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The demise of the OEMs

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Go way back and read more, William Deming is rhe master of Japans auto

I suggest you take your own advice, because you're confusing two completely different things that both happened in Japan within a few years of each other (but Demming was the one who came later, and on a different topic

Demmings fame was about emphasizing quality- not efficiency-- He's considered the father of modern quality control-- not JIT manufacturing... whose father is Japanese fellow I already cited to you.

Indeed your own link is about Deming being a quality guy.

See also for discussing from deming dot org correcting your mistake here-- bold added for the most relevant bits.

Beginning in the early 1950s, Shoichiro Toyoda, son of Kiichiro Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Motor Corporation, was inspired to discern the difference between quantity and quality, between counting parts and using parts. Yukiyasu Togo, a former employee and co-author of Against All Odds: The Story of the Toyota Motor Corporation and the Family That Created It, provided an explanation of Shoichiro Toyoda’s desire to implement a quality-based system, in parallel with the quantity-based Just-in-Time (JIT) system. According to Togo, Toyota’s JIT system, under the direction of Taiichi Ohno, was extremely successful in saving time in moving products through development at lightning speed, yet only to face disgruntled customers in the marketplace, with long lines of products in need of immediate repair. To Shoichiro Toyoda’s chagrin, the best Toyota’s quantity-based production system could offer was immediate trouble-shooting.

Guided by strong impressions of Dr. Deming during his lectures across Japan in 1950, Shoichiro Toyoda initiated Toyota’s “Total Quality Control” (TQC) efforts, with a commitment for Toyota to eventually win the Deming Prize. As reported by Togo, Ohno eventually “became a convert,” when he saw TQC as “fully compatible” with JIT.

It explains how JIT was already a thing at Toyota when Demming began his lectures about quality in Japan- thanks to its father Taiichi Ohno, who again- was Japanese not American- but there were quality issues even though they were making things efficiently.... and that Toyota wanted to see about also implementing a quality system as Deming was lecturing about as well to address that... which they also did- but only after convincing Ohno-- who again, is Japanese and the father of JIT.

Hope this helps!
What world influence do you think China has owning 0.03% of US farmland, specifically?

You said anyone not concerned was crazy, but you're gonna need to expand that thought a bit.

Especially since they don't appear to be actively buying it up in any significant amount-- mostly that seems to be fearmongering of "the other" by a specific sect of a specific political party.

meanwhile back in the land of actual facts NBC looked into this specific thing just last month and found in the last 18 months less than 1400 acres were bought by Chinese owners.

I agree someone needs to wake up.... probably the folks who believe the Chinese are on some MASSIVE FARM BUY UP when the facts show they simply aren't.

Might wanna think about questioning who convinced you of this thing that's not actually happened, and what they hoped to evoke in you by doing so.

Either way it's unclear how any of this is relevant to legacy OEMs dying off unless Ford secretly has a massive domestic farming business I'm unaware of that China buying tiny bits of farmland is a threat to?

To be fair, Chinese people ALSO aren't allowed to own most land in China. rural farmland is mostly collectively not individually owned, and urban land mostly government owned.
More China infiltration into USA

China is not innocent
This post, the demise of OEMs is China”s one area to attempt domination globally

Many aspects and areas of the attempts, many domains
Auto Bevs, farmland, schools, birth houses, retail

A small strip of stores in my villages downtown was recently purchased by the chinese

We cannot be ignorant in rhe USA
It’s more than BEVs, therefore we need the USA protections so that they don’t plow us down with their BEVs
Think Tesla competition is enough to make GM, Ford and other usa manuf better
But need the additional tariff on chinese BEVs
More China infiltration into USA

I love that rather than admit you got the japan stuff wrong you pivot back to another thing where your evidence is Governor DogWhistle from Florida who presents no actual evidence of his claims just an "investigation" by a division he already controls and which refused to provide any evidence of any kind of an actual problem when news outlets followed up on this... The school- which is run for profit and whose direct operators are based in California (though the company is majority owned by a china-based private- not government- investment firm) runs over 220 schools in 19 US states, none of whom have been shown to have anything but typical state and federally approve standards-based US curriculums.

This is yet more OTHERING fear mongering and nothing else. You seem to keep falling for it.

A small strip of stores in my villages downtown was recently purchased by the chinese

In what way (that isn't just blatant racism) does ownership of a local strip mall matter by virtue of the nationality of the owners? Do you also not stop at convivence stores owned by brown people?
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I’ll clarify, organized foreign ownership by any country
Farmland, schools, stores, etc

This are not Chinese Americans
This is entities from China buying and weaving into the local economies

America Corp pops up McDonalds franchise to the Chinese govern asking to enter the market
The chinese govt evaluates and decides on joint or requester sole ownership
Like happened to Tesla in Shanghai as approved for requester ownership
McDonald’s is JV

All transparent

The China activity in the usa is at times hidden
But you need to ask why?
Why the schools, why the farmland, etc
It’s obvious as a very long term plan of influence by a communist country in a democracy country
Keep our eyes wide open
Take action where necessary

Definitely no race card being played here
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I’ll clarify, organized foreign ownership by any country
Farmland, schools, stores, etc

This are not Chinese Americans
This is entities from China buying and weaving into the local economies

In the case of the school it's an American (California based) company that a few years ago was purchased by a Hong Kong based private equity firm.

There's no evidence that firm has any direct operation or management of the schools- and they run hundreds of schools in 19 different states- nor any evidence of anything wrong with the curriculum or administration of those schools.

So why the fearmongering exactly?

The China activity in the usa is at times hidden
But you need to ask why?
Why the schools, why the farmland, etc

I already demonstrated their ownership of farmland is incredibly incredibly tiny

Like- comparable to what a single rich dude personally owns

And that's ALL Chinese ownership, not "the Chinese government" but things like "a chemical company that has been US based and run for decades but if you trace back 6 investment bank owners you find some Chinese people own the group that owns their group that owns their group"

The % of schools that are in any way, however distance, "owned" by chinese people is similarly damn near a rounding error shy of zero.

Yet you seem TERRIFIED of this for reasons you continue to be entirely incapable of explaining in any way.


It’s obvious as a very long term plan of influence by a communist country in a democracy country

It's really, really not.

You can tell becuase you've given 0 evidence, of any kind, of any "influence" in that direction exerted by any of these people or companies.... nor HOW they would even do that?

If 0.03% of my turnips come from a chinese owned farm that convinced me to embrace communism....HOW exactly?

Keep our eyes wide open

Yours might be a little too open- to where you're seeing things to be afraid of without even being able to explain why anyone should be afraid of them.

Definitely no race card being played here

Then you'll need to provide some alternative explanation for your position.

Thus far you've utterly failed to.
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There is so much evidence of our growing dependence on China which China is driving
Our short sighted financial focus misses the underlying agenda by China, they are in their 50 year plan to dominate over the usa
Not racism, but realism
There is so much evidence of our growing dependence on China which China is driving
Our short sighted financial focus misses the underlying agenda by China, they are in their 50 year plan to dominate over the usa
Not racism, but realism
View attachment 977329

Your medical #s appear to be either flat out untrue or based on faulty data- see here:

Where for example we find that while 80% of APIs do come from overseas, the most of those come from Ireland, almost 2x what comes from China

China DOES own Smithfield. But Smithfields actual company HQ and actual pigs are in the US.

And if your best argument is "CHINA WILL CONTROL US BY CUTTING OFF SYNTHETIC MEAT" then you...might want to find a better argument.
Your medical #s appear to be either flat out untrue or based on faulty data- see here:

Where for example we find that while 80% of APIs do come from overseas, the most of those come from Ireland, almost 2x what comes from China

China DOES own Smithfield. But Smithfields actual company HQ and actual pigs are in the US.

And if your best argument is "CHINA WILL CONTROL US BY CUTTING OFF SYNTHETIC MEAT" then you...might want to find a better argument.
Funny but let’s agree to disagree

Back to BEVs
Funny but let’s agree to disagree

Why would I agree to disagree when your claims are objectively wrong?

Why would you STICK with claims I just showed you were objectively wrong?

Like instead of your claim 97% of antibiotics are from China, the facts in link show they're not even in the top 3 foreign nations supplying them to the US... (Canada leads by far- then India and Italy.... China doesn't even make up 10% of the supply).

Back to BEVs

I get that each time you're proven wrong you want to change the topic- but maybe you should instead reconsider the inaccurate info you were wrong about and think about how that might change your conclusions you drew from them now that you have better data?

If you can't apply proper critical thinking to any of this other stuff why do you think anybody should listen to you about car OEMs since you'd be likely to cite the same faulty data and draw the same indefensible conclusions if you're unwilling to reconsider your position when presented with new info on any topic?
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