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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

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If that Trip Chowdry data is to be trusted, it suggests that substantially zero MS are ordered with neither FSD nor EAP. (60% FSD + 40% EAP = ~100%)

Thats $5-13k/car (weighted avg $9800/car) going essentially directly to GM, as the software development cost is a sunk cost, and the incremental cost of those cars vs a non-equipped car is zero. Anybody have numbers on the take rate of the old AP1 option?
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Same goes for windshields, windows, side mirrors. But no incremental INCREASE in risk just because it's a glass roof, unless of course they transport the cars upside down.

Cars have been shipped with large amounts of glass panels, and traverse the roads in their daily operation with large amounts of glass panels for decades without any particular issue - why is this even considered a risk at all?

The only reason it would be a problem is if having as much glass as the MS and MX (and soon M3) do, compromises structural rigidity. If the structural rigidity is compromised, I might be able to see an argument that the glass is at risk of cracking due to chassis flex, but that would be a problem on the road in operation just as much as on the transport vehicle en route to the customer.

I don't believe that is the case, though. I have to believe that Tesla understands the physics well enough that they didn't design a vehicle with that much glass and not consider the structural rigidity.
Ivanka meets Al Gore regarding Climate change (feel free to delete this post)

Eyeing climate role, Ivanka Trump to meet with Al Gore

At least there is a small chance of something good coming from this . Maybe Gore can sell it as way to do the carbon tax and create a new marketplace with selling credits. You could open up a new revenue channel and deregulate environmental regulations. For example remove hindrance to coal mining but have a big carbon tax on it, that way Trump can say he kept his promise to the coal miners even if it is a dead industry. Of course there would be a lot of ways to abuse a new marketplace.
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I'm sure many on here didn't actually read the Trip Chowdhury article, via Barrons:
Tesla Motors: Easy Does It?

It's important to note that several of the important claims (60% of cars with FSD, 90% of MS with glass roof) refer to production patterns (not order patterns) and just over the last week. So Tesla didn't tell Trip that 90% of orders are glass roofs, just that last week they made 90% glass roofs. They could easily be batching these.
I woke up this morning to my alarm clock radio advertisement 'that was a nice picknick, why is dad setting up a tent, arent we going home? No son, we have an electric car and need to charge it first before we get back home'.

I guess those are validating superchargers lol


These may be among the most benign of the Koch brothers' interventions.
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