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WTB: 2017 Tesla Model 3 (actual car)

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Looking to purchase Model 3. If you already took the delivery or about to take it, I'm ready to offer 70-80K for it. Need the car this year.

I'm also looking for an owner who can lend the car for a day to make a video review. The time will be appreciated financially (up to $1000).
Looking to purchase Model 3. If you already took the delivery or about to take it, I'm ready to offer 70-80K for it. Need the car this year.
I am amazed that someone in Russia would pay double the list price for a Model 3 when for about the same price they could buy a Model S.

@elektromobili so far Model 3's have only been sold to Tesla employees or major investors (like Jason Calcanis). It is possible (though I'm only guessing) that they took delivery under an agreement not to re-sell their car in the near future.

Even if that is not the case, I think you are going to have a very difficult time buying a Model 3 any time soon.
I should we able to get a model 3 by the end of the year and would be interested in selling as long as it isn’t breaking any Tesla guidelines. PM me and we can talk more, I don’t know how we could do a transaction about selling a car from the US to Russia.