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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Inflation is over, WTF are these FEDiots doing? Recession or bust! Hang on... 🤔

Come to think of it - wasn't that Bullard guy the one under invetigation for trading...?
Edit "allegedly" Helping his buddies out with insider info.

Meanwhile, St. Louis Fed President James Bullard generated controversy for speaking behind closed doors to a banker group on Oct. 14, raising fears those financial professionals were getting insider information on central bank deliberations.

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Inflation is over, WTF are these FEDiots doing? Recession or bust! Hang on... 🤔
Do you recall Jpow's comments after the Jackson Hole Meeting last Fall? At the time he said the FED would rather overshoot on interest rate hikes and cut them afterward. These guys are so tone deaf they can only hear themselves think:
Come to think of it - wasn't that Bullard guy the one under invetigation for trading...?
Yup, he's the one: (nice gig, wot?)
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Last month I posted some general observations of the relationship between Elon & the World Economic Forum, and of his relationship with those influenced by the WEF organization since the inception of Tesla. I did this because that relationship seems to have morphed over time. It seems to have transitioned from one where Elon was once recruited by the WEF and may have even had some early support establishing/growing Tesla because of the alignment of goals towards reducing fossil fuel consumption...to a relationship in more recent times where Elon & Tesla may have grown too fast to fit 'the plan', and/or he may be considered a bit too rogue at this point for the WEF.

Anyone thinking that this discussion is completely irrelevant of TSLA stock price movement should think again. This matters. I bring this up because the WEF is meeting in Davos. It is a meeting of Global members to discuss the path forward for the Globe. Elon is not there. He consciously made the decision to not be a part of that group long ago. And now, over the past few days, he has responded to many comments about the WEF on Twitter that do suggest that Elon has a vision for the Globe that is not necessarily aligned with the WEF's vision. We should pay attention to this IMO.

What happens in Davos likely effects where future GF's are built and what kind of support Tesla gets in countries whose leaders are WEF members. And there is the potential that this may even effect the stock price very directly, as decisions are made regarding the development of metrics for investing in companies, such as ESG scorecards. And we all know what Elon's opinion is of ESG scoring, particularly after Tesla did not score as high as well as fossil fuel companies:

View attachment 897127

As a TSLA Long, this is very important to me. Tesla is more effective and efficient at every single phase of EV storage solutions than almost every other entity on the planet. And they have become very vertically integrated in an effort to add stability to that efficiency. And Tesla has matured to a level that would justify support from absolutely any-and-all global leadership concerned with Climate Change to act in a very direct manner to further support Tesla in any way possible given that the Tesla Machine is the most efficient use of limited resources on Earth, and that Tesla can use those resources in a manner that minimizes the Carbon Footprint and the Global Impact of the manufacturing and delivery process of a more sustainable future while reducing the arrival time at that very important goal. However that is not what we are witnessing. In fact, we appear to be seeing just the opposite, as we witnessed with the IRA and with the EV Summit, etc, Tesla falling out of favor at home under this administration. Everyone here is also well aware of Bill Gates' Short position on Tesla that doesn't seem to be aligned in any way with the desire of the WEF to reduce fossil fuel consumption. And now a fairly direct discussion by Elon of these goals, to include a poll that can be voted on by all people with access to the internet, worldwide. This last move is likely frowned upon by the WEF, as they have been rather quiet in the news, relatively speaking, at least up until now.

Does the WEF or does Elon have a global vision that is more inclusive and more desirable? And where does Tesla fit in that vision? And is the Tesla Juggernaut able to defend itself from these maturing global pressures going forward? I am anxious to hear the opinions of others on this topic. Much appreciated!

Another excellent post. People who missed your previous post, perhaps because it was posted on the day before Christmas, should go back and read it carefully. This is the kind of thing successful investors think about, not about how the share price will be temporarily impacted by the CEO selling 10 or 20 million shares into the open market.

To answer the questions at the bottom of your post, Elon, not the WEF, has the most pragmatic and desirable global vision because it is not compromised by existing power structures. The world is in this oil induced mess precisely because it supported the power structures that arose out of Standard Oil's breakup in 1911 into 34 companies. People are sick of the old power structure that has been robbing them blind and are ready to embrace a future with clean and abundant energy.

My opinion is that Tesla fits centrally into that global vision and they are able to defend themselves from competing global pressures going forward for three reasons:

1) Elon has made clear what his mission is and that mission is aligned with not only all of Tesla's actions, but also the stated missions of the world's governments. Standard Oil's mission was to make as much money as possible and exclude competitors whenever possible. It didn't align with anyone else's goals. This meant it was relatively easy for the powers to be to justify their actions and gain popular support.

2) Elon is not going into this blindly. He knows he up against the world's richest people who will ruthlessly defend their position in the world. But he also knows that the existing legal frameworks of free nations exist to provide a legal framework that defines what people can and cannot do to others and he will use those legal systems to challenge any major unjust actions against Tesla that could prevent Tesla's continuing success at carrying out their mission. These legal systems are not accustomed to taking orders from the wealthy that designed them to protect their business interests. The system is actually set up to protect profitable businesses, and that is ingrained throughout the legal system. This is why Elon has assembled a top-notch legal team and Elon is very good at picking the right people to carry out his initiatives.

3) The WEP and similar organizations cannot move at "Elon speed" and they use committees to come to consensus. That means they are not as smart as Elon. Elon will outmaneuver and outsmart them, just as he did by holding off on price increases until the Treasury Department released their administrative rulings on the IRA on the last day of 2022. Now he has turned their own rules against the incumbents and given the people low pricing on the future of personal transportation. And everyone needs transportation, it just matters what the experience is like and how much it costs.

Of course, none of this is certain, and I don't like the additional risk imposed by those who want to slow down energy disruption so they can maintain their place in the world order, but these are the same people who have been pickpocketing consumers for years and they already have the people on the verge of mass rebellion. So bad actors need to move cautiously with their eye on not offending too many people. My money is on Elon for the reasons stated. I think he is just far enough ahead of them that they are not nimble enough to outflank him.
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Jim Chanos doesn't believe in MegaPack production and financials, so this means it's definitely going to happen. Bullish.

It sounds like Chanos is pretending to take a victory lap even though TSLA is nearly 10X what it was when he was trumpeting their impending bankruptcy most loudly. Deep down inside he knows TSLA is not one of his finer moments.
Microsoft is a monopoly at 76% of desktop OS market share. And nothing happens. They did in the past flex their muscles on competitors and have been penalized for it yet, they still own the market.
Microsoft actually bailed out Apple at one point because they were too afraid of being an actual monopoly. Later they tried to use their desktop dominance to control the web browser market, but that was beaten back.
Jim Chanos doesn't believe in MegaPack production and financials, so this means it's definitely going to happen. Bullish.

I like this. The more exuberant the loudest voices on this topic sound, the less people will believe it. So the far more rational and likely story gets ignored.

If the zerosumgame is spot on then it’s even better. If ZSG is correct… then maybe hitting the ATH by June isn’t out of the question. I’m still expecting it to be exciting, but not earthshaking.

If the bears don’t see it coming, all the better.
I like this. The more exuberant the loudest voices on this topic sound, the less people will believe it. So the far more rational and likely story gets ignored.

If the zerosumgame is spot on then it’s even better. If ZSG is correct… then maybe hitting the ATH by June isn’t out of the question. I’m still expecting it to be exciting, but not earthshaking.

If the bears don’t see it coming, all the better.

Color me skeptical. ZeroSumGame is making all the same noises I would expect to hear from someone up to their eyeballs in bullish TSLA options nearing expiration. I don't know this, just sayin'...
Color me skeptical. ZeroSumGame is making all the same noises I would expect to hear from someone up to their eyeballs in bullish TSLA options nearing expiration. I don't know this, just sayin'...
Maybe my post didn’t come across as skeptical as I feel about the promised 80% margins and 5+ GWH production in Q4. But skeptical is the natural color of an ogre.
It sounds like Chanos is pretending to take a victory lap even though TSLA is nearly 10X what it was when he was trumpeting their impending bankruptcy most loudly. Deep down inside he knows TSLA is not one of his finer moments.
If he were the short and distort god that he thinks he is he would have spent all his time on companies like Carvana or even Rivian/Lucid.

Tesla was able to make a profit per car at the same level of production that Rivian is today.
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Color me skeptical. ZeroSumGame is making all the same noises I would expect to hear from someone up to their eyeballs in bullish TSLA options nearing expiration. I don't know this, just sayin'...
He has disclosed that he is long J25s, in size. His stated time frame is 12 months for the MP thesis to play out.

If he is anywhere close to being right on margins and timing of the MP ramp, Leaps are about as underpriced as they were in 2018.

FrankSG Also noticed the potential opportunity a little while back and published a blog post as well.