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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Someone on Reddit conducted a comment sentiment analysis for comments that contained "Elon Musk."

Alright, before anyone draws any more conclusions on the graph I posted, I was a bit suspicious because that OP didn't post any code or methods except for the "VADER" sentiment analysis, so I attempted to create the same chart for the search term "tesla" since the beginning of the year. Long story short, that chart must have a HUGE amount of smoothing applied to it.

My method: Take the 100 most upvoted comments per day that contain the word "tesla" from 2020-01-01 until today. Calculate the nltk VADER sentiment compound score for each comment, and take the average for the day. Below is the scatter plot of this method, where the compound score can range from -1 to 1:


So overall positive, except for 3 days this year (including May 1). Is there a trend there? I don't think so, but you can force a trend on it if you calculate the LOESS:

Not talking survival - talking about how fast they can restart (and depending on which state / country they are in, when they can). Also they would have their own ramp up times etc.

Zach referred to a bit of this by stating that there will be some ramp up time needed once Fremont restarts.

Immediate issue would be how to get shipments to Europe produced, shipped & delivered within Q2. The amount of reg credit they can bill FCA would depend on the number of deliveries, I guess.

Did anyone did an analysis on why furloughing giga1 staff due to Fremont extension? You would think they should call people into giga 1 to start ramping up production again. Then you add in transition time and such, I don't know why they would sit those staffs home. In fact the original plan was to have buffalo and Giga 1 fully staffed despite Fremont shut down.
Contraversial? All the more reason it would catch on.

Easy to get around this issue by limiting what the car can do while recording the sim. You just want the track info really, then race it at home for best times. Fixed it.
I bet there's a nice video game or Tesla touchscreen app thread where everyone who's interested could go there to talk about this.
Musk might be inspired by this:

In fact Google Map had similar ideas years ago:
I bet there's a nice video game or Tesla touchscreen app thread where everyone who's interested could go there to talk about this.

Except that this was brought up in this thread regarding a recent tweet by Elon.
Are tweets or responses off limit too. I already left this group regarding the virus topic, gracefully.
I'm getting seriously tired of being nice here. Best I shut up then.
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Did anyone did an analysis on why furloughing giga1 staff due to Fremont extension? You would think they should call people into giga 1 to start ramping up production again. Then you add in transition time and such, I don't know why they would sit those staffs home. In fact the original plan was to have buffalo and Giga 1 fully staffed despite Fremont shut down.

The political climate right now is deem to irrational to call workers back regardless safety protocols you might have.

Wait two weeks when we have COVID from the states open up early. Even thought MSM could spin to whatever narratives, it is still better than opening it now.

Time is in our favor since we know for sure lockdown cannot sustain forever regardless which camp you are in.

In a couple weeks, Democrat in swing states will start to sing a different tune.
Hard for me to judge since my wife is stuck at home, for the most part, with me. She's a practicing Buddhist whose stability in all things, mostly cleanliness in my case, is similar to the uber sane attitude toward money of Krugerrand.

I would go further than you, being human brings out the best and worst of us. Everyone. We see it more often in high profile types and others close to us, another BFO. There is great comfort provided to and by TMC for shut-ins.

I haven't been reading, bit what is the uber insane attitude of krugerrand towards money?

I went through intense meditation training when I was a vagabond as well, but during the training's isolation I was constantly meditating so the mental ilnness didn't show. This timenI am too busy and it clearly showed that I do have some. Perhaps a lot of us have them too, but the constant social interaction kept it at bay.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Everyone agreed that the virus will keep
The shut down was to help flatten the curve so it gives the states and hospitals enough time to gear up to meet the case demand
After 6 weeks of *sugar* down, if we are not ready , then we will never be.
I see the goal posts being changed now.
That’s infuriating a lot of people whose survival Depends on being able to get back to work.
May be, I should post this in the Coronavirus thread.
Fred at electrek has a nice scoop on a not-so-new Tesla product, the Tesla Autobidder.

Tesla has a new product: Autobidder, a step toward becoming an electric utility - Electrek

For sometime, I have been suspecting something like this would be a no-brainer. Cool to see that they have had this for about 3 years.

Essentially, when the energy production moves to solar and wind from coal and Nat gas, the biggest problem is grid stabilization. A lot of the value in this new order will be captured not by the commodity panel manufacturers, or the windfarms, or even the batteries. They're cheap, and interchangeable. And of course, Tesla can make more margins on the batteries than anyone else, thanks to their tech and scale. The real value add here is in making all these come together on the supply side to provide stable and predictable power. We have seen this happen down under, where the Hornsdale power reserve makes insane money on providing such services. I have not seen anything that says Tesla structured these contracts to get a share of the revenue, but that very likely is the case. Better still, become an utility and all the money is yours. (Yay UK)

In the US, I can see this happening in Texas, which has the most deregulated grid (ERCOT). This combined with one of the highest penetration of renewables, make the case for Tesla becoming a utility there. There's a tremendous opportunity here, and no competition to speak of.

To cap this off, when the plugged in Teslas and the whole house HVAC+water heater becomes a demand lever, Tesla can get additional payments, which would probably be shared with the vehicle / HVAC owners.

Exciting times ahead.
Not talking survival - talking about how fast they can restart (and depending on which state / country they are in, when they can). Also they would have their own ramp up times etc.

Zach referred to a bit of this by stating that there will be some ramp up time needed once Fremont restarts.

Immediate issue would be how to get shipments to Europe produced, shipped & delivered within Q2. The amount of reg credit they can bill FCA would depend on the number of deliveries, I guess.
Nope, number of sales.
Maybe late to the discussion about Elon's 'fascist' tweet, but I did a tiny bit of google search:

The Alameda County sheriff’s ties to the racist far right

Now add the fact that Chevron has a huge refinery in Alameda county and spends lots of money influencing local elections - there are other Oil refineries there too.
So, putting 1 & 1 together I can see that Elon is fighting a pretty tough battle to re-open Fremont against an Oil company influenced fascist sympathizing sheriff.

hhhm...aren’t the county commissioners mostly left of center (a couple really left)?
In the US, I can see this happening in Texas, which has the most deregulated grid (ERCOT). This combined with one of the highest penetration of renewables, make the case for Tesla becoming a utility there. There's a tremendous opportunity here, and no competition to speak of.
It would be nice, but our Legislators have put into law that batteries are electricity sources, not electricity storage. So the distributors are barred from using batteries to even out the load. It was tried and slammed down so fast by the Legislators that you could practically see the money changing hands. Those that run peakers absolutely do not want battery storage and as long as they have money to keep the laws in force, it ain't gonna happen.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Everyone agreed that the virus will keep
The shut down was to help flatten the curve so it gives the states and hospitals enough time to gear up to meet the case demand
After 6 weeks of *sugar* down, if we are not ready , then we will never be.
I see the goal posts being changed now.
That’s infuriating a lot of people whose survival Depends on being able to get back to work.
May be, I should post this in the Coronavirus thread.

Elon Musk is fighting the good fight for Americans.

Government and some virus can't take away our freedom.
It would be nice, but our Legislators have put into law that batteries are electricity sources, not electricity storage. So the distributors are barred from using batteries to even out the load. It was tried and slammed down so fast by the Legislators that you could practically see the money changing hands. Those that run peakers absolutely do not want battery storage and as long as they have money to keep the laws in force, it ain't gonna happen.

Doesn't this pretty much shoot down the claim that Texas energy markets are exceptionally unfettered by government intervention? You know, a "free market"?