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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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just as good (almost) proof of where & whhen (224 times SC since 6/6/2022 myself)
Thank you. Did not know I can download the entire Supercharger charging history for the car. Really cool.
Devoid of background in my line of work... It took some reading.

"When you choose ESG investing, you're putting your money to work in companies that strive to make the world a better place. This type of ethical investing strategy helps people align investment choices with personal values. ESG stands for environment, social and governance."

So it sounds like Blackrock gave up on sustainability interests. Not that they actually did this, but now it's gone. Isn't this bad or just being honest and they don't actually care?

Or just plain downsizing is getting an applause here?
Hard to sell mutual funds that underperform (my impression).
Agreed that musk should sue. its defamation, and as a CEO its almost stock-manipulation too. Elon should remind himself of all of the negatuve, slanted biased BS stories that the MSM has published over the years. Its time to make an example of someone, and the WSJ have stupidly crossed the line by publishing a provably false story.
They are lucky I'm not elon. I'd have set aside $100m this morning to smash the hell out of the WSJ. Make it clear that they will be driven into the ground by constant legal attack until they get the darned message. I'd hire the fiercest lawyers and give them carte blanche to destroy the WSJ and everyone working there.
Elon plays far too nice.
Taking on a core asset of the Murdoch empire requires a little dexterity though……..
Well, I never thought I'd see this, but Craig Irwin, yes, "That" Craig Irwin, here on Yahoo, defending Tesla!

Is there a background on this 'Craig Irwin' that adds color to his piece on defending Elon ? Who is he?
Agreed that musk should sue. its defamation, and as a CEO its almost stock-manipulation too. Elon should remind himself of all of the negatuve, slanted biased BS stories that the MSM has published over the years. Its time to make an example of someone, and the WSJ have stupidly crossed the line by publishing a provably false story.
They are lucky I'm not elon. I'd have set aside $100m this morning to smash the hell out of the WSJ. Make it clear that they will be driven into the ground by constant legal attack until they get the darned message. I'd hire the fiercest lawyers and give them carte blanche to destroy the WSJ and everyone working there.
Elon plays far too nice.
Elon need to befriend Bill Ackman
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Is there a background on this 'Craig Irwin' that adds color to his piece on defending Elon ? Who is he?

He has been an ambivalent analyst who manages to both see some of Tesla's potential, while consistently coming up with ridiculously low price targets.

"Solving the Money Problem" youtube channel has done several reports that included Craig Irwin. A search through the channel archive might turn up some video coverage of Craig's appearances on news channels critiqued by Steven Mark Ryan.
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post a huge amt data of where & when, dates times VIN (so do CSV and kill a few columns)
just as good (almost) proof of where & whhen (224 times SC since 6/6/2022 myself)
@winfield100 @Puma2020

Actually I don’t need or want any proof…I just like pictures of Teslas in scenic spots!
Are these good examples of ESG companies? It looks like any other fund large cap fund, maybe these are better than others out there.

This is possibly going OT. Totally relevant to the mission but maybe not TMC. In some ways it is on point. Some stories in here from Sedona, and the pissed off Farmers... Thanks all for the info above.

When I was out fishing for a good Operating Agreement a decade ago, there were some ESG boilerplates that spelled this out in the company governance. Do any of these companies (besides TSLA) have that kind of OA? Or Amended to include it? It's really the only leverage on a company to consider the planet and community because a CEO could loose their job over, say, a Chemical Spill, or Dieselgate as the perfect example with VW. Not that it would stop them, but it would be more difficult to pull off internally.

It's not a fair playing field for those really trying ESG simply because it's a financial burden in most cases. So unless it comes down as law of the land from Congress, this could all be a front in order to gain customers. "Get Carbon Credits for protecting hundreds of acres of forest" That nobody was going to cut down anyway.

It's a front - as far as I can tell. Unless of course to point out that Tesla did it brute force with people like us funding the cause. (Recalling a conversation in Sedona at the Film Festival, was a member who invested in Tesla because of the mission (and the Model S). He then bought an RV with some of his gains and painted a big "Thank You Elon" on the side and drove the countryside. (Maybe was one of you.) He was an Accountant in Sedona, this was an investment after all that was smart AND helped the planet.

I don't know if there is, or will be another TSLA since there needs to be money to also attract investors as a dual mission. No matter if a company is trying to save the coral or clean up some garbage somewhere, it still boils down to our global air temperature. Congress is DOA, mostly because people vote for themselves only.

For example, ya can't find a farmer it seems to also lease their land to install solar. The story aired yesterday on KJZZ, and these companies don't seem to care about what the Farmers want, OR the farmers are putting conditions on the solar installers such that there is no margin. They wanted ability to veto if anything didn't look good for example.

I asked Google... about the Farmer's View here. You'll get the idea.

View attachment 1007109

I think we'll have to wait until their crops dry out completely for a few years in a row, then suddenly they'll all want to install solar and save the planet! Same exact people. It's just Human nature to survive.

The solar company who figures out where these locations are happening, maybe they can pitch the future weather channel and get it going where drought is indicated already, or inevitable shortly.

Speaking of which, we grow lettuce in Az deserts? This should be an easy sell... no?

Lettuce prey!
Just looking at the Google examples you provided, I would bet that much of the pushback is being fuelled by professional organizations (such as the Koch set of organizations) that descend onto grass roots organizations that (also) don’t want renewable energy sources (becoming a threat to vested interests).

Heck, I remember reading once where local NIMBY types pushed back against a solar project because it would suck up all the energy from the sun. NC town rejects solar farm, fearing it would suck up all the energy from the sun
Just looking at the Google examples you provided, I would bet that much of the pushback is being fuelled by professional organizations (such as the Koch set of organizations) that descend onto grass roots organizations that (also) don’t want renewable energy sources (becoming a threat to vested interests).

Heck, I remember reading once where local NIMBY types pushed back against a solar project because it would suck up all the energy from the sun. NC town rejects solar farm, fearing it would suck up all the energy from the sun
There were politicians there claiming the solar panels poisoned the soil under them and made farming it later impossible. More to the point, there is zero wrong, in concept, with offering ESG funds as a choice for your investors. Funds come in flavors to suit pretty much everyone with money to invest. Of course any sane ESG fund manager is going to carefully consider TSLA for its mix. And any sane investor in an ESG is going to look at the mix and reject a fund with, say, Exxon, or tobacco. Those who attack the basic idea of ESG are working against the mission. Attacking poor execution of the concept is fair.
Just looking at the Google examples you provided, I would bet that much of the pushback is being fuelled by professional organizations (such as the Koch set of organizations) that descend onto grass roots organizations that (also) don’t want renewable energy sources (becoming a threat to vested interests).

Heck, I remember reading once where local NIMBY types pushed back against a solar project because it would suck up all the energy from the sun. NC town rejects solar farm, fearing it would suck up all the energy from the sun
There are places I just can never live, no matter how nice their beaches are. (Not a loner, but some here are).

"Another resident reportedly questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her that solar panels didn't cause cancer."

Already removing parts? I was half kidding!!! (Batteries are a whole other discussion, lol).

So now I'm doubling down on that 2.5M+, this is real data (assuming the reason is to save money vs a speaker shortage). Tesla is not going slow for nothing and I like it. When there's a will there's a way! (Could look bad for stocks until interest rates drop... oh well).

(Edit: Speakers, I'm fine, they don't need more than 4 coaxial where I come from. But the Subwoofer? I would protest it.) Ironically, the Vehicle Audio Design was one of the positions that I directly applied for at Tesla. (I was an installer for way too long in college.)

Seriously, it was overkill. So this was (almost) a smart move long overdue. Cybertruck might have some incredible low-end out of the doors based on rigidity, so I could see it changing a lot for that vehicle.)
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There are places I just can never live, no matter how nice their beaches are. (Not a loner, but some here are).

"Another resident reportedly questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her that solar panels didn't cause cancer."
Actually, NC was until recent changes in law one of the top states for solar farm installation. People made some big money doing it. But like many, the state is bifurcated politically into urban and rural with the latter dominating the legislature recently.
New Headline: /s

Excess Speaker movement (Bass) in Tesla Vehicles found to Shorten Range

Sub-woofers and select speakers are being removed on some newer Tesla models. The weight savings (over 100 lbs) in just speaker magnets are the bonus, plus all those magnets were rumored to throw off some telemetry data such as inaccurate or missing "Tire Pressure" (according to two experts familiar with the discovery). Studies showed, at exactly 75 Hz, a wave is set up surrounding the vehicle skins causing turbulence never before recorded until now.

"It has to be a big enough wave - on the order of 135 dB laterally, with some harmonics affecting it as well. Mostly directed under the vehicle giving a ground effect that disturbs the airflow even moreso."

and then later reported "We are working with the EPA to get it right."
Cern Basher works through his models for 5 of the “startups” within Tesla. Warning, might leave you giddy with possibilities. Stay grounded.

This really is ridiculous. It makes all our hair-pulling about ... everything fighting against TSLA ... into perspective.

Here's a post by Cern himself that puts a positive humanist spin on the crazy-tunes economics for TSLA:

I honestly have no idea how that article passed legal at wsj. I didn't see any ounce of evidence for such defamation in the whole thing. A lot of speculation and assumptions besides the puff on Joe Rogan which was legal in that state.

The most disappointing part is the lack of "street fighting" lawyers Musk wanted to hire. Start suing for all this BS already.
Agreed that musk should sue. its defamation, and as a CEO its almost stock-manipulation too. Elon should remind himself of all of the negatuve, slanted biased BS stories that the MSM has published over the years. Its time to make an example of someone, and the WSJ have stupidly crossed the line by publishing a provably false story.
They are lucky I'm not elon. I'd have set aside $100m this morning to smash the hell out of the WSJ. Make it clear that they will be driven into the ground by constant legal attack until they get the darned message. I'd hire the fiercest lawyers and give them carte blanche to destroy the WSJ and everyone working there.
Elon plays far too nice.
The story had intimate knowledge of multiple board members expressing concern, including one who effectively quit the Tesla board because of the issue. It’s likely that at least two board members were sources which would be good enough for any editorial team to proceed with. Most of the story mentions corroborations from multiple people attending the same meetings and parties where Elon was acting irrationally or where Elon was consuming drugs, and also quotes Elon directly about his thoughts on drugs, including that he personally uses ketamine (which although he has a prescription for, is also a popular party drug when consumed in higher quantity).

Stepping back a bit, it should be noted that when recreational drugs are legal, it doesn’t mean people cant have a serious issue with using them that affects there employment & judgement. It doesn’t matter what position you are in, if drugs/alcohol start impacting your work performance then it’s likely to cause serious issues. If you are the CEO of one of the worlds largest publicly listed companies, AND the owner/chief engineer of a major US government space & defense contractor, then it would be no surprise if multiple red flags are raised when you start using drugs in public (either on podcasts or at large parties) and also when you publicly talk about how you use ketamine.

There is an obvious reason if it turns out Elon doesn’t sue the WSJ for defamation.

Occam’s razor guys.

Everyone seems to forget that Elon has often said he constantly shoots himself in the foot. He constantly does dumb stuff, especially when it’s not related to actual company operations.

it isn’t the end of the world if Elon in fact does have a serious drug abuse issue. If that is indeed the case, it can be solved with him seeking treatment to correct the issue.