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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Well we've tickled the 52 week low.

Well, that's interesting. Because my brokerage account is showing that it's up over 62% in the last 12 months.

Lol, they prolly meant on the S&P 500: Low was 2,752.33 today vs 2,744.45 Close on June 3, 2019.


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Depends. Production of consumer staples should be booming, as should healthcare. The big spending hits should be travel (esp. air travel) and tourism, which are not huge focuses of the Chinese economy, as a % of GDP.
Come on, everyone loves Chinese tourism. We'll get no kind of tourism at all in mid-future. China is not so service-oriented yet, so they will rebound quicker. US au contraire: services are the backbone of employment in terms of jobs. So all these gains in restaurants and hospitality will be lost. So much for lowest unemployment. Next domino is predatory auto loans. Unless helicopter money materializes in hands of the laid-off service sector workers, we'll see a drop in consumer confidence.
Baristas and hipster hotel concierges are not target audience/sizeable market for TSLA, luckily for us. Rebound in US will be slower than in China.
This market action seems very overdone. Looking at the case/death stats, this primarily seems to be a problem for china (now contained), s korea, italy and iran.

Frankly if Italy and iran and S Korea were all permanently obliterated by meteor strikes, it should not cause such an impact globally.
largest economies:

italy #8
iran #11
Iran #28

italys economy is less than a tenth of the US. The total obliteration of italy should wipe way below 10% of stocks that sell globally equally.
The actual *real world* impact of the total destruction of italy to a rational; TSLA investor should be maybe 1-2%.

And let not even get into the fact that we are very unlikely to see even 0.1% of Italians die as a result of this virus*

This market is 100% irrational, and there are SERIOUS long term bargains becoming available for anybody able to look through this panic,

*this would be a horrific disaster, but i'm talking pure maths and economics here.

While I don't care from a "I'm not selling at these prices" perspective, I think you missed out on the US. Our Great Leader gutted the CDC which impacted their ability to respond appropriately and since then there's been plenty of blame casting at upper levels with the professionals told to shut their mouths. All of which puts the US closer to Iran than South Korea in terms of response. Add to that the fierce independence and an all too frequent lack of concern for others and you have a recipe for increased spread.

Which is to say I expect a lot more cases and deaths in the US before things get better. Of course, it could be yugely more and still less than the flu (where I'm at, that is what is pummeling people).

I don't know enough about this sort of thing to have any idea of economic impact, but I do think it will impact the US due to the aforementioned factors. Of course, that still argues against selling unless you feeling like trying to time the market for buying back in at a presumed lower price. Good luck to anyone attempting that, but this is just too easy: buy and hold. If I had cash I'd be picking up more. Unfortunately, what I have is in other stocks which are also down and I'm just not interested in selling anything in a downward trend.
Model Y production appears to be picking up:

VIN Tracker for Model Y : teslamotors

"Is there any place keeping track of highest vin tracker? I just received mine and it’s in the 1400s."​

Previously reported VIN's were below ~800.

If the 85% VIN allocation density policy is still alive (it might not be), then it suggests Model Y production higher than 1,200.

(Caution: unverified source and unknown allocation of Model Y VINs.)
It was clearly non-competitive. It had an early 2010's Non-Tesla EV range (89 miles?!). I'm waiting to see if they cancel their hydrogen variant as well.

Not sure what Japanese car company is pivoting to BEVs fast enough. At least it seems like Hyundai / Kia are doing more.
I agree on both points. I think the Koreans may end up being credible competition to Tesla. Don't really understand what's going on with the Japanese, especially Toyota.
Bought my first Call Option in nearly 2 yrs, $800 strike, Jan 2021. I might sell a few shares to cover costs, we'll see.

3-9-2020 9-29-40 AM.png

I wasn't in too much shock this morning because I looked at Futures last night. Then today, it was a tip from my brother that seemed to make sense - buy when the world is freaking out. I knew without looking that many here would be "Backing up the truck to load up" this morning. Was I correct? Plus, I can afford to lose this and the potential for a jump has some voltage behind it. Good possibility this is not the bottom. But what if it is right?
Have we seen the whites of the market's eyes yet people? Am holding the TSLA line's formation, waiting for the signal to loose a volley with me dry powder and bag a few more shares...

Still think the Dow could dip to 19000 (along with a similar drop with TSLA) before things calm down.