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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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So, is there anything more to "accredited investor" than this?:
Personal net worth >$1M
Income > $200K in each of last 2 years or joint income >$300K
Trust with assets> $5M

I'm still concerned that the SEC thing might lead him to go private very soon. Consequences for many here if that happens. (yeah, I'm personally in above club but I prefer everyone here who've been riding this rollercoaster be able to continue).
Could a private unaffiliated fund still set up based upon accredited investor organizations or persons? Or, is there restrictions on that?
An electric car does not have a manual transmission. Not automatic either, since their is a single gear ratio. But that is essentially the same as automatic.

What's in the standard version is manual seat and steering adjustment.

Sorry if I misunderstood, but I'm of the old school for which manual referred to a method of gear changing within the transmission.

Ya was referring to the seats. I k ow what you mean. Just typing on mobile in a rush + most ppl has no idea what manual ICE transmission is as is evidence by the manya ANALyst who comments on regen braking weirdness.
Someone on reddit noticed that the SR and MR models has the same exact weight according to the spec. Perhaps they are the same car. This plays more to the theory that SR and SR+ are software limited MRs.
It could also be a Monroney Sticker legalese issue: use the closest one until the new sticker is out.
Keep in mind 6% is not the cost savings from the store closings.. that was one thing of many that allows them to take the price down an average of 6%.. so it is something less.

And I think any reasonable tinkering with the numbers gives you something like 37k$ to build the 35k$ model.

One could probably estimate gross profit by estimating how many cars they sell over 40k$ and call everything sold under that a wash. My only worry about how Tesla might have done the math on killing sales is it doesn't necessarily account for the ability of a sales person to upsell a customer. A lot of ideas work in theory, like alien dreadnoughts.

I am just shocked they skipped the intermediate steps and went this far all at once to what looks like a near final solution.
Is that a thing? Wouldn't it be false advertising to have incorrect specs as place holders?
Maybe for stats that have downsides on both sides of the spec like weight, but not as much for things where there is a lopsided benefit on one side of the spec, like range or capacity. In this case, you might have a point. But, generally, higher weight is considered worse for cars, so it is slightly lopsided, but not as much as range and capacity. But then, the real question is: who cares? What if they release it and it's, oh my gosh, some pounds less weight than advertised? There might be a total of 0 people who bring a case. Probably it's worth just going with the rule of thumb for now.

(Whoa, my proofreading found much mixing of metaphors. Oh well!)
My middle School teacher friend who I'm giving my second reservation to ended up picking the SR+ with no other options. He was planning on getting a $35k model but the SR+ was too tempting to pass up. I suspect many people will make the same decision.
Yes, $2k is a small premium (compared to $5k for PUP) - and I think a lot of people will take it.

Even with most of the cars, the absolutely base models don't sell that well and people tend to pick up something in the middle.
Now that there are more people with Model 3’s, I think there will be plenty of other owners in Facebook groups, etc that could offer test drives. Perhaps people would do it for $10 a test drive. Good way to make some money. (Business opportunity.)
I suspect Tesla is rolling out car sharing service soon.
  • Anyone can register a Tesla account then use the app to find a nearby Tesla available for rent-by-hour.
  • Your driver profile(and music etc) comes with you on your app and applies to the car automatically when you open the door.
  • Owner can chose to disable glove box or fronk to keep personal belongings.
  • Now you don’t need test drive fleet anymore and people could earn money with their idle car, and Tesla can have a cut of the revenue.
  • Model 3 was specifically designed for the autonomous car sharing fleet aka Tesla network, but before that is ready, nothing is stopping Tesla to provide sharing service to share stationary cars.
So you’ll lock up $40k in Tesla, wait another 2 months to get it refunded just to be malicious? While I can see Mark Spiegal doing it, him getting in one might even change his mind. Shorts just need to own their car for a week in order to see the light. I can see this move converting a lot of shorts. Just look at Kramer’s face after he drove the Model S. Says it all.

I agree, there shouldn’t be unlimited returns. A second purchase should be non refundable.

Tesla had a 3-day free return policiy for a while, I'm sure they know the return rate is low.