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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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I'll rent their battery and put it into a decent car...
How exactly do you make an EV that only does 0-60 in 8 seconds? Bricks in the trunk to stop it rolling over?
To put that into perspective, that is the approximate acceleration for my aging Honda Civic. So it's torque -- what EVs are known for having an excess of -- is enough to make it competitive with an econo car? Gee, color me excited.
Eh, I dunno about that.

I think there could be a (strong perhaps) recession in the interim when all this fossil-fuel based/dependent/etc manufacturing capacity is written off.

The purchase of soon-to-be obsolete fossil-fuel based equipment will probably drop faster than the new electric/renewable/etc equipment can ramp up to produce in the very short term when people truly realize it's pending obsolescence.

We'll be better off in the long run for it though, and the boom afterwards will probably be the biggest real boom since the postwar period.
Also solar panels don't last forever (yet) and they constantly improve! Just because everyone has a smartphone doesn't mean the smartphone (or computer or HDTV or virtually anything) industry has dried up... in fact the opposite is true.
Also solar panels don't last forever (yet) and they constantly improve! Just because everyone has a smartphone doesn't mean the smartphone (or computer or HDTV or virtually anything) industry has dried up... in fact the opposite is true.

They should last 50+ years though, however, there will be a constant demand like there is for new roofs, boilers etc.
As long as I can customize my sound to Photon torpedoes from Star Trek, the T-Rex roar from Jurassic Park or some other such sound to humor my inner geek, the requirement "sounds" good to me!

Can you imagine the cacophony on the streets when EVs rule the roads? Ha.

While I agree with your sentiment I think it is important to not rely on technological solutions -- what happens when AP doesn't respond because because the kid running out was below the view line?

While you can't protect from everything I think it is important to have layers of defense (my security background may be showing).
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Recessions happen because the Fed raises rates to a point that it discourages borrowing on big ticket items like houses and cars. Credit drives the US economy.
This is the most common form of recession.

A much more severe depression comes when the borrowing is so big that nobody can pay it off, and people stop borrowing even though interest rates are near-0, because everyone is defaulting on their loans. This happened in 2008 and 1929.

But there's another way for the US economy to be driven: by actual increases in employment and wages. Rather than by borrowing. This way, general wealth increases, instead of all the wealth flowing to the lenders and away from the borrowers.

This happened during the Industrial Revolution, and the solar/wind/battery revolution is making it happen again now. It requires that people be borrowing to buy improvements which actually "pay for themselves" in savings vs. what they were paying before, like solar panels, rather than things which merely increase quality of life like iPhones or houses or cars.
To clarify an earlier point I made about VW's competition for an EV subcompact being all subcompacts, including ICE:

Tesla's competition is pretty much just the ICE vehicles -- a sale of a Tesla comes at the expense of an ICE sale. But for them to sell an EV requires sacrificing an ICE sale or out competing Tesla. And their best offerings are for 2020 or later, and if they live up to paper specs are only competitive with current Tesla's, not 2020 or later Teslas.

The low end is another story as Tesla does not currently operate there so their EV sales primarily come at the expense of ICE sales -- the EVs are neither differentiated enough nor made in sufficient quantity to compete with each other.

Consequently the legacy makers must cannibalize their ICE sales while selling EVs at, at best, minimal profit. And this is the result of them squandering lead time (GM could have not tried to kill EV) and yielding EV superiority to Tesla so the high profit margin EV market is owned by Tesla. IOW, if they'd not delayed paying the piper they could be selling their "Tesla Killers" to a market that wants EV without having competition depressing prices/inflating expectations.

For long term market action this means that Tesla is a buy and hold because the legacy makers are doomed.

Yes, nothing new there but I did want to clarify what I was saying about competition.
Agreed, plus a very important point, ALL of the other auto manufacturers are going to have to come up with a way to incentivize their dealers to sell BEV's. Right now it makes absolutely no sense for them to sell vehicles that will not generate future revenue for them through service, whether it be warranty, repair, maintenance, etc. Dealers make far more money from service than sales, so they have absolutely no incentive to sell vehicles that will require considerably less service than ICE rigs. Tesla has proven (mostly) that the independent dealer/service model is unnecessary and the auto industry is going to have to adapt or die...
Except... the noisemaker proposals are for <20mph, so recalculate for 29.33 ft/sec. 0.6 sec is 17.60 ft and deceleration rate of 29.33 ft/sec^2 or .93 G, which normal non track tires are good for.

So for the person 27 feet in front and 4 foot to the side of the car going 20 mph, the car can stop in time. Ba-dum-ching.

I guess it's not only about the car stopping but also about the car being allowed to move forward without aggresively honking. ;)
ASMR videos are a wide phenomenon, and range from very enjoyable to very creepy/disturbing.

That blonde girl is one of the biggest ASMR "artists out there, and I guess being out of ideas she explored the car porn/ASMR crossover ;-)

Is this some kind of NSFW ‘adult’ thing or is it just the forum here that keeps linking in videos that use cover-screens of busty girls with cleavage almost falling out?
BMW a few days ago, and perhaps Daimler shortly:
Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at 11.03.35 AM.png
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