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TeslaMate Super Thread

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Maybe someone can help me. I must be too old to "get" grafana. sure, I can go to the http://myserverip:3000/ and monkey-click on things and see graphs.... but is there some way to organize it? Why Isn't any of this displayed in teslamate... or a link from teslamate for various dashboards... what am i missing???

At the top of the Teslamate web UI you should have a link to "Dashboards". Right next to "Geo-Fences"
Just bought a new MX and it doesn't show up in TeslaMate, my other vehicle additions / changes have all worked correctly. Has anyone else seen this issue? My other Tesla's are all correctly reporting info to TeslaMate, so there doesn't appear to be a connectivity issue to my account - also my Tesla App shows all vehicles correctly.
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Can I just say that I LOVE Teslamate? I took my car in to a service center this morning and it's been tracking everything. In fact, I just watched them take it on a ~7 mile test drive. You know all those stories about service technicians taking customers' cars on joyrides? Well... Go ahead, boys. I *dare* you. :)
Teslamate is a great tool. Thanks to Adrian but also Dave W for the instructions on teslaev.co.uk

Does anyone have a list of definitions/calculation for the various stats - eg what is the diff between net and gross consumption, or how is efficiency calculated?
I have several drives where the Wh/mile is not shown as well.
Schermafbeelding 2020-12-20 om 16.04.39.png
Can someone tell my how to fix this empty lines? When you click on the details, there are route details, but not all of them (like consumption etc)
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Installed it today, followed the instructions on Tslasport (TeslaMate Setup - Tesla Spot) and it was straight forward. Even managed to import my limited TelsaFi history.
The mobile interface is so much better than TelsaFi and most of the other stats are there as far as I have been able to see.

Does anyone know a good way to schedule events like you can in TeslaFi but using an Android app or something else?
agree, teslamate is awesome. just got my Y 10 days ago and my only regret is not having known about teslamate before i got the car - i'm missing the first 4 days' worth of data/stats.

somewhat related, is there a way to force teslamate to recalculate efficiency on some of the drives? seems like all the data is there, but the calculation is not
I have Teslamate running quite nicely in Docker on my iMac. I am surprised, though, at how big of a memory and storage hog it is.

Even at the lowest resource settings, it's taking more than 1.5GB of RAM/600MB real memory. My car is idle, so I can't imagine it's doing too much.

Also, less than a month of data is >60GB of hard drive space.

Are these all reasonable numbers? I can live with the hard drive space as that is essentially infinite, but a RAM hog that slows down a machine with 16GB seems tough to manage.

Any suggestions?
Even at the lowest resource settings, it's taking more than 1.5GB of RAM/600MB real memory. My car is idle, so I can't imagine it's doing too much.

Also, less than a month of data is >60GB of hard drive space.

That doesn't sound right at all. I've been running it for ~1 year now and Docker storage is only about 10GB. It's currently taking maybe 70MB of RAM.

I am still not terribly familiar with docker, or the technical workings of TeslaMate, but my initial hunch is something's misconfigured and it's continuously trying to do something and dumping a lot of errors into log files...
That doesn't sound right at all. I've been running it for ~1 year now and Docker storage is only about 10GB. It's currently taking maybe 70MB of RAM.

I am still not terribly familiar with docker, or the technical workings of TeslaMate, but my initial hunch is something's misconfigured and it's continuously trying to do something and dumping a lot of errors into log files...
Are on a Mac or PC?

It's the Docker process that is taking up so much RAM, it's "com.docker.hyperkit".

and oop I take back my previous comment; looking closer at com.docker.hyperkit it's taking a lot of memory on my box too
I haven't noticed any issues on that box from running Docker; OS memory management must be doing its thing


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As mentioned, the whole Docker container platform is what you're looking at. The individual containers running Teslamate (there are 4) will be using a fraction of those metrics. Most container shims use only a couple of megabytes of memory (RAM) to run because it's using the base operating system image built into Docker itself.

Docker really shines when you're running more containers. The first container is big, because it's the shim plus the whole Docker platform.

For storage, I have about 1.5 years of data from our Model X and 2 years for the Model 3. Total is just under 367MB for the storage used and that includes the database software itself.
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I was running Teslamate for the past 18 months on my hackintosh in Docker. Something happened to it and I had to reinstall docker and Teslamate is no longer working.
When I do a docker-compose up -d it creates new databases, anyway to have it use what's showing up in the 'images' section of the Docker Dashboard?

I have currently TeslaMate running on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB together with a Samsung T5 SSD with 500GB. I use TeslaMate simultaneously with TeslaFi for our family Tesla Model 3 (still 6 months of subscription to TeslaFi left so that I have time to see whether I like TeslaMate as its replacement or not). TeslaMate is running next to Domoticz and HomeBridge, so there is still a good portion of capacity available on the Raspberry Pi.

I have now ordered also a Tesla Model 3 to replace my current ICE company car, and would like to add it to TeslaMate on the same Raspberry Pi. So this Tesla Model 3 will have another Tesla account. From what I read this is possible, but it would require a second instance of TeslaMate and Grafana to run on the Pi. It is possible to use same Postgres instance but with a separate database, and use the same MQQT broker.

But how to implement this on my Raspberry Pi is one way or the other a mystery to me. I tried to ask my big friend Google, but I can not find a (understandable) How-to. Can anybody share how to do this or point me to a webpage describing this step-by-step?

Thank you in advance for your help!

My docker-compose.yml file is stored in my /home/pi folder, and the content is standard as can be seen below:

version: "3"

image: teslamate/teslamate:latest
restart: always
- DATABASE_USER=teslamate
- DATABASE_NAME=teslamate
- DATABASE_HOST=database
- MQTT_HOST=mosquitto
- 4000:4000
- ./import:/opt/app/import
- all

image: postgres:13
restart: always
- POSTGRES_USER=teslamate
- POSTGRES_DB=teslamate
- teslamate-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

image: teslamate/grafana:latest
restart: always
- DATABASE_USER=teslamate
- DATABASE_NAME=teslamate
- DATABASE_HOST=database
- 3000:3000
- teslamate-grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana

image: eclipse-mosquitto:1.6
restart: always
- 1883:1883
- mosquitto-conf:/mosquitto/config
- mosquitto-data:/mosquitto/data


When I run "docker volume inspect pi_teslamate-db" to get info about the TeslaMate database, I get following (when this information is needed):

"CreatedAt": "2021-02-11T20:12:48+01:00",
"Driver": "local",
"Labels": {
"com.docker.compose.project": "pi",
"com.docker.compose.version": "1.27.4",
"com.docker.compose.volume": "teslamate-db"
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/pi_teslamate-db/_data",
"Name": "pi_teslamate-db",
"Options": null,
"Scope": "local"
Formatting got butchered... might fix later but make sure you space it properly

Back everything up before you try this, but I would imagine...

A new teslamate section like so

image: teslamate/teslamate:latest
restart: always
- DATABASE_USER=teslamate
- DATABASE_NAME=teslamate2
- DATABASE_HOST=database
- MQTT_HOST=mosquitto2
- 4001:4000
- ./import2:/opt/app/import
- all


image: teslamate/grafana:latest
restart: always
- DATABASE_USER=teslamate
- DATABASE_NAME=teslamate2
- DATABASE_HOST=database
- 3001:3000
- teslamate-grafana2-data:/var/lib/grafana

I don't think using the same mosquitto would work, the endpoint looks like "teslamate/cars/1/" and the car id will start at 1 for each instance.


image: eclipse-mosquitto:1.6
restart: always
- 1884:1883
- mosquitto2-conf:/mosquitto/config
- mosquitto2-data:/mosquitto/data

Your volumes would now look like
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