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  1. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I thought airlines (other than Russian) were not allowed to fly over Russia. But my flight from Chicago to Hong Kong did just that.
  2. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    Thanks for taking a look. Pretty much all of us coming to the conclusion that the pack needs to be repaired.
  3. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    I sent you a message via your link. Chris
  4. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    I was planning on doing just that. In fact, the very day the BMS error popped up was the day I was going to go for a short road trip to burn the battery down and do a full charge supercharge. I was just taking too long by a day. Now that the error message has re-appeared I am charge locked to...
  5. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    Recell, You are correct. Unfortunately, the BMS u029 error has returned. I have been monitoring pack balance every day since I got the car back. I have been logging the pack balance when the battery finishes charging (98%SOC). Although the pack balance has not gotten worse, it has not gotten...
  6. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    Good news, the vibration was just a simple tire problem. Drive unit is still smooth as glass at over 200K miles.
  7. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    So I would like to finally post an update on my pack swap for my old 2013 MS 60. So on March 20th, I dragged my S60 with replacement battery pack out to Mr. Erickson's place in Armstrong IA. The drive was successful and managed to get both battery and car there in one go. The pack swap itself...
  8. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Reporting suggests it was actually an Ukrainian Aeroprakt A-22LS Foxbat.
  9. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Sure does look an awful lot like my Cessna 152. Which is weird, as it must light up a radar scope like a Christmas tree given it's all aluminum construction. Russia's air defense must be getting really bad if they are letting these things through. That said, remind me to not go flying near the...
  10. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    Expect yes. The charge rate being limited by the BMS in the pack, swapping the pack from 85 to 90, the charge rate will be limited by the software in the 90 pack BMS. The 90 has better charging than the 85, therefore it will see improved charge rate at a supercharger. Charge rate on level 2...
  11. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    Thanks for heads up. I have been able to connect with Mr. Erickson and we have agreed on a plan to get my car fixed. Super happy day! I will follow up with the results when I can. Thanks for all the advice everyone.
  12. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    Thanks Kman. Yes we have met a few times at one of your EV parties at your parent's resort at Lake Delton. I appreciate all of the contributors of this thread. I am trying to reach out to some of the folks suggested. I will update the thread when I know more.
  13. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    Yes, I still have the original MCU1.
  14. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    That is my hope. My concern is that now that its charge limited to such a low level that the BMS will no longer be able to balance the pack. Therefore the bad cells in the pack will push the pack way out of balance. Which in turn would cause the range to rapidly diminish as the lowest cells...
  15. glhs272

    2013 MS 60 Battery Failure, have 85 pack: How to swap?

    So I have been dreading this day for a while and it has finally happened. My beloved 2013 Model S 60 is now posting the infamous BMS_029 fault. The car is about 11 years old and has 241,500miles. It has given no warning signs or any weirdness signaling impending failure. Just went to the car...
  16. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Looks to be legit. One of the youtubers I follow Suchomimus regularly reports on these things and does a good job of weeding out the fakes. It appears this one actually happened. Perhaps the HIMARS broke down in a bad place where it was spotted and quickly targeted by Iskander.
  17. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Well spoken.
  18. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It's a terrible idea for Russia if we simply keep re-supplying Ukraine. Russia will attrit their military and be spent after about 3 years. However, since the end of 2023 it appears Putin has confidence that he has the US political system sufficiently jammed up that no US aid may come to...
  19. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It appears the Russians are using the Zapp Brannigan method of defeating Ukraine's Patriot Missile batteries. For those who don't know what I mean, basically throwing everything at the Ukrainians until they run out of ammunition. It may seem like I say that jokingly. However, this is what they...
  20. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I am puzzled as to why the US isn't leveraging this "Excess Defense Articles" (EDA) authority more widely. I see no reason it couldn't be used to donate defense equipment directly to Ukraine and circumvent congress entirely. If you go on DOD's website, you can see it has been sending this type...
  21. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I have wanted to discuss the Ukrainian Airforce and what may be helpful to them for a while. First off, although I am a licensed FAA pilot... I am not former military nor do I know any classified information. The closest I know of first hand experience with F/A-18s is my DPE (designated pilot...
  22. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Boy this makes my blood boil if there is any truth to this. https://news.yahoo.com/don-t-flying-trash-misunderstanding-120700255.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Talk about punching the gift horse in the mouth. Whoever this senior Ukrainian air for official is should be demoted to private and sent to...
  23. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    To me, this looks like a Patriot PAC-2 missile, as the PAC-3 are direct kill (no explosives). It appears this shoot down was farther out than the publically advertised range of the patriot. But the actual effective range of the Patriot appears to be far longer than what the US military publicly...
  24. glhs272

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Seems like we are setting up for a historic buying opportunity. I am really tempted to cash out my slow growing IRAs despite the tax penalty, as a better long term play with more liquidity. These bears are a getting so fat and juicy on the fear in this market. Hunting them and eating them is...
  25. glhs272

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Jeeze. Talk about irrational pessimism from Wall Street. You'd think there were an asteroid headed for earth's destruction in two weeks.
  26. glhs272

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    OK, a bit harsh language of me. Perhaps better to have said, let Elon pursue the things he wants. He himself has said he doesn't have much to do day to day with Tesla anymore. He has a great team. He has taken in interest in another company. He wants to spend his time turning things around in...
  27. glhs272

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Yeah, I feel this might be a good idea. I initially though having Elon's compensation package tied to equity was a good idea. It was based on thinking that he would be holding onto the equities. For a little while at least. "Last to sell" and all that. Boy that didn't pan out well for us...
  28. glhs272

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    The reason for today's pop was because I was forced to sell a lot of shares at today's lows. Your welcome.
  29. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    OK, so now we have it. I suspected there was a political reason why we were not supporting Ukraine with fighter jets and NATO spec tanks. The US and China made a secret deal to keep the war from escalating. Frankly, those Mig-29s were not worth it if it means China begins to support Russia...
  30. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Couldn't agree more. Channeling my inner Justin Bronk here.... Although near term, there are legitimate issues with using F-16s. I am confident Ukraine could overcome them, but the F-16 has a very fragile landing gear. It needs smooth runways, which even if Ukraine "polishes" those runways to...
  31. glhs272

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    For what it's worth, I ordered a Model Y on July 28th, after it seemed that the new tax credit was a sure thing. At the time estimated delivery was April 2023. Now Tesla's expected delivery is showing December of this year. Today's price is the same as what my original order is. So there is a...
  32. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Railroading is my profession. Changing rail gauge is a big task. From what I have seen on the internet (I have never been to Europe, let a alone Ukraine) most of Ukraine's railroad utilizes concrete railroad ties (sleepers). Therefore you will need to completely change all of the ties to change...
  33. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Ha. And here I was thinking just the opposite. Even at only 12,000 miles of track in Ukraine, it's still a lot of ties to change out. Where as you can simply drive some standard gauge trains into Ukraine from western Europe rather quickly.
  34. glhs272

    Service says $22k for new battery on 2012 Model S

    I think it's a 400 Volt reman pack, 90L. Part # 1102982-01-A. This was not under warranty unfortunately. But $11,500 seemed reasonable for the replacement/upgrade.
  35. glhs272

    Service says $22k for new battery on 2012 Model S

    So just a follow up on the battery situation. The battery has finally be properly replaced as of April 15th. Took a while, this all started November 26th, 2021. It took them until middle February to get the wrong battery pack installed. Then until April 15th to get the correct battery installed...
  36. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    The way to prevent nukes being used, is to reiterate that it would trigger a reciprocal response, i.e. a nuke being dropped on them... Mutually Assured Destruction. ..and say it loudly.
  37. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    My point was centered around providing more military aid to Ukraine. Things beyond just javelins and NLAWs and bullets. Particularly western fighter jets like F-15 & F-16, Anti-aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles, C-RAM, Abrams tanks, and etc. I concur that it's not time to send in boots on...
  38. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Regarding the retirement of the F-22s in my earlier posts, the link below was what I was getting at. Rather than retiring them, we should really reconsider giving them to our Allies, if they want them. They are very expensive to maintain, and NATO allies already have their F-35s. But now would...
  39. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Thank you for the response, there is logic in a lot of these points, but some of these points need to be reconsidered given the reality of events on the ground in Ukraine. The MIG-29s: We don't really know what Russia is communicating to NATO on transfer of arms, but giving Ukraine some more...
  40. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    What makes you so certain that providing military weapons to Ukraine would result in nuclear annihilation? Both the US and Russia have been exporting all kinds of military hardware across the world for decades. Nothing new. Ukraine becoming a slave-state of Russia would create the highest...
  41. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Agreed. The slow-walking of military aid to Ukraine is only benefiting the Russians. We need quick, decisive, and overwhelming action immediately to contain this conflict to Ukraine and prevent this from turning into World War 3.
  42. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    With the events we see in Bocha, I can't even describe the carnage being inflicted on the Ukrainian civilians. Mass graves, torture, murder, and much worse. The Ukrainian people are being systematically murdered everywhere under Russian control. What more does it take for the West to get more...
  43. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    It's an interesting event regardless if this was a false flag Russian attack or an actual Ukrainian strike. Russia's at home propaganda is in need of a boost, so the Russians need to instill fear in the populace to bolster flagging support for the war. A sign of bad things for Russia. If this...
  44. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    In my experience once the restraining fasteners are removed, the rail will roll if you were to run a locomotive on it. Especially in a curve. Or just through the normal hunting action of the rail cars. But, the same device used to hammer off the towers, could also be designed to give the rail "a...
  45. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    So as I understand it, there is a "Railroad War" going on in Eastern Ukraine. The Russian army relies heavily on railroads to provide logistics to their army. The Ukrainians blew up rail heads at the beginning of the war to prevent the Russians from using them. However in Russian occupied...
  46. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    So the issue with this local distributor in Russia, is that it's locally owned in Russia and is using its existing inventory to continue to support Russian mining. No transactions are happening between Komatsu and it's Russian distributors. However, allegedly, technical support is still being...
  47. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Regarding companies still doing business in Russia... My brother works for Komatsu Mining in Milwaukee in the company's engineering management. I queried him on this. His response "We have halted all deliveries, access to drawings, and software. We have a distributor in Russia still supporting...
  48. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    These appear to be effective against light armor. It may have the range, but might not be effective against armored ships.
  49. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    If there is any truth to this, it would be pure insanity on the part of the Russians. Do they really think they are in any position to invade the west? Do they think that airstrikes into NATO countries would not elicit a response from NATO? I can only think that NATO would be forced to...
  50. glhs272

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    There may only be a smoldering radioactive pile of rubble left of Ukraine in another week. Things are happening very quickly. The cities are being surrounded and shelled to pile of rubble, people and all. What do we have a military for if we can't protect free people of Europe from their...