a bit more down the road once she’s driven it for a few months. I think a lot of new potential drivers to a Tesla are hesitant about the Model 3’s sole center screen and set up.

Hear you about the 18s. I probably see more Model 3s with 18s than 19s or 20s on the road here. I do mostly local driving and don’t drive that many miles during the week so while husband suggested the 18s, I decided on the bling of the silver sport wheels instead.