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WTB 21in sonic carbon twin turbine front

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My wife just curbed the passenger front wheel pretty badly, looking to see if anyone is willing to sell me just one wheel before the service center gouges my eyes out. It's a 2019 model s refresh performance, 21in sonic carbon twin turbine wheel, I believe it'd 21x8.5 not sure of the offset. If anyone has one local to NJ ish (I'll drive up to 300 miles or so to pick up) or willing to ship let me know how much please.
You can probably have it repaired fairly quickly and cheaper. Look up wheel repair shops in your area, they are pretty good at this stuff.
Never have seen anyone with a good experience that didn't complain finish was off, clear was peeling, etc not long after fitting wheels refinished. I'd rather just buy new and sell this as a spare to someone for like 100-200 or just keep it honestly.