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Want To Buy 2013-2014 P85 in CANADA

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I am looking for a 2013 or 2014 model S P85 with these options:

- All Glass Panoramic Roof
- Tech Package
- Leather Seats
- White, Silver, Grey or Black

Also but not essential

- Smart Air Suspension
- Ultra High Fidelity Sound
- Premium Interior Lighting

Will also considerate other options.

Thank You !
There are 5 listed on autotrader.ca right now, all in ontario or quebec. mostly exactly what you're looking for.

Unfortunately Tesla has decided not to allow the import of used Model S cars from the USA, by preventing that they are significantly limiting the used market in Canada. My hope is that either a) Tesla will decide to allow us to import their cars from the USA through the RIV program, or b) there will be a small flood of used Model S' hit once the X is available.
I finally found what I was looking for !

- 2013
- Model S P85
- All Glass Panoramic Roof
- Tech package
- Performance Leather Seats
- Black
- Smart Air Suspension
- Ultra High Fidelity Sound
- 21'' Turbine Wheels
- Carbon Fiber Decor
- Carbon Fiber Spoiler
- Fog Lamps
- Alcantara
- Parcel Shelf