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Want to Buy or Trade- Need 18' HPWC Cable, have 8' cable.

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Good day, I have the HPWC unit with the 8' cable for my Model 3. Now that we are buying a Model Y, I need a longer cable so it will reach both vehicles. I THINK you can just swap them inside the HPWC, though it has been a while since I installed it. AAAAAAnyway, If you have a long cord and want an 8 foot instead, maybe we can swap cables or something like that. I am also willing to buy the longer cable if you have one. I am trying to avoid buying a new HPWC with the longer cable, removing the existing one, installing the new one and then selling the other one. That's a pain in the ass I don't need. Of course, all of this might be a waste of time, since the Zombie Apocalypse is nigh, and the 4 horsemen are on the horizon.
