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  1. I

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    Yes - it is making people's heads spin that Trump is not an anti-Semitic loon like the fringe grifters (Fuentes) who are trying to latch onto Trump. Republicans and Conservatives have always been strong backers of Israel compared to US Democrats...
  2. I

    Politics - Quarantine Thread

    Trump didn't sell out, he has always been strong for Israel and critical of Islamic nutter countries and anti-Semites. Trump's daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren are Jewish. Trump went against all the "Smart People" at the UN and US State Department and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem...
  3. I

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Per the UN and all reputable sources, the vast majority of Iraqis killed after the fall of Saddam were from their fellow Iraqis, Iranians and radical Islamist extremists from neighboring Arab countries over sectarian issues. It wasn't the US sending suicide bombers into Mosques, schools, voting...
  4. I

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    I guarantee you if China were to invade Taiwan, Vivek and all the guys who claim we should abandon Ukraine and focus on China would abandon Taiwan too. Absolutely no way they would recommend sending US troops to fight China. Not in a million years. Personally, I think it is much cheaper and...
  5. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    He would be even a richer man than he is now if he still holds TSLA stock he had from 2016.
  6. I

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    If helping Ukraine defend itself from an ILLEGAL INVADER by providing weapons is a "crime against humanity" - how would you classify Russia's actions in all of this? Humanitarian? Is Russia some sort of victim now? Putin could end the death and mayhem overnight, he holds all the cards...
  7. I

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Also - how is Russia better off or more secure today with new NATO members on its borders, Europe increasing defense spending and Russia losing thousands of men and weaponry for all the world to see. Even taking the low end of Russian casualty estimates, these losses are absolutely...
  8. I

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    There is a looong list of Russian and Western broken promises to Ukraine too. Still not worth the massive loss of life and destruction caused by Russia's cock-up of a war. Besides - how dare the USSR's former Commie slave colonies want closer ties and security with the West! Doesn't Ukraine...
  9. I

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    Or - Elon could be trying to woo a segment of the political aisle that is skeptical of EV’s and is trying to break down some of the tribal Right/ Left and bifurcated media echo chambers we have constructed in our country. Just as Michael Jordan famously said years ago: “Republicans buy sneakers...
  10. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Now the pro-Hamas "protesters" are taking over buildings and essentially holding people hostage? How are these people not considered terrorists since they are using violence and intimidation to impose their political will on others? And why are so many elected US Democrats so scared of...
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    Israel/Hamas conflict

    One of those party factions are Islamist and anti-Semitic nuts going around and vandalizing and desecrating US monuments, public buildings, synagogues, college campuses and creating mayhem on streets blocking roads to airports and bridges. Here is a group in Toronto roaming around Jewish...
  12. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Of course. Necessary Sacrifices': WSJ Publishes Leaked Messages of Hamas Leader Praising Civilian Deaths in Gaza
  13. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Gantz made a huge political deal threatening he would leave the war cabinet unless Netanyahu submitted a formal plan for Gaza once Hamas was destroyed. Yet I don't recall Gantz making any suggestions or recommendations. It's all theater with Biden and US Democrats cynically trying to divide...
  14. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Palestinian "journalist" writes this while he was holding a hostage in his house.
  15. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    And they instantly report out "hundreds killed" on their headline even after the AP and the UN are slowly walking back all of their casualty statistics fed to them by Hamas.
  16. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The AP now walking back and questioning the civilian death toll in Gaza. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/07/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-casualties-toll/04256468-2486-11ef-bc8d-a8ae61b84dde_story.html
  17. I

    FSD v12.x (end to end AI)

    I know that street! I used to drive past Mt. Soledad every day going to work. Some of the best coastal views in San Diego - IMO.
  18. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    The absolute ignorance of these people continues to astound me.
  19. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Four more hostages found dead in Gaza. Three were over the age of 80 and were featured in a hostage video back in December. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/4-more-hostages-found-dead-israel-says
  20. I

    Russia/Ukraine conflict

    And the Biden administration continues to inexplicably micro-manage Ukraine's ability to defend themselves using US weapons. This level of equivocation only serves to prolong the war and suffering.
  21. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    IMO - the biggest pushback to EV's is the sky is falling rhetoric on Climate Change followed by the government mandates getting everyone worked up that they will be forced into a crappy Prius and choices will be taken away from them. I have personally converted (or at least opened the minds) of...
  22. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Again - for anyone on this board who purports to claim about the well being of Gazans, they should be screaming from the rooftops for the dwindling Hamas leadership hiding in tunnels to unconditionally surrender, release the remaining hostages and to stop firing rockets into Israel. That way we...
  23. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Israel's "international reputation" has been in the garbage my entire lifetime. Anti-Semitism is the world's oldest mental disease infecting both the dumb and "educated". Throw on Tik Tok and other social media, it is easier than ever to whip up Jew hatred. Doesn't matter if Israel was...
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    Israel/Hamas conflict

    FFY -
  25. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Women must not count? Because virtually every Muslim dominated country (including Gaza and the West Bank) treats women as 2nd class citizens. And we all know how Gazans treat Jews after their disgusting display or rape, murder, torture and kidnapping on 10/7. How do Christians, Jews and...
  26. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Me too. I’m in rental cars for work travel every month and the adaptive cruise control and lane assist in other brands are no where near as good as Tesla’s basic autopilot. Lots of ping ponging between lanes and generally an uncomfortable experience.
  27. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I believe Elon was trying to get a better price after he learned how much of the old Twitter was dominated by fake accounts and bots. Regardless, he followed through and despite cutting 80% of the Twitter staff - Twitter (X) works just fine today and even has more features. BTW - Elon ended...
  28. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I don't think it cost Tesla a bunch of money or time to push out a free 30 day demo to everyone. If anything, it has probably been a net positive with all of the new data and input they are getting from the fleet. I assume they will likely provide free demos again as new features get added or...
  29. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I really enjoyed using FSD on my weekly trip to our LA office yesterday. I have been doing the same route for the last 2+ years using autopilot (which is great) - but the lane changing with FSD took it to a whole new level IMO. I went 190 miles round trip driveway to parking lot without any...
  30. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    I got one of those too. I convinced one of my surfing buddies to get a Model Y last year and he was aware of the free FSD trial but thought it was only for freeways. His trial expired a few weeks ago and I just got mine last weekend and blew him away driving surface streets to Costco and...
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    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    There is probably more than one Ross Gerber with the institutional shareholders.
  32. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Same here. I got the update Friday night and have been driving around all week running errands without a single safety disengagement. Only a couple disengagements due to navigation not taking my preferred routes. The more I drive it the more familiar and comfortable it gets. I also give it a...
  33. I

    Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

    Seems like all of my kids' friends in High School are HUGE Tesla fans and they are losing their minds over Cybertruck sightings. Some of my work colleagues in places like Montana, Idaho and Utah are giving Tesla a second look because of Cybertruck and they like Elon Musk. So I'm not too...
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    FSD free trial

    I got my update late Friday night and have been using it all weekend. Virtually every single drive has been free of interventions. Absolutely no safety interventions, just one bad navigation decision and I sometimes give it a little throttle where it is being too cautious at stop signs during...
  35. I

    Tesla Model Y - black Gemini wheel covers

    I got mine from here. They look great! https://rimetrix.com/
  36. I

    FSD free trial

    Same here. Downloading now. Taking it out for a spin tonight.
  37. I

    When will the FSD trial start rolling out?

    My co-worker in Oregon was on 8.9 and got his update this morning and is loving it so far. I just checked my car and it says I am up to date as of right now and still stuck on 8.9. Hopefully by this weekend....
  38. I

    What is the next update from 2024.8.7?

    My co-worker in Oregon was stuck on 8.9 and just got the update and free trial this morning on his Model Y. He purchased a month of the old FSD last year and said this new version is light years better. He said he plans on subscribing after just an hour of driving around this morning.
  39. I

    When will the FSD trial start rolling out?

    That is pretty weak of Tesla. Especially since you paid for it. I'm stuck on 8.9 and don't mind having to wait longer - provided I still get a free trial. But sure wish they would communicate something.
  40. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I have loads of German relatives and have visited the country several times. Was shocked the last time I went to Frankfurt for a train connection, thought I stopped in Riyadh.
  41. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    How clueless does one have to be? Based on the downvote I got, at least one TMC contributor seems more upset that I called out this garbage than upset at the garbage people out protesting Jews at a European death camp.
  42. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Reminder that a big chunk of the pro-Palestinian protesters are absolute dirt-bag anti-Semites. Now they are protesting at Auschwitz? For real?
  43. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Just more stalling. Hamas has not run anything through Israel - so no clue what the conditions are.
  44. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Nearly half the protesters arrested in New York are not students. Same type of anarchists that were burning our cities down exploiting the death of George Floyd in 2020. How stupid are these people? Other than full on anti-Semites and Islamists, who do they think they are winning over by...
  45. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Right - the Palestinian Authority is so cooperative, they can't even be bothered to change their genocidal and anti-Semitic children's textbooks brainwashing their future generations to all consuming Jew hatred. Not talking about Hamas here, but the so called moderate Palestinian Authority...
  46. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    I dunno - after witnessing over half a century of Palestinians starting and failing numerous terrorist campaigns now bringing absolute ruin to places like Gaza, I have a hard time seeing any real advantages of Arabs in the West Bank continuing to refuse to negotiate. Sure sounds like you are...
  47. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    It's a rough business urban fighting. Especially a group like Hamas that purposefully uses civilians as shields and spent the last 15+ years turning Gaza into a fighting fortress. The IDF can go house to house and tunnel to tunnel (as they have been doing) and destroying buildings and tunnels...
  48. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Another Hamas lie debunked “Mass Graves”, and the usual suspects just slink off and wait for the next bit of excrement to throw against the wall to see what sticks. They fall for every bit of Palestinian propaganda and ludicrously stretch and bend language “Genocide” to heap scorn on the Jews...
  49. I

    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Columbia protest leader: ‘Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists’ https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4624467-columbia-university-protests-pro-palestinian-video-student/ THIS is the guy (or girl?) that Columbia University is negotiating with. If these anti-Semites...
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    Israel/Hamas conflict

    Here is one of the "leaders" of the Columbia protests. This is who the administration is negotiating with. Many people in the West have gone absolutely insane!