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My CPO buying experience timeline

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Sweet! It does look like new! Congratulations! I've just got a gut feeling that my car somehow won't be that pristine. I noticed in the pictures that I've seen thus far that @shrink sent me the the car appeared to have extensive cosmetic damage and likely the dreaded Frunk crease. He did say however that the interior appeared to be in excellent condition showing no appreciable signs of wear. I do know that it was in their loaner Fleet at the Palm Springs store for nearly a year-and-a-half and I know how people tend to drive loners :-( at this point I guess all I can do is keep my fingers crossed and I'll find out Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. If I'm going to regret this. When I actually get to see the car for the first time.

Mine had the frunk crease when I first saw pictures, but I cannot see even the slightest bit of where it was, and I looked as hard as I could. They do a very good job refurbing these cars.
Mine had the frunk crease when I first saw pictures, but I cannot see even the slightest bit of where it was, and I looked as hard as I could. They do a very good job refurbing these cars.

Here's hoping that you are right ! I do know that the battery pack was replaced in Nov 2015 , the touch screen or MCU? shortly thereafter. It got new tires as part of the refurbishing but that's all I know ... That was another reason why I specifically wanted to get a non performance version in the hopes that it hadn't been beaten on too bad over its lifetime.. and at my age I don't need that kind of performance the regular s85 will be plenty fast for me and faster than probably 80% or more, of the cars I'll find on the road... Here goes nothing!
There was someone picking up their S40 CPO today. Looked really clean, and they told me the person bought it for $20K!

Holy crap! Wonder how they got that deal.

The CPO site just got a huge dump of cars last night - I was able to snag one of the lowest priced CPO's I've seen. 2013 60 with 82k miles, black leather, body color roof, 19" wheels, lacewood decor, tech package, active air, sound studio for $30.1k.

Doesn't really make up for the P85 I missed last week at $34k but hopefully something like that comes around again during my transfer period and I'm able to switch over. If not I think I got a decent deal.
My CPO experience below:

Details: 2013 S85, Blue, Pano, Tech Package, Dual chargers. Refurbishment included new Pano roof (mentioned upfront) and new Power Unit (discovered during the refurbishment process). The car had the hatch replaced due to a previous damage and this was told to me upfront.

  • Pre-delivery experience – The buying process was smooth, but as has been elaborately documented, the communication process is really poor. In my case, it was both lack of communication as well as blatant mis-information that was really disappointing. I understand the Tesla purchase process is different and is meant to be better than the dealership process, but in some situations, it is worse off. And I only feel it is going to get worse once Model 3 sales volumes peak.
  • Delivery experience – Pleasant. There were 2 associates, one of whom was new to the job and was getting trained. They took us (my wife is the primary driver) through all the features and functionality. There was a lot of “Elon” name dropping – e.g. “Elon likes it this way”, “I should mail Elon with this idea…”, which we both found amusing!
  • Post-Delivery – The car is gorgeous and definitely the best car I have driven (after of-course the P90D that I took a test drive in!). The interiors are absolutely pristine, with very limited and barely visible wear and tear for a 4 year old 35K mile vehicle. Based on estimated ideal range, I calculated the full charge to deliver 263 miles of range, which is about 2 miles lower (about 1%) than the new battery range.
  • Due Bill completion – After about 2 weeks of owning the car, I took it in to have the due bill completed. During driving, I noticed a creaking noise from the dash and this was due to adhesive for the wood trim getting weak. I called up the SC to have this included and they obliged. It took about 20 days for me to get my car back. And again during this process the communication left a lot to be desired. I was told all the internal tasks were completed before the car went into the body shop for repaint. It took about 10 days for it to be painted (a 2 inch section on the hatch). I was told it will be delivered on 08/10, but the previous evening I was told that it has not been detailed yet and so delayed by another 2 days. Post-detail I was told that the aluminum trims are not replaced yet and therefore another day of delay. At the time of delivery, the window trim is still to be replaced as the part is unavailable.
TL;DR - Delivery took 5 weeks since booking. Poor communication, no images, no details till delivery. On the plus side, was offered loaner for 1 day to take parents on a road trip.
  • 05/31 - Reached out to Sales Advisor by mail for list of cars that were available.
  • 06/02 - Response received with 2 options both of which met my criteria. I chose the one locally located, as I was told that the delivery time would be 3-4 weeks. I called up the Sales advisor and asked if it is possible to deliver the car by 06/30 (roughly 4 weeks) as my parents would be visiting and I wanted to go on road-trip with them. I was told that this would be do-able as the car was local. I place the order and pay the down-payment the same evening. I also ask for Tesla finance options and for trade-in estimate (2011 Acura TSX, ~76,500 miles)
  • 06/04 – Tesla finance responds back with a 3.49% interest rate for 72 months. My CU is offering me 2.09%. Politely decline the offer. I also ask the SA for pics/test drive and CARFAX.
  • 06/05 – CARFAX report comes in clean, but no option to test-drive, until refurbishment is complete.
  • 06/11 – I send follow-up mail on the request for pics.
  • 06/12 – Get confirmation on Trade-in estimate. SA sends 1 pic of exterior. No interior pics, as the car is in the front of the line for refurbishment. But he says it looks “Gorgeous”.
  • 06/19 – Radio silence till now. I review my online paperwork and the payment method was listed as Tesla Finance, even though I am financing via CU. I send mail to confirm and also ask for updates.
  • 06/22 – SA gets back and confirms pick-up date to be 06/24. Also confirms payment method and I send over CU details.
  • 06/23 – On the day before the delivery, the SA calls up and says that car will not be ready as they need to change the drive unit. I am really disappointed as this means that I will not get the car before my parents leave. I ask if it is possible to see the car/testdrive. SA says I can inspect and asks me to come over on 06/24 to SC.
  • 06/24 – Fist look at the car and heart sinks, as they have literally not touched the car! Interior is pristine, but exterior needs detailing. We sat inside, but could not drive, as the car was not charged. I was thoroughly disappointed. SA promises to prioritize and work on it first thing on Monday and have the ready by 06/30.
  • 06/28 to 29 – I follow up by mail and msg, but received no response. Finally, on 06/29, SA gets back saying that DU replacement is not available. But as my parents will be leaving in 2 days, offers me a loaner for 1 day, to take them around. I like the offer, but decline, as we had a few things planned before we leave.
  • At this point, I give up and let the SC take their time, as I did not have any immediate for the car.
  • 06/31 – SC gets back with 07/05 as delivery date.
  • 07/05 – Car delivered at SC. At the time of delivery, we realize that the SA has not reached out to the CU and the financing is incomplete. I called up the mortgage advisor and she agreed to complete paperwork and send over the cheque over the next 2 days. Due bill included exterior detailing, little bit of paint work on the hatch, dents to interior window and dash aluminum trim. The car looked stunning and we were really pleased with it.
A few pics at the time of delivery:

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7/1 : Deposit placed for S85
7/1 : Received automated "Let's complete your order" email
7/1 : Received automated "Thank you for your order" email with PDFs attached
7/1 : Received email from sales adviser. Email indicated they would call the next day (Sunday) and that I should hold of on financing
7/1 : Responded to sales adviser indicating I looked forward to the call the next day and that the PDF sent via automated email had the incorrect price listed.
7/2 : Sales adviser called. Discussed the following: 4-6 weeks for delivery of car is expected, ask was prior to Aug 10th (5.5 weeks); Discussed incorrect price listed in PDF, Sales adviser will enter a request in the system to resolve discrepancy; Process: 200+ point inspection, Week 1/2: nothing will occur, Week 3/4: Inspection completed along with any service items, Week 5/6: Cosmetic issues address, End of Week 6: Delivery; Completion of items on Tesla website; Q&A Session
7/2 : Received email from sales adviser. Email replicated much of the phone conversation. Email documented the ask for delivery prior to Aug 10th. "Tesla Post Order Packet PDF" attached
7/7 : Sent an email to Sales adviser - Asked if the Inspection Report can be sent when complete; Asked if pictures of car could be sent; Asked if the car has 3G or LTE; Other misc questions
7/7 : Received automated email that SA is OOO until 7/11
7/11 : Sent an email to SA with an additional question - how long the delivery would take?
7/11 : Received emails from SA - Inspection report will be provided at delivery as it will not be completed until then; Will inquire with SC to take pictures but after the car is back from vendors (it's already at a vendor?!?!); 3G not LTE (can install LTE prior to delivery for ~$500)
7/14 : Sent an email to SA - Provided a response on 3G vs LTE; Inquired on the status of the car, price adjustment and pictures
7/18: Tried calling SA.
7/19: Called SA. Price discrepancy resolved. Car has not started the inspection process so the process is already behind schedule. Sounds like there will be increased capacity for processing CPOs starting this week so the hopefully it moves forward soon (with high quality). We plan to discuss the current status on 7/25.
7/25: SA had indicated that if I had not heard from them by noon on the 25th to reach out to them. I got a hold of SA in the afternoon as I had not heard from them at noon and there was a long pause after asking about the current status. Instant feeling of being let down. After the pause (looking up information) the SA indicated that they needed to discuss the status with their manager which I was perplexed by. I interpreted this to mean that the car still had not moved an inch in three and half weeks. SA indicated that they would give me a call back once the discussion was over. I had not heard back at ~5:45PM so gave SA a call on drive home from work. SA confirmed that the car had not processed at all. Reason for this is the large number of CPOs being processed (that were purchased the first two weeks in June and are still being processed?) and an underestimation of how long they would take to process. It sounds like all of the cars are actually being transferred to a new facility and that they are bringing on new techs to handle the increased workload. I'm torn on if this is a good thing or not, not sure if all of the issues will be found and correctly addressed prior to delivery. It also sounds like the regional service manager is in town to help accelerate the process (and probably other things). SA indicated that a delivery within 6 weeks is likely not going to happen and that 7 weeks is more realistic at this point. I was honestly thinking that this is probably an optimistic statement but then the SA then followed up with comments that delivery by the 9th may in fact still be possible though we would not know until the last minute. What a roller coaster. SA recommended that we reconnect on August 2nd which seems like forever away.
7/27: Sent text in the morning to SA to check on status of car and follow up on prior discussions around combining accounts (accidentally formatted my email address differently when I placed deposit versus what I used for model 3 reservations.) Got a follow up call in the afternoon indicating the car has not started, however, the techs will be working overtime this weekend and she has requested that they start looking at the car this weekend. (SA can not help with combining accounts, I sent corporate an email to see what can be done.) It looks like the car needs to already be in mint condition if I am going to get it by the end of 6 weeks.
7/28: Recalled that I had noticed that the listing of items below tech package were missing from the MyTesla information. Sent a message to SA in the morning to see if they could provide that information. SA call back this evening indicating they did not have a good way to look up this information and that the information in this list can be wrong (sounds like it is common for listing to say folding mirrors and for the car to not have them). The original sticker does show the car having parking sensors. No update on the status of the car in the process. SA will be checking on the car tomorrow.
7/30: SA did not provide an update of where the car stands on 7/29 as we had discussed. Will have to wait until 8/1 for an update.
8/1: Spoke to SA. They went and got the car from the from other location and brought it to their location so that it could be inspected (a full month after the deposit was placed). Car has significant paint damage. Timeline is shot due how long the repaint will take. Discussed some alternatives.
8/2: Spoke to SA to better understand timeline and options. Car will also need a new drive unit and probably new tires.
8/3: Spoke to SA. Going to continue with the car but they expect that it will be another 4 weeks or so which puts it a total of 9 weeks versus the original 4-6 week estimate. Most of the time will be spent at the body shop as most of the car needs repainted. Car was taken to body shop first thing this morning. Received an email that the final paperwork is available on MyTesla. There is now a Make a Payment option on MyTesla and Tasks Complete changed from 4/4 to 2/2.
8/15: Reached out to SA in the morning as I had not received the weekly update (no word since 8/3). Played phone tag until the evening. Sounds like the car is due back from the body shop in the next day or so. If the body shop got everything done satisfactorily and all of the parts were shipped the car should be ready for pick up next week! We discussed that we should chat on 8/17 to see if we can set a delivery date in stone.
8/17: Flights for next week are getting pricey! Exchanged a few text and a phone call with the SA today and it sounds like the car SHOULD be ready for delivery next week but they have not done a post body shop inspection to make the final call. I'm not booking a flight until they are certain so if the prices increase overnight I'm probably not getting the car next week.
8/18: Spoke to SA ~8PM. Just got a look at the car after being at the body shop. Still some cosmetic work to be done but nothing major. However, the touchscreen may need replaced and it sounds like those are harder to get. Will have to wait until they can investigate further before booking a flight. The eclipse has driven flights up to insane prices next week, so probably all for the best. Will say that the SA has been awesome through all of this!
8/22: Delivery scheduled for 8/25!!
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Thought I would give an update on the process for me. Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of information at this time, despite my ~weekly inquiries. Updated timeline in bold.

July 1 - Getting more serious, I was on EV-CPO ready to buy the monitoring services when we saw an S85 we liked. We are in NC, car is in NY. Thought it over for 20 min and reserved. ~P5xxx S85 with pano roof, "tech package," and air suspension. 61k miles.
July 5 - Phone conversation with our regional CPO rep, he explained the timeframe and the procedure for an out of state purchase. We decided to go and pick it up in Paramus NJ and roadtrip back to NC.
July 15 - Car was queued up for inspection and refurbishment.
Late July - Car goes out to body shop to get cosmetic issues taken care of and to get up to CPO standard.
August 4 - Currently waiting on car to come back from body shop for final prep. It's expected back this week. Instructed by CPO rep to go ahead and take care of financing.
August 7 - Applied for, and was approved by Lightstream and Alliant. The Tesla website financing was not updated to the proper price (seems like it was the original purchasing price). The Lightstream offer came back in 2.5 hours. Emailed SA about Tesla Financing site error.
August 8 - Applied through Tesla Financing at a link provided by SA. Requested photos of the car.
August 10 - Went with Lightstream, as they had the best rates. The offer is good for 30 days from August 7. Provided info for Financing and Registration on MyTesla site, now 4/6 completed. Basically just need to update insurance info when we add the car, but we need a date for that. Provided all the info to our SA.
August 14 - Asked for update, after not hearing anything about the status of the car. SA says that car has completed inspection, but new parts are needed and they are being "sourced." No timeframe given.
No new updates since then, save for one non-update.

At this point, I am starting to get frustrated, certainly not at any individual or employee - they are just reporting back what they know. It's now 2 weeks until my financing offer runs out and 7.5 weeks since I've put down the reservation deposit, I've yet to see a photo of the car, nor do I have any idea of the scope of the refurbishment.

I am traveling to pick up the car and I have tried to keep my schedule clear so that I can go up on a weekend to Paramus. Work essentially precludes a weekday pickup, regardless of whether I travel to get the car or not. With everything pushed to the end of the financing window, I am still glad I am flying to get the car; if I had to wait for delivery shipment, it seems to add 2 weeks onto the process. Honestly, though I am pretty tired of holding off on plans while I wait and see if one or two weekends out I will finally get notification of impending delivery. Originally, I was told a 3-6 week average for a CPO, I don't think anyone at Tesla imaged what the June CPO rush would create this type of backlog.

Thanks for letting me vent - I am still excited about this car, I am just perplexed and let down by this process. Better communication, regular status updates on the website, and an understanding of the scope of the work involved would go a long way towards smoothing this out or adjusting expectations.
This has been a long time coming, but here we go!
6/22 - Placed deposit a MS60 with AP1, $50,500
6/23 - Got a call from CPO Adviser, estimate is 8-10 weeks out due to June firesale
6/24 - Received first auto-email with instructions for mytesla account
6/29 - Tried to swap to a MS85 with AP1 for only a few thousand more, someone else grabbed it before we could complete the swap. Rats!
7/6 - Emailed my CPO advisor on availability of any other ms85 as the website dried up in July, no word back
7/10 - Emailed again as follow up, advisor emails back to notify that no other inventory exists at the moment. I also asked for pictures, but told non-exist :(
7/24 - No update for a few weeks and email again to check status. Sent back a message saying my car is being inspected (sweet!) and that is awaiting parts (no confirmation on what parts though were ordered). Still no estimate on delivery.
8/7 - No status since 7/24 so emailed again. Got a few pictures of the car being serviced (it actually exists), and told we're awaiting parts and final inspection. Told to get the financing process started.
8/11 - Ring, Ring! It's my delivery specialist I finally get to talk to and guess what, the car is done! Car is ready to be picked up as early as 8/14, but unfortunately due to work/personal travel schedule I can't get it until 8/21. boooo!!! After reading this on other threads, it does seem like the universally successful, surefire way to speed up delivery on a CPO is to travel somewhere for a few days. Items that were replaced included wheels and windshield, with some dent repair. Inspection report though won't be made available until I pickup.
8/16 - Emailed by DS to please fix the supercharging issue prior to Monday and to make sure we're still on track. Receive confirmation its in process and they should fix the problem soon
8/18 - Email again for status on the supercharging issue and told that the operations team should have it fixed that afternoon
8/21- Dont hear back over the weekend and ask AGAIN what's the status on the SC issue; told it WILL be fixed before I come in. I also casually find out the pickup ISNT at Dublin which I was originally told, but at the Fremont delivery center (45min out of way, not counting the 2 hour ride home in traffic). Ugh. Delivery specialist mentions I should have received an email confirming my appt (which I didnt get)
I made it to the Fremont Delivery center (I went to the factory first thinking it was there) and immediately found out that nothing had been done to fix my issue with the free supercharging not being reflected in the cars profile. We eventually solved the matter by having the regional VP sign a letter, but not before the delivery experience stretched out into a 3.5 hour ordeal (where I was the ONLY customer there for 80%of the time). The delivery center team was professional and helpful, but the entire experience from start to finish had been incredibly underwhelming. The lack of communication, the empty promises, little transparency in the cars information/status led to a negative experience in purchasing the car. 3.5 hours in taking delivery of a car was exactly what I was hoping to avoid when buying through Tesla, but I guess that wasn't in the cards.
On the flip side, the car looks like new and only had two cosmetic items (roof scratches) to place on the due bill. It even had a center console which my DS assured me WASNT included; so that's a win. I still havent heard back from the local Service center, so will give it another day before I follow up.
What didn't help things is just two weeks before my wife had leased a new car through Lexus. The lexus folks bent over backwards and then some to make sure every last detail was perfect and that we were 110% satisfied with everything that was occurring. They even sent an employee to another dealership 40 miles away to bring a car back just so we could look at the options on it. We left Lexus feeling great about what had just happened, I didnt have the same feeling when leaving the Tesla delivery center.

I'm also still waiting to hear back on if the the car actually does have free supercharging included. This was one of two cars, total, listed on the CPO site that DIDNT have Free Supercharging listed as a feature. I've asked my CPO advisor and delivery specialist to confirm that it is included, which they both confirmed, but no one seems to know what to do after that (and I want the cars profile updated to reflect as much). Hoping we get that resolved before pickup. Cant wait!


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7/12 ordered P85. Located in socal and being serviced/delivered in AZ. 6-8 weeks and received pics a few hours later (!!)
7/19 car arrived at AZ service center
8/3 DS said car is almost done and ready to deliver next week! But I probably won't be able to pick it up until end of the month :( since I have to drive it back to TX and I haven't even started the trade-in or loan paperwork. I don't know what's going to be worse, the previous 3 weeks of waiting and not knowing what's going on, or having to wait a couple weeks knowing the car is ready to be picked up. UGHH :confused::confused::confused:
8/17 DELIVERY :D Few minor paint scuffs, but otherwise it looks very nice. Car was charged to 90% as requested and got a couple extra miles during the presentation before taking off on the ~1100 miles trip back home. Took 10 SC stops over 40 hours (21 driving, 19 rest/charging) and of course the first leg was the hardest going through a shortcut with major elevation changes (Took almost 30 min before Tesla nav stopped trying to put me on a safer/longer route). Otherwise it was a nice drive home and even got to take a pic with its primary power source.
Delivery day! Took 8 weeks. Just the tow hook was missing. And one ill fitting piece of trim in the right rear trunk. Car is in as close to as new condition as I have seen for a five year old car could not find flaw anywhere inside or out
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7/12 ordered P85. Located in socal and being serviced/delivered in AZ. 6-8 weeks and received pics a few hours later (!!)
7/19 car arrived at AZ service center
8/3 DS said car is almost done and ready to deliver next week! But I probably won't be able to pick it up until end of the month :( since I have to drive it back to TX and I haven't even started the trade-in or loan paperwork. I don't know what's going to be worse, the previous 3 weeks of waiting and not knowing what's going on, or having to wait a couple weeks knowing the car is ready to be picked up. UGHH :confused::confused::confused:
8/17 DELIVERY :D Few minor paint scuffs, but otherwise it looks very nice. Car was charged to 90% as requested and got a couple extra miles during the presentation before taking off on the ~1100 miles trip back home. Took 10 SC stops over 40 hours (21 driving, 19 rest/charging) and of course the first leg was the hardest going through a shortcut with major elevation changes (Took almost 30 min before Tesla nav stopped trying to put me on a safer/longer route). Otherwise it was a nice drive home and even got to take a pic with its primary power source.
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The drive looks gorgeous at least! Great way to learn your car and enjoy the honeymoon period! It looks great! Gray is my favorite color for sure. I wanted the dark one but ended with the light silver one.
Yesterday I received an email at 5am (how's that for dedication!?) from my CPO advisor. Car will be ready for delivery midweek and has a DS assigned to it. DS emailed me later in the day and we'll finalized delivery for either 9/5 or 9/6. Very excited to take delivery and begin to enjoy the MS85.
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Taking delivery in Denver on Thursday morning! I did run in to some confusion around New York registration process. They had to switch me to self-registration since NY requires them to have an inspection completed. After some rounds of e-mail it seems to have been sorted. Hopefully they have the temporary plates on there when I show up. I have to wait for them to send me the title after the fact which is also a little concerning, but I've come this far...
Hello everyone! I'm excited to finally be part of the Tesla Family. From order to delivery took about three weeks but overall it has been a very smooth process.

8/11 - Placed an order and was told it would be about a week until it is ready. Scheduled a visit to check out the car in person.
8/12 - Arrived at Tesla Buena Park to meet with CPO Advisor and inspect the car. Beautiful in person but noticed a few tiny paint chips on the hood and was told it was below the minimum size for them to cover it. Was told they would clean it up and detail it before I took delivery.
8/13 - 8/16 - Took care of finances, insurance, and fulfilled all my items on MyTesla Page.
8/17 - Advisor contacts me that the car is ready and that we could schedule for a pickup. I choose 8/22 as I am still waiting for the funds to go through.
8/22 - Arrive at Tesla to meet with my DS and CPO Advisor but turns out to only be the CPO Advisor. Inspect the car and noticed a small tear in the back seat, they mark it down to be taken care of. Advisor guides me through the touchscreen controls but it felt rushed. They finally hand me the FOB and the car is finally mine!

TL;DR - Found a 2014 S85 from Tesla Buena Park through Autotrader, turns out it has AP1 but was incorrectly listed and priced without. Threw money at Tesla.

For the past few months I have been keeping an eye out on a really good deal for a Model S with AP1 and I finally found one through Autotrader. I have seen Teslas posted on Autotrader in the past but those were usually from private sellers or dealerships, what caught my attention was that the sale was officialy from Tesla (Buena Park, CA).

I browsed through their inventory and spotted what looked to be a 2014 S85 (White Solid Paint, Pano, 21”, Carbon Fiber Deco, Black Leather Seats, Tech Package, Smart Air Suspension, Premium Sound, and Premium Lighting 63k miles). It had almost everything I wanted except for AP1. I pulled up some of the photos of the car and noted some discrepancies. The car had AP1 Hardware but it was not listed in the details. Curious of this error, I sent a request for more info and shortly receive a reply from a CPO Advisor who sends me the Used Vehicle Configuration Quote which again listed everything except for AP1.

I reply asking if the photos of the car are the same as listed and if it has AP1. Just as quickly she replies back that it does indeed have AP1 but it was incorrectly listed but they would still have to honor the price that was shown. After reading this I get on a call with the Advisor and put down an order.

[Post Delivery]
I love this car! I’m finding reasons to go out and drive just to be behind the wheel of this amazing car. Just this past weekend I forgot my sunglasses at my cousin's place 60 miles away and she tells me she can get it to me next family outing… nope that’s cool I’ll just drive out today and pick it up. I am planning so many more road trips in the future!


[Post Delivery]
I love this car! I’m finding reasons to go out and drive just to be behind the wheel of this amazing car. Just this past weekend I forgot my sunglasses at my cousin's place 60 miles away and she tells me she can get it to me next family outing… nope that’s cool I’ll just drive out today and pick it up. I am planning so many more road trips in the future!

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Bwahahaha.. I hear you there just a few days ago I drove 75 miles just to try a 14-50 Outlet... Just like the one that I have in my garage... That works just fine??

Driving these things is addictive there's no way I would have driven a Gasser 75 miles just to try a different gas pump:)
Ordered on 7-23 then switched to an unlisted in 7-25.
Received I received the car8-31
The car was in great condition and could pass as new interior. The exterior was 9/10 with one flaw on the roof panel I saw earlier that was circled a few weeks earlier but was ignored until I pointed out it still wasn't fixed. It was added to Due Bill and parts will be ordered. Hard to believe the car has 34K miles.
The Tempe team did a great job explaining everything and happy to have the car in my hands now.


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Ordered on 7-23 then switched to an unlisted in 7-25.
Received I received the car8-31
The car was in great condition and could pass as new interior. The exterior was 9/10 with one flaw on the roof panel I saw earlier that was circled a few weeks earlier but was ignored until I pointed out it still wasn't fixed. It was added to Due Bill and parts will be ordered. Hard to believe the car has 34K miles.
The Tempe team did a great job explaining everything and happy to have the car in my hands now.

Thank goodness you finally got it! Let the adventure begin!
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