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V9 - the maps are even worse now

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The maps became bad when they removed color from lakes, etc. Now they removed color from the roads, too.

It's just one big jumble of gray, which is dangerous to try to decipher while driving. Bring back color!

I miss V7...

ur late to the party. grayscale maps rolled out months ago.

the bolded statement is confusing. What is dangerous to decipher? if you're driving on a preset route why do you care if the forest that shows up on the map is green or grey.
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ur late to the party. grayscale maps rolled out months ago.

the bolded statement is confusing. What is dangerous to decipher? if you're driving on a preset route why do you care if the forest that shows up on the map is green or grey.
I was at the party a month ago. the party is now worse.

There are times I'm driving without a nav route set and I want to identify a nearby street or location. Maybe there's more traffic than usual or I decided to make another stop. Bottom line, the clarity hass declined again, removing the green lines for streets.
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A slider to enhance detail visibility would be sweet. Sometimes driving is about finding a place to let the dog out, avoiding roads that cross a swollen river, or learning the name of that lake you were driving by. Except for the zoom level with commerce markers we have two extremes to choose from, the most bland is all the autonomous car needs, I would like a little more.
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I think the visibility of streets are further reduced because they don't show the green traffic indicator anymore, as part of the "increased traffic visibility" change, so all you see are grey streets on grey background when traffic is light.
I was at the party a month ago. the party is now worse.

There are times I'm driving without a nav route set and I want to identify a nearby street or location. Maybe there's more traffic than usual or I decided to make another stop. Bottom line, the clarity hass declined again, removing the green lines for streets.

Are you serious? Why have a clutter of green everywhere when all that tell you is that the road is clear? Much better to just show up Red and Yellow where there are traffic jams etc and then keep it clutter free of green on all other places. This is very clear if anything and an excellent upgrade Tesla did in v9.

If anything Tesla should add an option for those who prefer color. I absolutely hate that old school colored option and would never ever want it back again. The new subtle grey scale solution just looks so much better and is very clear to my eyes.
The new subtle grey scale solution just looks so much better and is very clear to my eyes.
As a former archeologist AND geologist AND cartographer (hey, I changed jobs a lot), the new maps make no sense to me. Might as well just simplify it further and have a straight arrow on a grey background labeled from "here" to "there". :) I personally find it inconceivable that anyone would prefer the low info-density, all-grey maps. It's a preference I guess I'll just never get.
Dr Jones, as an average human being, I actually didn't even notice the maps changed.... :oops:
The first time I saw a picture of the new maps happened to be right after going to a state park with a lake. The green helped me find the park boundaries. Within the park, the nice blue lake was helpful in navigating and finding places I wanted to stop. I remember thinking, "Wow, that's super helpful!" Then the new maps came.
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The first time I saw a picture of the new maps happened to be right after going to a state park with a lake. The green helped me find the park boundaries. Within the park, the nice blue lake was helpful in navigating and finding places I wanted to stop. I remember thinking, "Wow, that's super helpful!" Then the new maps came.

Maybe the new designer lives in SoCal... one looked at the "blue" lake on the map and the actual lake with no water, he quickly made the decision to make the maps more real LOL.
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The all-grey-everything maps are probably intended to push new owners to pay for LTE satellite map data. At least with the sat layer on it's not a featureless gray wasteland and you can tell the difference between parking lot and lake.
Are you serious? Why have a clutter of green everywhere when all that tell you is that the road is clear? Much better to just show up Red and Yellow where there are traffic jams etc and then keep it clutter free of green on all other places. This is very clear if anything and an excellent upgrade Tesla did in v9.
The reason one might want green is that the traffic data isn't available everywhere and green lets you know that Tesla's data provider has recent information that traffic is flowing smoothly.