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  1. M

    2X range reduction vs. miles traveled

    thanks for the tip Ampedrealtor
  2. M

    2X range reduction vs. miles traveled

    ah, thanks for the information Saghost
  3. M

    2X range reduction vs. miles traveled

    Curios if any other MS60 owners run into an issue where range reduces at a rate of nearly 2x actual miles traveled. For example, my commute into work is 2.3 miles, but I'll lose 5-6 miles in range. Temperature outside is in the 40's, and I dont have the car heater on. My wh/mi average often...
  4. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    This has been a long time coming, but here we go! 6/22 - Placed deposit a MS60 with AP1, $50,500 6/23 - Got a call from CPO Adviser, estimate is 8-10 weeks out due to June firesale 6/24 - Received first auto-email with instructions for mytesla account 6/29 - Tried to swap to a MS85 with AP1 for...
  5. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    This has been a long time coming, but here we go! 6/22 - Placed deposit a MS60 with AP1, $50,500 6/23 - Got a call from CPO Adviser, estimate is 8-10 weeks out due to June firesale 6/24 - Received first auto-email with instructions for mytesla account 6/29 - Tried to swap to a MS85 with AP1 for...
  6. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    Its not just Arizona, it seems to be like that in most places. After 5 weeks of hearing nothing (and 7 weeks in total) I finally had a breakthrough with mine on Monday, but only after i called twice AND emailed. Even then, I was told the delivery specialist would call me the next day and that...
  7. M

    Waiting on CPO - Does the "What's Next" status ever change?

    thanks... that's the lesson I've learned too in regards to contact. I was hoping that the system somehow was updated automatically outside my CPO advisor, but to your point that doesnt seem to be the case.
  8. M

    How to justify buying CPO vs New Model S?

    Funny... I have the same opinion, but for different reasons. Here in the states, the CPO program suffers from the same items you describe above, but with the complicated factor of a lack of Customer Service. In some regions, it's taking 10+ weeks from ordering a CPO to delivery, with little to...
  9. M

    Waiting on CPO - Does the "What's Next" status ever change?

    This might be a really dumb question, but does that status actually update at some point? I'm 6+ weeks in, and my "What's Next"status has never changed from "You will be contacted by a Tesla delivery specialist to arrange for payment and delivery of your Model S".
  10. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    How did the car make it past inspection if the whine is that noticeable? Sounds like they didnt even drive it?
  11. M

    Completely Disgusted.

    Its funny to think that Tesla is run by the same guy who gets tens of thousands of pounds of payloads into space, and then lands a rocket standing up; but can't get a car from point A to point B (sometimes less than 30 miles away) in under 8 weeks. I understand we're talking apples and...
  12. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    I may have missed an earlier post (if so I apologize), but was Supercharging not listed on your initial spec sheet? Is that where the confusion is from?
  13. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    WOW!!! Lucky duck.... was the car posted on the tesla cpo page? Just curious how you were able test drive so quickly.
  14. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    i know there's a few more people from Northern California following this thread, how are you all doing with your status? I'm 5+ weeks and my car has apparently fallen into a black hole...no real updates, no estimated date, nothing. Someone made a note on another post than any cars going through...
  15. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    I cant believe you got photos in two days... Today marks week 5 and it's been made clear that no photos exist, nor will be taken of the car, until it reaches my local service center for delivery (and there's no update on when that may be).
  16. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    Congrats!!! The happy stories are always a good reminder that something positive will come from this process.
  17. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    thanks... I'd probably feel better about the whole thing if i've been introduced to the DS at this point. That's why I'm suspect the car is no where having the refurb process or complete (or even started)
  18. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    I had a funny (well, maybe not) experience today... I'm five weeks in, and asked my CPO adviser if he had an update he could share regarding the estimate delivery date. So far, I've only dealt with him, and information related to the car is hard to come by. I was sent back a messaging saying...
  19. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    I really need to get off these forums... every day I get more and more anxious about this process after reading about the experience others are having. Tomorrow marks 4 weeks (out of 8-10 week estimate), and as best I can tell(ok, guess), the car is still parked in the same lot it was the day I...
  20. M

    What's going on with US based CPO's?

    Were they offering to sell those? Or just showing you? I've asked my CPO advisor about this list, and I keep getting told it doesn't exist (and yet they've released about 25 cars in 14 days). Urgh!
  21. M

    What's going on with US based CPO's?

    I think (emphasis on think) they funneled most of their CPO's to Europe over the past few weeks... Europe had a HUGE increase in CPO's lately, with some days seeing bumps of 20-30+ over the past two weeks bringing their total to nearly 950. Lot's of later models which was surprising(2014-2016).
  22. M

    What's going on with US based CPO's?

    I saw the whopping 17 added last night around 10pm PST; bringing the US total since 7/2 to 19...hehe. Some nice onces in there.... I took a hard look at the 85 with AP1 for 57k (until I realized it was in Florida). Hoping for more today!
  23. M

    How many Teslas are in the Bay Area ?

    I would guess a majority seem to be located around Palo Alto or in the tri-valley...last Friday morning I had a good laugh as the Club Sport in Pleasanton had 9 in the lot at the same time!
  24. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    brutal...Im starting to get a bit concerned Im going down the same path as you. It's been three weeks for me, and it doesn't even sound like I'm close to receiving pictures of the car, not to mention the car itself.
  25. M

    What's going on with US based CPO's?

    It looks like Tesla decided to meet the CPO demand today by releasing another 2 cars here in the states.... you're killing me guys!! Maybe it a is a staff shortage at this point...
  26. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    How long does everyone give their CPO adviser to return a message before escalating? I'm going on three business days (5 calendar) and am growing slightly annoyed. If you do escalate, what is the path?
  27. M

    What's going on with US based CPO's?

    That's just awful! At least they gave you a loaner to use in the meantime... but 8 weeks down the drain.
  28. M

    What's going on with US based CPO's?

    Hey gang, curious if anyone has insight into what's going with the CPO program here in the states. It's been over a week since the last MS CPO was posted, and during that time the Europe page has been flooded with new cpo's, including a a high number of later model offerings. very strange
  29. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    Im the same way... I tend to overanalyze every detail of a purchase. Part buyers remorse, part making sure I had the best deal possible, part worried that another cpo will come along that better matches what I was looking for. Either way, 8-10 weeks is an eternity!
  30. M

    My CPO buying experience timeline

    I would kill for a 3-5 week wait! Here in CA its 8-10
  31. M

    Why hasn't their been a push to convert M3 prospects to MS Customers?

    thanks for the article. I heard about this before; but I guess the genesis of my post was that I haven't seen Tesla actually do anything to push "anti-selling" in terms of alternative pricing, promotions, etc.
  32. M

    Why hasn't their been a push to convert M3 prospects to MS Customers?

    Random thought....Why hasn't their been more of a push from Tesla to convert those Model 3 reservation holders who don't currently own a Tesla into Model S prospects? I don't have a strong understanding of Tesla's financials, but I would assume revenue you can grab today (especially on a more...
  33. M

    Tesla Model S CPO Website - Now Live

    right now in California the wait is 8-10 weeks due to a backlog...loooong time to wait
  34. M

    Recent CPO price increases

    Responding to you since you responded to mine :) Even some of the cars released on 7/1 received price increases later that day!
  35. M

    Recent CPO price increases

    Something else strange... this weekend, almost 300 cpo's vanished off the site (at least according to the good people at ev-cpo). We were at just over 800 cpo's here in the states, now its just over 500. Happened at the same time as the price increases.
  36. M

    Ordering CPO.. difference between 2014 and 2015 descriptions

    thanks everyone! i was able to lock in a late 14 S60 with Autopilot. Now the waiting game!
  37. M

    Recent CPO price increases

    Interesting..ive been looking at finding something with ap1 for in the 50's..most of those seemed to go up. I noticed the 300 or so that we're taken offline..I wonder what happened to them?
  38. M

    Recent CPO price increases

    Did anyone notice a high number of CPO's had price increases last night? Some were only $500, others were several thousand... what's odd is that these price changes hit several of the cars they made available over the past two days. I've only been following this closely for a few days; so...
  39. M

    Ordering CPO.. difference between 2014 and 2015 descriptions

    Does anyone know why the description of Auto-Pilot in 2014 and 2015 CPO's is different? The 2015's include "AutoPilot 1.0 Hardware" and then list that Autopilot is included; whereas the 2014's don't mention the hardware and just say Autopilot is included with the tech package. I'm assuming the...
  40. M

    A CPO Model S without Free Supercharging?

    thanks guys... I actually called my CPO advisor today to ask about the free supercharging; "All Model S's have Free Supercharging per Elon"... I did ask him to send that to me in writing. Just kind of odd that if it was true, why it isnt listed.
  41. M

    A CPO Model S without Free Supercharging?

    Got an odd one for the group...I reserved this CPO Model S last week and noticed immediately after that Supercharging wasnt included: 2014 60 kWh Model S EXTERIOR Red Multi-Coat Paint Black Roof 19" Wheels INTERIOR Black Nappa Leather Seats Piano Black Décor Standard...