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  1. gavine

    Anyone use this Romex 6/3 cable during install?

    I used the Leviton from Home Depot. I tightened the lugs well and then after a few weeks, re-tighted them again. I was defintely able to get more tightening the second time. I recommend doing that if you are using Leviton. I did the same to the lugs on the breaker as well.
  2. gavine

    Windshield Wipers Don't Work - Even In Manual Mode. Can't Get Tesla To Help

    In the meantime, I would recommend applying Rain-X to the windshield. I swear by that stuff.
  3. gavine

    As a new owner of MY, planning for a trip.

    Also, supercharge.info is a good site to see where Superchargers are located as well as what amenities are at the sites. It’s not a trip-planner, but still comes in handy. If you haven’t been to the site, you’ll likely be surprised at how many are out there.
  4. gavine

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    I've been following Solar Foods for a while. I signed-up for their newsletter. I very much want to invest in them, but I don't think they are accepting retail investors yet. I think they can become huge.
  5. gavine

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    I always wondered of the plural for Nissan Leaf was "Leaves". Mystery solved.
  6. gavine

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    Many people in the USA only keep their cars for 3 years (on a lease). So, as more EV choices become available, more and more of those people will choose an EV for their next car.
  7. gavine

    Does solar make sense in Texas?

    Ironically, I'd rather have an electric car during a power outage. Chances are that my battery has good range in it before the outage happens because I charge it every day. People let their gas cars run low before they fill-up so there would very likely be a percentage of cars with very low fuel...
  8. gavine

    Does solar make sense in Texas?

    Do gas pumps work during power outages?
  9. gavine

    Does solar make sense in Texas?

    I've seen houses with the AC condenser in the attic. That can't be good for efficiency or reliability.
  10. gavine

    Does solar make sense in Texas?

    Maybe they compared the free electricity from solar to charge their cars vs. what the cost of gas would've been? Depending on how much they drive, that could certainly accelerate the payback.
  11. gavine

    Supercharger - King of Prussia, PA

    I don't blame you for trying
  12. gavine

    Model LS V8

    Both projects would be too big for me.
  13. gavine

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    A hybrid burger. I like it. Just like hybrid cars, it could be a gateway to zero beef in the future and might be a way to ease people into the idea.
  14. gavine

    Celebrities who drive a Tesla?

    Did Madonna have work done on her face? That doesn't look like her to me. Maybe a little but I don't think that's Madonna.
  15. gavine

    Model LS V8

    Wouldn't be the first though.... https://www.carthrottle.com/post/8-cars-with-front-mounted-transverse-v8-engines/ "Lacking in common sense"? Yes indeed
  16. gavine

    Does solar make sense in Texas?

    Haha....I love it. A guy I work with modifies his cars for internet points. He follows forums and shows-off his upgrades.
  17. gavine

    Does solar make sense in Texas?

    Sounds like a job for solar roof tiles
  18. gavine

    Does anyone else still prefer to drive their gas cars?

    Why not use a battery tender instead? Seems wasteful to drive around, just to charge the 12V battery.
  19. gavine

    We must face facts - meat is the problem

    Does this consider the amount of energy (and carbon emissions) required/created in finding, drilling-for, pumping, transporting and refining oil, plus transporting the gasoline to the fuel station and then pumping it into the car? I'm guessing not. It's probably just looking at the emissions...
  20. gavine

    CT spotted at Giga Texas

    The regular pick-up truck in the video looks so outdated when you see the Cybertruck driving-by in the background. The CT continues to grow on me as time goes-by, especially when I see it in-action. Amazing.
  21. gavine

    Hostility to the transition to EVs?

    Clovers extract nitrogen from the air and put it to their roots. Ever notice that the grass around clovers is usually greener than the rest of the grass? That's why.
  22. gavine

    [Is a model 3 a good purchase for someone who is] Not computer literate

    My Dad has a Lexus that is a few years old. He needed help going through the clunky menus to set-up driver profiles, etc. Even the clock was a major task to change the time. Tesla is MUCH easier to understand.
  23. gavine

    [Is a model 3 a good purchase for someone who is] Not computer literate

    Has your buddy ever used a tablet (iPad, etc)? If so, the Tesla screen is not much different than that in terms of useability. I know several older folks who never used a computer and are fairly proficient with their iPad. The screen controls are fairly intuitive.
  24. gavine

    Hostility to the transition to EVs?

    Okay. Got it. I was hoping that we wouldn't have to burn anything in the future anymore.
  25. gavine

    What's the POINT of a glass roof?

    Right. The glass feels hot when you first get-into a hot car, but once the cabin cools, the glass is much less-hot.
  26. gavine

    Hostility to the transition to EVs?

    Why? Not enough batteries for full transition to EV?
  27. gavine

    Hostility to the transition to EVs?

    This all reminds me of the early days of Disco music. There were hard-core rock-n-roll fans who were hostile towards Disco. People who liked Disco were afraid to admit it. Can you imagine wearing a Bee Gees concert shirt to school in the 70's instead of AC/DC, Black Sabbath, etc? At some point...
  28. gavine

    Model LS V8

    Tagging @wk057 Would love to get his opinion on this. 🍿
  29. gavine

    Model LS V8

    Exactly. The OP's estimate of charging time assumes he's starting his trip without any range. With home charging, you get that full-charge head start and rarely need to supercharge.
  30. gavine

    Model LS V8

    While I applaud your courage to take-on this project and jealous that you have the means to do it, it sounds like time is very valuable to you. They say "time is money". How about you pay yourself an hourly wage whenever you have to sit at a charger. At $100/hour, the $30K project cost would...
  31. gavine

    What should my ideal charge percentage be?

  32. gavine

    Hostility to the transition to EVs?

    Whenever I have run-into ICE lovers who are against EVs because they are afraid they are going to lose their beloved reciprocating pistons, I just told them that more EVs means more oil left for them to burn in the future. This usually appeases them because it makes them feel like EVs are not...
  33. gavine

    Analysts Price Target Question

    Thanks. The Ark article specifically states 2025 which is great but most of the time dates or timelines are not mentioned by analysts. I'll start assuming 12 months then.
  34. gavine

    Analysts Price Target Question

    When I see an analyst price targets, am I supposed to know when they predict the price to hit that target? They never seem to clarify that. Is there some general rule of thumb? I mean, if someone gives a price target of $1,000, does that mean tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or ten...
  35. gavine

    Charging on 110v outlet and cold weather

    Slightly off-topic, but here's a video showing a breaker tripping in slow motion. It shows both overload (from heat buildup) and short-circuit trips. Definitely worth watching.
  36. gavine

    Regular 50kwh charging

    It won’t be free for long if the OP uses it for all of his charging....just a thought.
  37. gavine

    High C question.

    I don’t know, but there’s a YouTube channel called “Tesla Plaid Channel” where the guy has done over 800 drag strip passes and he still has the same performance. Pretty amazing actually.
  38. gavine

    Tesla engineers - add a V10 sound linked to the accelerator pedal!

    I realize that Tesla is working to make the world move-away from combustion engines, but I don't think it's a bad thing to pay homage to the past and include optional sounds. It would be fun and it might even sway some diehards to make the switch. Heck, some ICE cars even pump fake engine sounds...
  39. gavine

    Supercharger - King of Prussia, PA

    There will likely be an uptick of Tesla buyers in those apartments right there.
  40. gavine

    Truck ICE'ing supercharger spot

    Technically, you could have charged still at either of the adjacent chargers without blocking him in. I'm not saying what he did was okay, but in a pinch, you could still charge. Actually, it would have been cool if cars were charging at both connectors next to him and he witnessed it when he...
  41. gavine

    Truck ICE'ing supercharger spot

    EV Parking Tickets (click on "ICEHOLES" tab)
  42. gavine

    Truck ICE'ing supercharger spot

    If you have a Model X, you can do this (at your own risk)
  43. gavine

    Climate Change Denial

    Seems like someone here wants to continue further warming the planet because they are afraid of an ice age. Now I understand the motivation and will be more accepting. I disagree with the argument, but understanding the motivation behind it helps.
  44. gavine

    Anyone use this Romex 6/3 cable during install?

    Before the wire gets potentially hot enough to start a fire, wouldn't the car notice a voltage drop and automatically lower the amps? I have to think Tesla thought of this and if not, there would be a lot of fires. I agree 100% with following the code and being safe and I would never trust...
  45. gavine

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    Climate Change Denial - Discuss Prepare to be entertained
  46. gavine

    Does anyone else still prefer to drive their gas cars?

    Possibly, but I'm thinking he shattered his leg by braceing himself against the floor of the car this his leg. When the car crashes, those forces are transmitted to any limbs that are bracing your weight. This is why it is recommended that you trust your seat belt in a crash and let it absorb...
  47. gavine

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    Correct. Gasoline is a loss leader, used to get customers in the store. But, when there a far fewer gas customers in the future, how will they pay their bills?
  48. gavine

    Secret way to put gas in a model 3!!!

    Exactly. I don't have a snow blower but I'm usually almost done shoveling by the time my neighbors are able to get their blower's engines started. I think shoveling might actually take less effort, especially when you consider the engine maintenance and voyages out to fill the gas can.
  49. gavine

    Rolling Coal Reporting?

    BMW's are known to leak blinker fluid so don't blame the drivers.
  50. gavine

    Shorting Oil, Hedging Tesla

    In Supply-and-Demand 101, normally when supply is high and demand is low, prices drop, right? However, what happens when we hit a tipping point where there are enough EVs to bring a noticeable reduction in demand for gasoline? Do gas stations raise their prices in order to make up for the lost...