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Lost Interest

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After many years following Tesla and in 2014 rebuilding a P85D, I've finally lost interest in Tesla after a terrible experience at the Lynnwood, WA Service Center. They are not honest.

Yes, there's the Supercharger network, yes there's "self-driving". But I am just not feeling it anymore. Lost trust. Tesla doesn't care.

I'm selling my Tesla and will be looking at electrics from Fisker, Volvo, and Porsche (something other than the awful-looking Tucan). Mercedes has lost their way, and have all been just Butt-Ugly for the past ten years -- they look like Winston Churchill. I sort of like the Cadillac Lyriq, but decades ago I vowed to never buy another GM car. Anyway I don't like their driver surveillance. Cybertruck is a non-starter as pickups are worthless in the rain. Tesla's new S design was a heavy disappointment; I was expecting something tougher like the Jags, but it is just milquetoast.


My wiki domain is expiring soon and I am going to let it go. The site needs fixing but I have better things to do. Thanks to those who have expressed appreciation.

Mend your ways Tesla, or else you are at the top of the curve.
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I'm a developer and carry machines and equipment to my jobsites all the time. It's Monsoon Season here in the PacNW and my expensive equipment would be damaged.

With a pickup in bad weather you're very light in the back and easily lose traction and spin out or get stuck.

Also to me, pickups are just an inefficient use of space on the platform.

Another consideration I hadn't thought of until I rented a pickup is, park it anywhere and your stuff is easily stolen. Only those who don't actually haul things would not realize that. I know the CT has a locking cover but that doesn't make up for the other drawbacks.

Oh I realize that it's popular to have a pickup. But those who lift them 6" without changing tires are just poseurs. Your diff is the same height from the ground, Stupid! And you're going to roll it sooner or later. I lifted my Nitro work SUV 2" and put on the biggest tires that wouldn't fit without scaring women and young children from the tires rubbing when I turn.
I have driven and owned a lot of trucks. Lifted non lifted. I have never spun out in the rain. Nor have I ever rolled one over even when offroading. Have I gotten a few stuck Absolutely Even in the snow I slow down. If a jerk wants to pass I let them. When I was a teenager and in my early twenties I would plow snow with an old 2 wheel drive International flat bed. I use my truck for work and play. It is also my daily driver. Some people like cars some people like trucks. I just haven't found a car or suv that can tow my trailer when it is loaded down with cars or junk . The bed of my truck is perfect for large stuff . I will help my neighbors out also. 2 weeks ago I helped my neighbor pick his front end loader up. My family has 3 trucks right now
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I have test drove an Audi SUV that was an EV. Such a boring car to drive and not worth the $79,000 it was priced for :(
Tesla has been superior in all ways possible and after looking at Lucid I was going to get one but the car interior looks mediocre in my opinion.
But yeah sorry for your experience. :( elon should take note of this.
trayloader, those images are of a natural medical condition called 'microcephaly'. That happens to be Schlitze and Pepper. And that is what the new redesign of the S looks like to me. 1=1, these are just facts. I didn't use it disrespectfully in any way. They had a right to live and show themselves off to make a living.

You act like I put up a picture of a cancer tumor or colon polyp. Are you revolted by someone in a wheelchair, or with cerebral palsy? Have a little grace and tolerance for those who are different from you. (Then again, maybe you're from the East)

I notice that you don't object to my negative reference to Winston Churchill. Now why would that be?
Now, I thought it was pictures of the OP, pondering what to buy next. Interesting how he gets all upset about how well received these pictures are, when it's obvious why he put them up. People could put up other natural photos, let's say of people's naked back sides, but it's not really socially acceptable in most intelligent driver's circles. People would complain of pictures of cancer polyps just as soon, too.

Hey, I don't need a pickup either, so I bought the Model S. Great car for my use. I've found I can put a ton of stuff in the back of my car and it doesn't get wet or stolen, but they do make bed covers for those who haul expensive junk in the back of their pickups.

Meanwhile, Tesla is selling everything they make, building new Giga factories all over, and showing a good profit. Must be doing something right.
After many years following Tesla and in 2014 rebuilding a P85D, I've finally lost interest in Tesla after a terrible experience at the Lynnwood, WA Service Center. They are not honest. Yes, there's the Supercharger network, yes there's "self-driving". But I am just not feeling it anymore. Lost trust. Tesla doesn't care.
I'm selling my Tesla and will be looking at electrics from Fisker, Volvo, and Porsche (something other than the awful-looking Tucan). Mercedes has lost their way, and have all been just Butt-Ugly for the past ten years -- they look like Winston Churchill. I sort of like the Cadillac Lyriq, but decades ago I vowed to never buy another GM car. Anyway I don't like their driver surveillance. Cybertruck is a non-starter as pickups are worthless in the rain. Tesla's new S design was a heavy disappointment; I was expecting something tougher like the Jags, but it is just milquetoast.
My wiki domain is expiring soon and I am going to let it go. The site needs fixing but I have better things to do. Thanks to those who have expressed appreciation. Mend your ways Tesla, or else you are at the top of the curve.
Sorry to see you go from TMC. As a long-term Model S owner and Tesla shareholder I understand your frustration with the extremely poor service.

The customer service has declined from the old days when they bent over backward to assist owners... now they don't care and there is no direct communication channel available. Things went downhill as the high volume Model 3/Y ramped up and they are in denial that there will be a day of reckoning when the completion arrives from the big OEMs. I hope that Tesla will recognize this and add resources and exec leadership to right the ship. Rant over. ;)

PS - "Remember, Zippy, says: Are we having fun yet?" Yow!
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Your use of microcephalics to define your idea of how ugly you perceive the redesigned S is disrespectful to them in about every way. It adds nothing to your post. While we’re at it, I for one, do object to your use of Winston Churchill as well. This man was an absolutely great leader of the British during WWII. Referring to him as your definition of ugly is shallow. Again it adds nothing to your post.

I doubt my words will do much to sway you if you truly believe there’s nothing wrong with your using these people in this way. Just know it is inappropriate. For those of us that do object, you should know it reflects poorly on you and it is an unnecessary distraction from the true thrust of your post. I would rather you post the objective reason for your unhappiness with that service center and exactly why you feel they are less than honest.

So let me too suggest to you that you edit your post. As it is you risk you leaving others with an impression of historical ignorance and a total lack of empathy. Then they might wonder if that played a part in your interaction with the people at that service center.
dannycamps, I guess there are enough detailed complaints about service centers and I don't see any use in adding to them. It's tiresome.

I'm a democratic socialist and have always hired staff exclusively from the DoC. These guys are almost without exception, damaged people, and recovering them is one of my life's goals as late as I am in life. (67) I must be absolutely consistent and predictable, buffer acting out, a patient teacher as I use new construction technologies (ICF et al), but absolutely first and most of all I must be and remain trustworthy. And being a Freemason anchors my values. When we see a pattern of slippery, slimey behavior from Tesla, the broken subframe issue being classed as "normal wear and tear" for example, it is offensive and destructive to the larger mission which I'd thought Elon was the standard-bearer for. I suspicion that he is trying to do too much. 'Nuff said.

D.E., I have always said things the way I want to say them, rather than crafting my words along well-trodden paths so as not to offend the majority, as you do. Further and mistakenly, you've reacted emotionally to my comparison of microcephalics whereas I'd made clear that the new design looks microcephalic to me -- and I'd even said this is just a fact. No, I never said the new design is ugly, lol. I said it was a deep disappointment. Mercedes' are ugly, as was Sir Winston -- admit it, or remain dishonest! And again mistakenly you confuse this with his value as a leader, lol. You didn't understand my suspecting trayloader as a national socialist for his interpretations, probably because you are not well-educated, which would explain all of this. If you prefer to take offense, gourd head, it's not important to me. I've always said what I will say, and it's gotten me banned here four times. But now it's over.
If you don't expect to be updating the wiki and letting the URL go you can rest assured that there is always the Wayback Machine:

It even has the images that seem to be lacking in the current incarnation of the site. You could at that link to your signature if you don't expect to be back this way and all your posts that reference the wiki would still make sense.

Getting to the party late myself as this is the first I am hearing about the site.
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If you don't expect to be updating the wiki and letting the URL go you can rest assured that there is always the Wayback Machine:

It even has the images that seem to be lacking in the current incarnation of the site. You could at that link to your signature if you don't expect to be back this way and all your posts that reference the wiki would still make sense. Getting to the party late myself as this is the first I am hearing about the site.
Thanks for posting the link... I bet that someone here on TMC would be interested in taking over the site. ;)
I’d also be interested in knowing the details of the Lynnwood SC. They have many positive reviews.

I have owned a 2015 P85D for 9 months, and was thinking of getting it in to Lynnwood for routine maintenance (check AC compressor, lubricate brake calipers, etc) and it would be great hearing your feedback on that SC.
Oh darn, D.E. has given my posts multiple 👎. Now what am I going to do?

I will hand over the domain and database to someone who can demonstrate that they can wrangle httpd, php, and mediawiki. It obviously needs some repairs now but I don't care anymore.

I expect I will be taking legal action. I can't sell my car the way they've left it and they refuse a simple fix to a problem which they have caused.

That's all I will say except, avoid Cameron. He is uneducated and impetuous.

PS - Thank you Dad. I will never be the man you were but I wouldn't have wanted any other dad. Some day I will finish your page.
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So what’s going on here? Rooter has chosen to label me emotional and uneducated, seemingly without a shred of evidence for either. There’s a saying about arguing with a fool so I proceed full well knowing where this may go.

Since we’re short on facts let’s speculate a bit. That should be OK, Rooter is happy to speculate. Following links in his posts there are indeed interesting things to find.

It seems he is active in the salvage Tesla world, where a totaled Tesla is rebuilt at home then there are attempts to try to get Tesla to support the Frankensteinian rebuild. Tesla generally wants nothing to do with these kludged builds. Insurance companies have paid for the losses on the original damaged cars then these cars are sold for scrap and parts. Along comes Mr. educated who buys a couple of these wrecks and puts together the seemingly good parts from each and makes for himself a fine car. Except it isn’t a fine car. The electronics still identify this rebuild as a salvage car. Then the soldering starts. Lots of wires are soldered in trying to defeat the identification process to try to defeat Tesla’s identification of the rebuild as salvage and return the car to the ranks of the functional Teslas.

This becomes a frustrating process for the rebuilder. Tesla has an interest in keeping these rebuilds out of the supercharging network. Tesla isn’t forthcoming with helpful information. Tesla isn’t interested in supporting these builds in their service centers. They are seen as potentially dangerous to personnel and equipment.

Here’s a support picture from Rooter’s site. I don’t know if this is typical but I can see why Tesla avoids supporting these cars.

So I see both sides. Rooter is frustrated. He wants support from Tesla. He doesn’t get it so he vents here. He doesn’t give us the facts, they don’t support his position, he’s angry so he lashes out, at Tesla, their employees, and anyone else he sees as not as supportive as he likes.

This will likely be my last post in this thread. I expect backlash, more personal attacks, more self serving drivel. If he has facts to offer we can address those, otherwise I’m done.


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