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UK 2021 Model 3 Q2 collection and delivery experiences

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Had my M3P delivered yesterday visited a supercharger while waiting for the app to connect - quick top up charge for 30 mins no problems - put the car on charge overnight on my home pod point 7kw charger at 90% and now see fully charged but only 279 miles range - is this OK I would of expected over 300 for 90% - does it take time to 'settle down' only have 102 miles on the clock - any advice please?
This is the same as mine
This is the same as mine
Yep me too. 275 whilst it’s sat outside after charging overnight. Maybe a couple of miles drained since charging went off at 4:30am.

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That sounds OK based on an estimate from the BMS.

If you assume a theoretical full charge of 320 real world miles in the summer, then 10% is another 32 miles, giving you 307. That's only approx 5% out.

As others have mentioned on here, you have to take estimated range with a small pinch of salt because it is unlikely to be 100% accurate.
I have it on % a quick check on the energy graph gives you real range based on your acutal driving find it spot on tbf
Fair enough. But for me I want to look at my screen and see say 50 miles left - then I can think well I'm only 10 away from home, or my journey might be 80 miles so I need to stop off at a supercharger. I don't want to have to start looking at graphs and sea charts.
I don't ever think I would choose to display percentage left for my battery - how are you supposed to figure out how far you've got left without some complex mathematics factoring in many variables. Miles left is easy to work out.
The problem is the miles it says you have left are just as risky to rely upon. The remaining miles display is a BMS calculation based on a hardcoded efficiency calculation.

Say the car said you had 275 miles remaining, so you set off on a 250 mile journey thinking you have 25 miles to spare - but it starts raining heavily, and you travelled at night so the lights are on, and it's still a bit warm so the A/C is on too. Oh and you're in a hurry too, so you're not exactly hanging around. The result is that you're not going to travel 275 miles before needing to charge, and you might not even travel 250 miles.

Because percentages will go down slower than miles (because it's not a 1:1 relationship) you could plan a journey based on getting to the destination, or a charger, at a certain percentage level. Also, from a purely psychological level, I think it is better to plan to get to a charger at X percent rather than the car telling you that you have 50 miles range, planning a trip to a charger that is close to that, and finding you can't make it or that it is nerve wracking doing it.

Also having it on miles leads people to constantly fret and obsess about why they aren't getting the WLTP ranges, why the reported range is less than it was yesterday at the same charge level, etc. Driving an EV, in my opinion, is about having a sense about how far the car can go on a full charge in ideal conditions, and planning journeys and charging etc accordiingly, without relying on explicit "remaining miles" calculations.
Delivered yesterday and very impressed all round. Just learning to use it now!
One issue (other than warped keycards as others have seen) is I can't get it to connect to my home wifi. It says the password is wrong but I know it's not. Anyone have any ideas?
Delivered yesterday and very impressed all round. Just learning to use it now!
One issue (other than warped keycards as others have seen) is I can't get it to connect to my home wifi. It says the password is wrong but I know it's not. Anyone have any ideas?
Is the signal strength strong enough? It may look like it but from my experience that's what gives you the errors. It tells you stupid things like the password is wrong when that's clearly not the error.
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Fair enough. But for me I want to look at my screen and see say 50 miles left - then I can think well I'm only 10 away from home, or my journey might be 80 miles so I need to stop off at a supercharger. I don't want to have to start looking at graphs and sea charts.
I use % on mine, and for me I use the journey efficiency graph which is a helpful tool for this. it shows a nice graph with no maths necessary, and should it rain or should you have a heavy right foot, you will see very easily if your consumption is above or below the target for that particular trip.

Of course the sat nav will also direct you to superchargers as needed... personally I would not overthink it
Just picked up 'Oscar' from the Trafford Centre. Completely painless process. Car had 37% charge plenty for me its fairly local anyway. Tesla did call last night anyway to say they couldn't guarantee the car would have more than 100 miles range on collection.

Fit and finish to me looks excellent - I've 5 BMWs, 2 Mercedes and a Jaguar before now and I can't see this being any worse at all. All cables, mud flap extensions etc present and correct, though (as expected) no passenger lumbar adjustment (VIN is 242XXX if it helps). Just had a run to Burtonwood Superchargers and happy enough with road noise and ride quality at 70 -75. Doesn't seem much different to the S70D I had in terms of road noise, but a quantum leap in fit/finish. Also turns slightly better than an oil tanker - the MS had a dreadful turning circle.


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Received our m3 lr mic on Monday keycards where fine and could not see any obvious issues with the car (looks like it still has passenger lumbar support)

Drove it to the Stockport superchargers for a test run and hated it felt really unsettled on the motorway. It ended up being the steering setting on comfort now its on normal it feels great
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Mine came warpped but it sits in my wallet and it seemed to iron it out a bit. An acutal iron might sort it out if you place the card under a tea towel. But i have it paired with the phone so not really bothered.
I reported it and they are sending a ranger next week. A bit overkill TBH and I was assuming they would just pop a couple in the post. Not really that fussed but for a 60k car....