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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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Yes, but also his gravitation towards these types of personalities might stem from his character, so it has perhaps always been him, petty, and often same rules don't apply to him as to others, reg. loyalty etc.

It's getting bit political here, but I trust the senate and congress will always make the rich (and themselves) richer while pandering to the rest, regardless who is at the helm. Remember, it's not like the king of sweden or king/queen of england makes a difference (yes I know the are not the same, but in a way they are, ceremonial too, look at biden, he's more or less incapacitated for sure, merely ceremonial).
Um. @Tiger, I think you're missing the point.

If one is in, for a human, full possession of one's native wit and ability to process human-social interactions, one usually has a Very Good Ability to detect and reject con men. Or women. It doesn't always work, of course; kind of in a "the race goes to the fittest", there are very good con men who can fool pretty much anybody, at any time. P.T. Barnum's comment on, "You can fool all the people..." etc., comes to mind.

The thing is, for certain (but certainly not all) of the people on the autism spectrum, that capability to detect the presence of people whose interests are not aligned with one's own is not, shall I say, quite up to snuff.

I think that I'd argue that the very well off tend to have very good BS detectors. And it's kind of human nature for the rest of us that, if we see a Very Well Off Person, our natural inclination is to think that said person is Really Good at BS detection. But having Lots of Money tends to draw BS-ers like flies.

Heck, why do you think that Trump calls up Elon for No Good Reason on a regular basis? Would Trump be calling up someone who didn't have money? (Of course, the same could be said of any political organization or individual with a Need For Money, not to mention 99% of the charities in the world.)

Think back to when Elon insulted that cave diver guy. They guy, who at least was well-informed in his field, told Elon to Go Elsewhere. Elon flew off the handle and we know the results. But.. what if Elon had sounded the guy out privately, like a huge number of people would have done? Or sounded out somebody else well-versed in the field? What if Elon had realized that this cave diver guy was under some serious stress trying to arrange for a rescue, and simply Let It Go? Both of the above are things that more.. balanced.. people might have done. But for a person who himself has admitted he's on the Autism Spectrum and stated, "What do you expect?" (on SNL, no less).. Things just don't work that way.

So going on and on about how normal people would have handled what Elon's doing and that "It's all personal choice and inclination!" doesn't exactly fly, here. Clearly, Elon isn't afraid of goring bulls; in some respects, he appears to see things clearer that the so-called Masters of Industry, hence his start-ups that Do Wonders. But he appears to have his blind, or at least obscured, parts.

Why doesn't he, himself, recognize this and Take Steps? Um. Introspection is a social clues business. So, you're watching a car with three wheels, here.
Inflation control worsening in Russia:

The pace of inflation in Russia accelerated yet again in May as officials warn huge public spending to support the military offensive on Ukraine is overheating the economy…
Inflation was running at 8.3% on an annual basis in May, Russia’s statistics agency Rosstat said on Friday — the highest rate since February 2023.
That was up from 7.8% at the end of April and far ahead of the country's official 4.0% inflation target…
Last week it held its key interest rate at 16% but signaled it could hike borrowing costs in the future if the pace of price rises does not slow down…


Russia Inflation Rate

If you are wondering what Trumps position is on Ukraine: He seems to oppose aid to Ukraine.
Things continue to go not-swimmingly for Putin as he is running short of weapons and replaces deputy defense ministers (including with a relative); headed to North Korea to meet fellow dictator there for the first time in nearly 25 years, to further working towards earning the title Vlad the Lousy:

“The fact that President Putin is making this trip means that because of its war in Ukraine, Russia is badly in need” of North Korean weapons, Chang Ho-jin, the South Korean national security adviser, told Yonhap News TV over the weekend. “The North Koreans will try to get as much as possible in return, because the situation looks favorable to them.”



Nice to see at least one leader talk sensibly, coherently and advocating for peace. Demented Biden who is a slave to the warmongering Dem senators who make money from the MIC, and Napoleonic EU are drifting towards WW3.
This is awful. We have a very clear historic precedence: Hitler's invasion of Poland together with all the annexations prior to that (Sudetenland, Austria . . .). The parallels to Putin's invasion of Ukraine together with all his annexations (Georgia, Nagorno Karabakh . . .) before that are just too obvious. We know how it ends, we know what needs to be done. Insane dictators do not keep their 'negotiated' promises - we know that - Putin has proven that over and over again.
So, why does anybody (Vucic or Elon) even talk about negotiating? It is so abundantly clear that there can not be any negotiating with Putin because whatever he says or promises is just as trues as the promises Hitler made.

Nice to see at least one leader talk sensibly, coherently and advocating for peace. Demented Biden who is a slave to the warmongering Dem senators who make money from the MIC, and Napoleonic EU are drifting towards WW3.

You can clearly hear Putin talking with Vucic's voice. He parrots the Kremlin narrative that a defeat in Ukraine equals Russia's destruction and demise and that this is the goal of "the collective West". Based on this wrong proposition, the equally wrong conclusion is that Russia is fighting for its own survival. This is the story they are telling to their domestic audience to keep them in line and directed at us, it's intended to tell us that we'd better cut our losses because Russia cannot give up anyway. Us giving up on Ukraine is the only way they can win and we must not fall for this tale.

Admitted, Putin's fate is tied to the outcome of this war. As the strongman whose reign is founded on fear, he can't afford to lose. Everybody else in Russia would be better off with the end of the meat grinding and sanctions lifted. If someone is bluffing here, it's Putin. He knows that he is spreading a lie and he knows that the Silovikis see through it. And Vucic, unlike you and me, has direct access to all the leaders of Western countries. He should know first hand that no one has an interest in destroying Russia. Draw your own conclusions from that.
Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic? Putler fired 4 Deputy Defense Ministers and appointed 3 new ones including one who is the daughter of one of his cousins. This may shock people here but apparently there has been rampant corruption in the Russian military.

Putin Names Cousin's Daughter As Deputy Defense Minister
Insane dictators do not keep their 'negotiated' promises - we know that - Putin has proven that over and over again.
This is true... but lets not rewrite history here. The one who reneged on promises over and over again was NOT Putin, but US Presidents and NATO.

Over and over again, US president after president gave promise to Yeltsin, Gorbachev and also Putin that "NATO will NOT expand east". A bunch of liers.

All Russia said, while it seriously objects its former Soviet colonies coming under the influence of NATO or being given direct NATO membership, but any shenanigans on Ukraine will be considered as crossing the red line and will not be tolerated. Ukraine should not be under the influence of US and NATO - that was the only non-negotiable demand from Russia.

The west knows very well, that if NATO can deploy its missiles in Ukraine, Moscow is completely surrounded and will be considerably weakened, and for that reason alone Russia will not allow that. And yet, Biden moved forward offering NATO membership knowing very well this will trigger Russia into a "pre-emptive & defensive" war.

The west is the one acting like Hitler with a plethora of reneged promises. And it won't end well in the long run. Karma is a bitch. She will get her pound of flesh. The wheels of karma will move slowly, but it will be decisive. Russia may lose to the combined might of US, Eng, France and Germany. But the last chapter in this saga won't be written for many more years to come.
This is true... but lets not rewrite history here. The one who reneged on promises over and over again was NOT Putin, but US Presidents and NATO.

There is a looong list of Russian and Western broken promises to Ukraine too. Still not worth the massive loss of life and destruction caused by Russia's cock-up of a war.

Besides - how dare the USSR's former Commie slave colonies want closer ties and security with the West!

Doesn't Ukraine know they are supposed to be vassals to Russia in perpetuity!
This is true... but lets not rewrite history here. The one who reneged on promises over and over again was NOT Putin, but US Presidents and NATO.

Over and over again, US president after president gave promise to Yeltsin, Gorbachev and also Putin that "NATO will NOT expand east". A bunch of liers.

All Russia said, while it seriously objects its former Soviet colonies coming under the influence of NATO or being given direct NATO membership, but any shenanigans on Ukraine will be considered as crossing the red line and will not be tolerated. Ukraine should not be under the influence of US and NATO - that was the only non-negotiable demand from Russia.

The west knows very well, that if NATO can deploy its missiles in Ukraine, Moscow is completely surrounded and will be considerably weakened, and for that reason alone Russia will not allow that. And yet, Biden moved forward offering NATO membership knowing very well this will trigger Russia into a "pre-emptive & defensive" war.

The west is the one acting like Hitler with a plethora of reneged promises. And it won't end well in the long run. Karma is a bitch. She will get her pound of flesh. The wheels of karma will move slowly, but it will be decisive. Russia may lose to the combined might of US, Eng, France and Germany. But the last chapter in this saga won't be written for many more years to come.

It would not be a waste of your time to examine these claims because they all came up leading up to the war

The short version is most of these points are not entirely false but tweaked in a way to where it's basically Russian disinformation.

We never committed to not expand NATO. We committed to not move certain weapons into the range of Russia. Also this was never formalized into any arrangement. It was just something a diplomat said.

The US has resisted and continues to resist including Ukraine into NATO for fear of antagonizing Russia. Even now we're trying to slow things down.

Also, NATO is a defensive alliance. I know you might scoff at that but seriously, read the treaty.

Finally even if this were true then how does it justify a war with Ukraine?
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Finally even if this were true then how does it justify a war with Ukraine?
Any noise by Russia on having a defense treaty with Mexico or Cuba, I wonder what US will do? Go begging to UNSC? NO. You will see some short range missiles raining down on Cuba, followed by a ground invasion.

There is a looong list of Russian and Western broken promises to Ukraine too. Still not worth the massive loss of life and destruction caused by Russia's cock-up of a war.

Let me fix that for you. Breaking promises by offering NATO membership to Ukraine, knowing very well this will trigger an immediate military reaction from Russia, is not worth the massive loss of Ukrainian and Russian lives. Russia has warned several times over decades that it will take military action if NATO moves forward in Ukraine. So acting as if this was totally unprecedented and unwarranted and sudden - is just cockamamie. You can fool stupid Americans with those 'patriotic lies' like how they got fooled by Iraq WMDs. But the rest of the world is not buying America's version.

Treating Ukraine as battle test ground to test modern weapons made by US MIC, is a crime against humanity.
Finally even if this were true then how does it justify a war with Ukraine?

Also - how is Russia better off or more secure today with new NATO members on its borders, Europe increasing defense spending and Russia losing thousands of men and weaponry for all the world to see.

Even taking the low end of Russian casualty estimates, these losses are absolutely catastrophic. Russia's population is roughly 50% of the US population and they have gotten more Russians killed in a single month than the US lost in total over 20 years of fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Treating Ukraine as battle test ground to test modern weapons made by US MIC, is a crime against humanity.
If helping Ukraine defend itself from an ILLEGAL INVADER by providing weapons is a "crime against humanity" - how would you classify Russia's actions in all of this? Humanitarian? Is Russia some sort of victim now?

Putin could end the death and mayhem overnight, he holds all the cards. Russia failed in the first months of the war to quickly decapitate Kiev's Leadership and is now stuck in a 3rd year of a grinding and unwinnable war. Russia is just prolonging the suffering at this point.