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What if the upcoming SuperCharger announcement is that they will be located at certain regional WalMarts? :)
And of course they will be powered by massive solar arrays located at these WalMart locations.
WalMart gets green cred, and a backup source of power at the same time.

Hows that for massive unfounded speculation?
Maybe.... but those arn't Super Chargers are they?

Hi Kevin,

The point is that a mutually beneficial partnership can be forged that will permit the rapid expansion of Tesla Superchargers along with other chargers. Tesla would obviously benefit, and so would the host, say Wal*Mart, in being the one-stop shop for all your charging needs. A big installation like Wal*Mart could eventually go into the battery swapping business.

Just speculating, but this could be the first piece in the upcoming Supercharger puzzle. To power a Supercharger with solar is going to require a big array. Those Wal*Marts have big roofs.


What if the upcoming SuperCharger announcement is that they will be located at certain regional WalMarts? :)
And of course they will be powered by massive solar arrays located at these WalMart locations.
WalMart gets green cred, and a backup source of power at the same time.

Hows that for massive unfounded speculation?

Hi Mitch,

Beat you to it.:wink:

So you did. Several reasons Tesla could seriously be partnering with WalMart? They have a massive nationwide footprint, and they are already located in population centers, they have massive parking lots as well, and, they almost always have 480V 3 phase as well, they are near perfect locations, really... Add in massive solar installations, sounds like the perfect marriage of high technology and the worlds largest retailer.
Just speculating, but this could be the first piece in the upcoming Supercharger puzzle. To power a Supercharger with solar is going to require a big array. Those Wal*Marts have big roofs.


I really doubt they would install superchargers at Wall*Marts. That's the last place they'd want a supercharger. It would always have some local plugged in trying to save $3 on electricity. This would block people on road trips who really need it, plus it might wear out the packs prematurely. No, they'd want Level II chargers at Wall*Marts.

The superchargers belong on major highways between cities, so it will be available when and where it's really needed. I'm hoping they announce a network of superchargers along the major highways, so we can easily travel long distances.
Maybe, but as you said "We have no information regarding of what would comprise a Supercharger installation" and historically Tesla have chosen to support proprietary initiatives not open ones.

Hi Kevin,

Tesla has chosen proprietary intitiatives, not because they wanted to, but because they deemed the existing alternatives at the time to be inferior designs that didn't satisfy their vehicle's needs. Now we are beginning to see collaborations. Frankly I don't think that Tesla wants to get in the business of building charger infrastructure on their own at this tenuous period of its company's life. Yet now is the time that it needs that infrastructure to better market its cars. The right type of partnership with an array of chargers would do that. I guess time will tell.

Really... you want Tesla associated with this? WalMart struggles to overcome environmental criticism

Yes Kevin, exactly what WalMart needs, more real green credentials, not "green washing"
In case no one has noticed, most Walmarts are in general located near major highways.
Tesla simply cannot afford to do this on their own, at least not nationwide. There will be partners, for the site costs, Infrastructure (do you know how much it costs and how long it takes to get a 100KVA 480V transformer sited and installed?). WalMart/McDonalds/COSTCO/Walgreens are about the only eligible nationwide chains that work.
I would not expect to see SuperChargers located at highway rest stops... Just because of the power requirements.
I really doubt they would install superchargers at Wall*Marts. That's the last place they'd want a supercharger. It would always have some local plugged in trying to save $3 on electricity. This would block people on road trips who really need it, plus it might wear out the packs prematurely. No, they'd want Level II chargers at Wall*Marts.

The superchargers belong on major highways between cities, so it will be available when and where it's really needed. I'm hoping they announce a network of superchargers along the major highways, so we can easily travel long distances.

Hi Doug,

As Kevin points out, the Superchargers are proprietary, there will only be other Model Ss to compete with. So there won't be a Leaf sipping electrons all day sitting in front of you. In addition to Superchargers, I'm suggesting that there could be a full spectrum of chargers there, including Level II chargers, and smaller so-called "standard" DC fast chargers.

I certainly agree that Superchargers should also be near major highways, but I have difficulty visualizing Tesla constructing large PV arrays directly off of highways. Maybe these would be different designs, but Elon has hinted at this PV approach presumably to deal with demand charges. So maybe the highway Superchargers would charge a higher fee than one connected to a Wal*Mart, or as Mitch suggests they would be near highways, but not necessarily on them.

Tesla simply cannot afford to do this on their own, at least not nationwide. There will be partners, for the site costs, Infrastructure (do you know how much it costs and how long it takes to get a 100KVA 480V transformer sited and installed?).
We are building a national charging network in the UK and have 124 locations live today... so, yes, I have a reasonable understanding of what it takes to do this.

WalMart/McDonalds/COSTCO/Walgreens are about the only eligible nationwide chains that work.
So, Tesla should partner with some company with a questionable environmental and workers rights history because it 'works'? Why not choose a more ethical partner and be part of the solution not the problem?
Kevin, we have to agree to disagree. Located at retail stores, you have somewhere to go/something to do.
If its a mile or two from the highway, that's not going to bother any Model S drivers.

I repeat, Tesla needs a partner or partners, they do not have the money to buy/lease land, deploy the required infrastructure and pay for the SuperCharger hardware, it's simply not realistic to think they can do this without an already existing nationwide retailer.

Elon is talking about hundreds of sites with DC fast charging, I thought all of your sites are 230V 32A or so. It's apples an oranges, they can't be compared.
I repeat, Tesla needs a partner or partners, they do not have the money to buy/lease land, deploy the required infrastructure and pay for the SuperCharger hardware, it's simply not realistic to think they can do this without an already existing nationwide retailer.
That's never been in dispute and IMO one of the reasons why the proprietary Super Charger is a mistake. However, Tesla should not contaminate their brand by linking up with some of the worst companies from an environmental perspective.
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