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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Would also like to take this moment to point out all the nonstop Gary bashing when he said Elon needed to sell again after Twitter deal became official, with so many here saying “no Elon promised he was done selling!!! Gary is a boomer fool.”

Well, Gary was right.

I’m not saying this to say Gary’s always right (I significantly disagree with his FSD views), but the echo chamber here to slant positive reaches echo chamber level. And I’ve called it out multiple times, that we need to understand and consider other viewpoints to make the best moves as investors.
right or wrong, gary can be incessantly annoying PIA to read on twitter. like a dog with a bone (oh, wait, hmm - nvm)

Unless you have some way to corroborate that statement besides feelings.
Take ownership for your feelings, or, if stating fact, provide your references.

(Granted, it was likely the case, but you DON'T know with any demonstrable certainty, do you?)
Yes I do, we all do, even you do. Now how about you concentrate on posting your own thoughts instead of trying to distort mine? Thanks.
When did all the short-term "traders" join the forum?

It is Elon's money, there is nothing I see wrong with what he chooses to do with it. He earned it and made a lot of others very happy with their investments. I hold him to no obligation on my part and encourage him to continue to do what he thinks is best with his assets. It will probably lead to more earnings for me over time.


In the long run this will be a speed bump. It is not worth lashing out at the goose who laid the golden egg over a transitory moment.

Looking at the trading across the days he sold, his portions of each day's share volume (93M, 99M, 128M) were not a significant part of them (average of 6.25% of shares traded across those days, right?).

It is perfectly natural to look for a simple answer to explain painful moments in time. That is how our brains are wired. But, the market is not ever going to be that simple. There are millions of variables at play on any given day. Any combination of which are the actual reason for the SP value at any given moment. Trying to blame this decline only on Elon's cashing in HIS shares for something he wants is foolish at best.
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Yes I do, we all do, even you do. Now how about you concentrate on posting your own thoughts instead of trying to distort mine? Thanks.
To be crystal clear, when I add the term "likely" that means, specifically, that I DO NOT KNOW for certain. It is a guess on my part.

Sure, let's talk about distortion.

Making statements as if they are absolute fact when they are only opinion, that is what most would call distortion. Even Gary prefaces his statements with terms such as "likely" in order to clearly establish the distinction that it is his opinion and not a fact.

If the concern being raised is about reducing distortion, do the same. It serves no legitimate purpose to repeatedly make misleading posts if one is sincerely concerned about their statements being distorted. Honesty is the best policy.

Use of IMHO, or "I think", or "the way I see it" could be something to consider adding to statements to prevent others reading them as fact and then calling for proof.

Avoid representing strong feelings as if they are fact if keeping distortion in check is the goal.
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He also really tried hard to pump the stock during the earnings call. Like hinting how they will consider the 25k car. All signs seriously pointed to him selling.

I bought protective puts on the week I thought he would sell and a lot of people tried to front run him. He simply sold a week or so later. You can't really be upset by this. Anyone who isn't some uber Elon TSLA Bull knew he was going to sell and anyone who tried to front run him was just trying to be greedy and profit from him having to sell to get capital.

I counted around this too. $3 billion. If you include todays sales hopefully his closer to that $4-5 billion he needed.
When has Elon ever pumped the stock?
When did all the short-term "traders" join the forum?

Looking at the trading across the days he sold, his portion of each day's share volume (93M, 99M, 128M) were not a significant part of them (average of 6.25% of shares traded across those days, right?).

It is perfectly natural to look for a simple answer to explain painful moments in time. That is how our brains are wired. But, the market is not ever going to be that simple. There are millions of variables at play on any given day. Any combination of which are the actual reason for the SP value at any given moment. Trying to blame this decline only on Elon's cashing in HIS shares for something he wants is foolish at best.
Sorry, you are wrong here. I was taking part of a live trading session with Dan Shapiro on Friday. TSLA was climbing and around 223 after the normally volatile morning session. All of a sudden the biggest Red candles appeared out of nowhere during what is normally a lower volume time of the day. Dan started going crazy saying someone knows something! Huge December 170 Puts orders came worth millions. After TSLA dropped below technicals at 218 the group went short all the way to 203. That never would have happened without Elon selling.
So, would you then think the statement at the Earnings Call speculating on 50% annual growth is a textbook pump as well?
Care bear alert...Posting opinions as facts, not willing to do homework, newly joined forum, potential investor in muddy fields...

and yes, I don't like FUD posting in this thread.
Care bear alert...Posting opinions as facts, not willing to do homework, newly joined forum, potential investor in muddy fields...

and yes, I don't like FUD posting in this thread.
Here we go again with the echo chamber. Anything you don’t agree with is FUD. We get it, you worked for Tesla and you’ll never question Elon
Sorry, you are wrong here. I was taking part of a live trading session with Dan Shapiro on Friday. TSLA was climbing and around 223 after the normally volatile morning session. All of a sudden the biggest Red candles appeared out of nowhere during what is normally a lower volume time of the day. Dan started going crazy saying someone knows something! Huge December 170 Puts orders came worth millions. After TSLA dropped below technicals at 218 the group went short all the way to 203. That never would have happened without Elon selling.

I don't understand what you mean. What was wrong? Are you saying Elon placed Put orders?

Perhaps you could show a reference of that day's total volume, along with the total shares he sold, and any other information in a way that makes what you described more clear?

Here we go again with the echo chamber. Anything you don’t agree with is FUD. We get it, you worked for Tesla and you’ll never question Elon
You were identified as a troll in the Russia/Ukraine thread over a month ago by senior members. Your methods don't work here.