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  1. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    No change as of June 15
  2. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    Kyle from Out of Spec ( on YouTube) reported that electric utility employees who have been working on Supercharger provisioning with Tesla, do not currently know how to contact anyone at the company. It’s a mess, …
  3. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    With all the excitement, I ran out and checked my 2017 MS for new software, ... it says 2022.8.10.16 is still the current version, ... Not only do I not get FSD, I still don't have the recall update, ... My wife's M3 has FSD 12.3.3, ... but she won't use it. She says it scares her. #SMH, ...
  4. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    And you believe him?? At this point I believe NOTHING Tesla says, …. Only what they DO
  5. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Once again, ... I own 2 Teslas. The one that I paid in full for FSD, ... has nothing. The other one that has no paid FSD now has a fully functioning V12 FSD beta, ... SMH, ...
  6. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    After the memory upgrade, my MCU1 has been rock solid. Also I never had any of the physical problems (yellowing, bubbling) others have had. Why mess with it? Tesla OWES me “all the necessary hardware” to make FSD work.
  7. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Ha, don’t count on it. Right now all I want is a full refund.
  8. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    It's a self selected non-random sample. I have no idea of the nature of the bias. That's a fools errand. Moderators: is there no requirement to stay on topic here any more???
  9. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Teslafi is a VERY biased sample of the Tesla user base. It's not clear that you can assume ANYTHING based on their numbers.
  10. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    It’s vaporware for all the early adopters who will NEVER get it. (moderator edit)
  11. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    Perhaps we’ll get Lucky?
  12. plumazul

    MCU1 -> MCU2, FSD Computer with updated cameras on Legacy X. “Update BETA in route!”

    The service tech didn’t tell me how he knew the Ranger said he was informed at a meeting
  13. plumazul

    MCU1 -> MCU2, FSD Computer with updated cameras on Legacy X. “Update BETA in route!”

    I’ve been told by two Tesla employees (senior tech and a ranger) that all work has ended on MCU1 and there will be no updates.
  14. plumazul

    Supercharger - Converse, TX

    I don’t see a transformer. Did you see one?
  15. plumazul

    MCU1 -> MCU2, FSD Computer with updated cameras on Legacy X. “Update BETA in route!”

    If you do the MCU1 -> MCU2 conversion does everything work like a recent build?? e. g. Does 7 camera live view work?
  16. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    With Arbutus and Owings Mills both coming online, Jessup can’t be far behind, …
  17. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    Yesterday afternoon
  18. plumazul

    FSD Owners - Do any of you prefer leaving it off?

    I paid for FSD on my S. I don’t currently have it. Never have. I’ve been told by a Tesla tech (ranger) that development on my car has stopped. I will NEVER have FSD. All I want from Tesla is a refund. What’s happening to me will eventually happen to everyone. I’m just the canary.
  19. plumazul

    FSD Owners - Do any of you prefer leaving it off?

    Everybody???? I bought FSD and I’m locked in at version 2022.8.10.16
  20. plumazul

    FSD Owners - Do any of you prefer leaving it off?

    Yeah, a teenager wouldn’t pull into a parking lane and wait for the parked cars to move, and a teen could be told to read the overhead signs and lane arrows so you don’t make illegal left turns. FSD junk will just keep doing these things over and over and over again. FSD is more like a 7 year...
  21. plumazul

    FSD Owners - Do any of you prefer leaving it off?

    The government needs to step in either through court action or regulatory rulings. Everyone who bought FSD and wants a refund should get one. At this point, that’s all I want from Tesla now, … a refund.
  22. plumazul

    FSD Beta v11.x

    I bought FSD almost 7 years ago, I finally got my first chance to use it just last week, because my wife bought a new 3 that has a 3 month preview(11.4.4). I'm trying to convince them that they should leave it active on the 3 until such time as they deliver it on my S. I think the request is too...
  23. plumazul

    Supercharger - San Antonio, TX - West Loop 1604 N

  24. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    While that’s not our transformer, your pic does show some major progress. We now have switchgear!! Can’t tell if there’s a meter.
  25. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    Checked today, no change.
  26. plumazul

    Supercharger - Hope, AR

    Version 3 Superchargers have liquid cooled cables and connectors. So the pedestals do have pumps.
  27. plumazul

    Supercharger - Bristol, VA

    Major back up at Sheetz today!!! Chargers available Can’t get in!
  28. plumazul

    Supercharger - Hope, AR

    Looks like someone may have made a mistake. They are working on a Sunday, …
  29. plumazul

    Supercharger - Jessup, MD

    Drove by today, there were two transformers ( a large one near the supercharger’s and another smaller one on the other side of the shed. Didn’t see any empty slabs.
  30. plumazul

    Supercharger - Converse, TX

    This is badly needed for people using the toll road from Austin.
  31. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    My car is early 2017 and the B pillar and front facing cameras are definitely RCCC.
  32. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    I was recently able to schedule an appointment to get my eMMC replaced AND the cameras. I thought I'd be thrilled this happened but after my experiences over the past several years I was expecting the worst. (or that they would cancel because of parts availability.) Here's what happened: The...
  33. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Meanwhile, Tesla continues to refuse to install cameras on my car. (A 2017 Model S)
  34. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    I have the same error message and called the 800 number. I managed to get them to look at my car and examine the extended error message. He said that the source of the problem was the eMMC was out of memory. I plan to call DOT and report Tesla for not complying with the recall.
  35. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Have you had your eMMC upgraded?
  36. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    LOL, famous last words??
  37. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    It means they damaged the cable and now have to order a replacement.
  38. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    A brand new Model S doesn’t even offer a sunroof, 72 amp charger, a built in screen or a steering wheel. Each of these is a deal breaker. So I’ll just keep my S with a big battery and free Supercharging.
  39. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Last night I made a quick BJs run (about 9 miles), ... the Navigation map finally finished refreshing after I parked and was about the exit the car. **sigh** #withinspec
  40. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    What do you suggest?? Maybe NO doesn't mean NO???
  41. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    I wish that were true, but none of that works.
  42. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    Tesla can prioritize anything they want. What they can't do is keep my $$ while providing NOTHING. I want a refund. That's a fair request. Does anyone disagree??
  43. plumazul

    Wiki FSD’s Earliest Adopters Still Waiting

    On Monday received a cold call from Tesla telling me that now was a great time to trade my S in for a brand new Plaid, ... what a WONDERFUL opportunity to vent!
  44. plumazul

    suggestion for new 19 inch tires Model s 2018

    I’m using the goodyear eagle exhilarate® tire and like them a lot.
  45. plumazul

    2021.24.28 Rolling out to MCU1/FSD MS/X

    Or perhaps it’s just that winter ended???
  46. plumazul

    2021.24.28 Rolling out to MCU1/FSD MS/X

    Hey, WE are the beta testers. You can add more to that list of deal breakers. No more sunroof No high power AC charging option Nasty paint Horrible service Extremely limited interior configurations, etc. I’ve already given up on Tesla. As much as I like my car, after this incredible FSD...
  47. plumazul

    2021.24.28 Rolling out to MCU1/FSD MS/X

    Just installed 2021.24.28 after checking how things were working beforehand. Nothing changed. Nothing improved, nothing broke, just the same old MCU1 💩💩💩