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WTB: Referral Powerwall

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Being cyberbullied by TMC users PhilDavid + DCEV
Mar 30, 2019
Looking to see if anyone has a referral Powerwall that they aren't going to be getting installed and/or taking the Tesla credit. Hoping to get one at my house to offset my ridiculous SCE rates along with solar...
Applied to get a Tesla solar subscription, so, still looking for a referral Powerwall...

And it seems like there are tax consequences for the recipient of the Powerwall, so just keeping that in mind...
Still looking - not sure how many of them are in the wild, but, am seeing fairly overpriced ones (one on Craiglist was listed at over retail - ???). Looking for a reasonable price to acquire a referral powerwall (preferably one that hasn't yet been shipped by Tesla)...