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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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What do you think about that post? Or what is your reason for posting it?
  1. I have consistently been agreeing with Elon on this thread
  2. I only disagree with Elon on a few things such as living in a simulation
  3. It is a Tesla forum - you should know how your leader feels about it
  4. Centrist but wish there were a few pacifists on the left still so that I don't have to pipe up
  5. Want this thread to reflect the other side - comes with being a centrist perhaps
  6. Wanted peace earlier, now is difficult obviously with zero leverage
  7. Pointed out the danger of Trump coming many times - when a waste all of this will be
  8. Not usually very empathetic but struggle to think about the deaths on both sides - it is tragic beyond words
  9. Never an expert but haven't read this thread for months so really don't know any of the latest details now
I'll come back in 3 months or whenever Elon posts again.
4. Centrist but wish there were a few pacifists on the left still so that I don't have to pipe up
5. Want this thread to reflect the other side - comes with being a centrist perhaps

Centrists and those proximally left and right of center are by a wide margin the most against the sort of (not a) peace plan that is/was proposed here and by Putin. Typically it is the far left and far right that support this Putin agenda (and the occasional disinformation international trolls).

6. Wanted peace earlier, now is difficult obviously with zero leverage
Peace was not remotely an option earlier, that is 100% on Putin/Russia. Ukraine now has relatively more leverage, and the threat of Russia to other sovereign nations continues to diminish, so that is good. We need to do much more here to continue to move that needle.
  1. I have consistently been agreeing with Elon on this thread
  2. I only disagree with Elon on a few things such as living in a simulation
  3. It is a Tesla forum - you should know how your leader feels about it
  4. Centrist but wish there were a few pacifists on the left still so that I don't have to pipe up
  5. Want this thread to reflect the other side - comes with being a centrist perhaps
  6. Wanted peace earlier, now is difficult obviously with zero leverage
  7. Pointed out the danger of Trump coming many times - when a waste all of this will be
  8. Not usually very empathetic but struggle to think about the deaths on both sides - it is tragic beyond words
  9. Never an expert but haven't read this thread for months so really don't know any of the latest details now
I'll come back in 3 months or whenever Elon posts again.
Maybe you should read up on Neville Chamberlain and learn why appeasing murdering bullies doesn't work. Just a thought.
  1. I have consistently been agreeing with Elon on this thread
  2. I only disagree with Elon on a few things such as living in a simulation
  3. It is a Tesla forum - you should know how your leader feels about it
  4. Centrist but wish there were a few pacifists on the left still so that I don't have to pipe up
  5. Want this thread to reflect the other side - comes with being a centrist perhaps
  6. Wanted peace earlier, now is difficult obviously with zero leverage
  7. Pointed out the danger of Trump coming many times - when a waste all of this will be
  8. Not usually very empathetic but struggle to think about the deaths on both sides - it is tragic beyond words
  9. Never an expert but haven't read this thread for months so really don't know any of the latest details now
I'll come back in 3 months or whenever Elon posts again.

Surrender. The word you're looking for is surrender. I think it might be some quirk of the Russian language but what Putin just offered as a "peace" plan looks like nothing of the sort.
NYT : Ukraine-Russia Peace Is as Elusive as Ever. But in 2022 They Were Talking.

“We managed to find a very real compromise,” Oleksandr Chalyi, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating team, said at a panel discussion in Geneva last December. “We were very close in the middle of April, in the end of April, to finalize our war with some peaceful settlement.”

The elephant in the room that the NYT article omits is covered by Ukrainian Pravda:

Johnson’s position was that the collective West, which back in February had suggested Zelenskyy should surrender and flee, now felt that Putin was not really as powerful as they had previously imagined, and that here was a chance to "press him."

(I use Pocket app to read the NYT article)

PS: A NYT reader caught some clever editorials by the NYT on the actual peace agreement document 🤣
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  1. I have consistently been agreeing with Elon on this thread
  2. I only disagree with Elon on a few things such as living in a simulation
  3. It is a Tesla forum - you should know how your leader feels about it

Elon is not my leader, nor does he have anything to do with this forum. He is simply CEO of the company that makes the car I drive.

  1. Centrist but wish there were a few pacifists on the left still so that I don't have to pipe up

But you are posting the rantings of someone who has become a right wing extremist.

  1. Want this thread to reflect the other side - comes with being a centrist perhaps
  2. Wanted peace earlier, now is difficult obviously with zero leverage

There was zero leverage earlier too.

  1. Pointed out the danger of Trump coming many times - when a waste all of this will be
  2. Not usually very empathetic but struggle to think about the deaths on both sides - it is tragic beyond words
  3. Never an expert but haven't read this thread for months so really don't know any of the latest details now
I'll come back in 3 months or whenever Elon posts again.

Putin's proposal for peace talks is outrageous and obviously insincere. They are put out there to sucker in low information people that Russia is serious about peace talks. Here are Russia's conditions:

  • Russian state news outlet Tass reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin demands the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, after which peace negotiations can begin.
  • Putin added that Moscow was committed to ensuring the “unhindered and safe withdrawal” of Ukrainian forces if Kyiv agrees to such a concession.
Russia controls most of Donesk and Luhansk, but only small parts of Zaprizhia and Kherson. Before talks can even start, Ukraine must surrender vast portions of territory before Russia will even talk about ending the war. Large parts of that territory is land that has never been in Moscow's control during this war.

Elon may not believe he's pro-Moscow, but he is parroting the Kremlin's talking points. He is what the Russians call a convenient idiot.
Elon predicts a lot of things. He also predicted that blow things up in Crimea would start WW3.

I don't know how much more he has to get wrong before he realizes he's just not an expert on this subject. In fact his instincts are surprisingly bad.
I don't think it's bad instincts. I think he's just parroting the views of David Sacks, who has proven himself to be a serial moron. Maybe other fools too that he's decided are trustworthy. What I'm saying is that I don't think he imagines he knows much about the situation, but rather he has very poor judgment on who to trust regarding things he knows little about.

In short, I think (hope?) that rather than being stupid he just has poor judgment about some things.
On a side note, I don't believe people change that much over the course of their life. Power does not corrupt. It amplifies and reveals a leader's predispositional traits. Power attracts pathological personalities.

@Bet TSLA is probably closer to the mark.

I read an article about gifted children some years ago that stuck with me. Frequently very gifted children have the understanding of complex subjects way beyond their years. But they are often stunted in other areas. For example their social and emotional development can be well behind their peers. This was written before we knew as much as we know now about the autism spectrum, but it also fits with people who have mild autism. They obsess about intellectual subjects and become extremely good at them, but they are blind to the nuances of social interactions.

The article went on to say that while some gifted kids do grow up and develop a healthy adult emotional maturity, others never do. Some years ago I had a girlfriend who was in the Triple Nine Society (sort of like Mensa but for the top 0.1% instead of the top 2%). She went to a Triple Nine gathering once and said it was bifurcated. Half the people there were well balanced, good social skills, had a successful career, etc. and the other half were awkward and often obnoxious people who were probably on the spectrum.

I've noted over the years of observing Elon that emotionally he's about 12-14. He's the geeky kid who got beaten up by all the cool kids at school. Over the last few years he's been befriended by some snake oil salesmen who have a political agenda. Elon has bought into their politics to be one of the cool kids, but he's being used by these people to push their toxic agenda.

Elon was super rich before these people started whispering in his ear and he wasn't behaving like a Bond villain. He's only gone down that route since they befriended him. There were other factors that made Elon more susceptible to their charm offensive too such as his battle with California during the pandemic and one of his kids announcing she was transgender and distancing herself from him.

They have manipulated Elon to such a degree that he is supporting a presidential candidate who frequently denigrates the product that made him one of the richest people in the world. He is literally voting against his best interests.
@Bet TSLA is probably closer to the mark.

Some years ago I had a girlfriend who was in the Triple Nine Society (sort of like Mensa but for the top 0.1% instead of the top 2%). She went to a Triple Nine gathering once and said it was bifurcated. Half the people there were well balanced, good social skills, had a successful career, etc. and the other half were awkward and often obnoxious people who were probably on the spectrum.

Yes, but also his gravitation towards these types of personalities might stem from his character, so it has perhaps always been him, petty, and often same rules don't apply to him as to others, reg. loyalty etc.

They have manipulated Elon to such a degree that he is supporting a presidential candidate who frequently denigrates the product that made him one of the richest people in the world. He is literally voting against his best interests.
It's getting bit political here, but I trust the senate and congress will always make the rich (and themselves) richer while pandering to the rest, regardless who is at the helm. Remember, it's not like the king of sweden or king/queen of england makes a difference (yes I know the are not the same, but in a way they are, ceremonial too, look at biden, he's more or less incapacitated for sure, merely ceremonial).
They have manipulated Elon to such a degree that he is supporting a presidential candidate who frequently denigrates the product that made him one of the richest people in the world. He is literally voting against his best interests.
Or - Elon could be trying to woo a segment of the political aisle that is skeptical of EV’s and is trying to break down some of the tribal Right/ Left and bifurcated media echo chambers we have constructed in our country.

Just as Michael Jordan famously said years ago: “Republicans buy sneakers too.”

I think it is better to win over skeptical customers through persuasion instead of mocking or ignoring them and then relying on heavy top down government mandates.