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  1. IhateOPEC

    AutoPilot Buddy now officially banned in USA!

    Nah, I will just buy a #1776 and get the EAP system I thought I purchased in the first place. This whole system is about liability. I recognize that I am driving and liable. I am a big boy, and I wear my big boy pants so it's OK.
  2. IhateOPEC

    AutoPilot Buddy now officially banned in USA!

    I LOVE that they call it the #1776. At least SOME people get that this country wasn't founded as a nanny state. Spirit of '76 (sentiment) - Wikipedia
  3. IhateOPEC

    Is Elon on drugs? Seriously.

    They DID seem like more like ambien tweets. Especially the short shorts stuff. Been guilty of a few of those myself. I always turn off the computer BEFORE taking ambien now. Luckily I'm not a racist like Rosanne and not important enough to go to jail for my Facebook posts. :)
  4. IhateOPEC

    Is Elon on drugs? Seriously.

    Have you seen his girlfriend? I am nearly certain she ingests mind altering chemicals. Is it really that far of a stretch to think she may be "turning him on" to them? Did you see his recent tweets? Bizarre.
  5. IhateOPEC

    Is Elon on drugs? Seriously.

    Yow. I mean, I am guessing his girlfriend is probably not a great influence on him. https://jalopnik.com/was-elon-musk-tweeting-on-acid-azealia-banks-says-yes-1828307241
  6. IhateOPEC

    Say no to Saudi Arabia

    True, but one can choose to be as "clean" as possible. Up unil now Tesla was the best car company to support if you had morals. It was made in the mostly friendly countries. Japan, Korea, The EU, and USA provided most labor of the car. The fuel was mostly good old West Virginia coal. Now it...
  7. IhateOPEC

    Say no to Saudi Arabia

    We cannot control, nor can Tesla who buys publicly traded stock. But for Tesla to partner with them and grant them a very large, possibly controlling stake is very troubling. For the record I am against the gigafactory in China. But one factory is not the same as changing who "owns" the...
  8. IhateOPEC

    If OPEC buys Tesla...

    As an American let me first thank your government for not selling out its principles as ours has. Looking forward to watching the fanbois jump through mental hoops on why this is OK.
  9. IhateOPEC

    If OPEC buys Tesla...

    It is a plausible scenario. Who has enough money to buy all of TSLA at $420/share? It's a pretty small list. I never said it was "for sure" going to happen. I asked how everyone would feel about it if it did. I also stated how I would feel in the initial post.
  10. IhateOPEC

    If OPEC buys Tesla...

    OK, but they pretty much run OPEC. Also, they are probably the most repressive country on earth, save North Korea. If they are the source of funding to take TSLA private doesn't that bother you a little?
  11. IhateOPEC

    If OPEC buys Tesla...

    Would you still love the brand? The major reason I bought my car was to keep my money out of the pockets of backwards monarchs. Now this.... https://gizmodo.com/report-saudi-arabia-may-be-planning-a-major-bid-for-te-1828288394
  12. IhateOPEC

    Get your car wrapped people.

    So apparently my post was edited by the mods for offending red necks. The guy, girl, or non gender specific person could have had any color neck, and because God made him, (or them) they are beautiful. Unless you are an atheist, in which case none of this really matters anyway.
  13. IhateOPEC

    Is a 270 mile interstate leg feasible from a 100% charge?

    The real question is, where will you plug in once you get to Altus?
  14. IhateOPEC

    Get your car wrapped people.

    So, good news. The Tesla dealer tried but couldn't buff it out. They recommended a body shop. The body shop said it was into the the paint but they were able to buff it out using a "wet sander" or something. They said I got very lucky it was as close to the paint as it could get. Total cost...
  15. IhateOPEC

    Get your car wrapped people.

    My car gets parked in public due to my job. I have had it 2 weeks and it has been keyed. Never happened on any other car I have owned. I was taking it to get wrapped next week. Don't underestimate the jealousy and hatred some people have for these cars. (Mod edit to remove specific group...
  16. IhateOPEC

    Loud Air Conditioning compressor

    Mine sounds like a bicycle with a baseball card in its spokes. It works great, just louder than I would think. Is it normal?
  17. IhateOPEC

    After autopilot update, undecided about getting M3

    Soft string or strap + Https://www.diversdirect.com/scuba-diving/scuba-1lb-shot-soft-weight?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=1474&utm_campaign=cpc_shopping&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8M_JmoPq2wIVwhuBCh2i2QLKEAQYBSABEgJ_AvD_BwE = hands free Suck it nanny state.
  18. IhateOPEC

    AutoPilot Buddy now officially banned in USA!

    Vision based FSD is 20 years or more away. It will not happen without a hardware retrofit on current model 3s.
  19. IhateOPEC

    AutoPilot Buddy now officially banned in USA!

    A Cylon from the old school Battlestar Galactica.
  20. IhateOPEC

    AutoPilot Buddy now officially banned in USA!

    Spending half your attention tugging on the steering wheel isn't safer than hand driving. Every minute or two should keep you from falling asleep. (Since all it really does is check that you are awake, not if you are engaged mentally.) If I am so tired that this fails I should not be driving.
  21. IhateOPEC

    AutoPilot Buddy now officially banned in USA!

    Obviously it's different, however if the automation becomes a distraction *cough* requiring constant tugging/ beeping every 25 seconds *cough* we are trained to turn it off. It is there as an aid. If it isn't aiding you get rid of it.
  22. IhateOPEC

    AutoPilot Buddy now officially banned in USA!

    So, I am an airline pilot. I have just a small amount of experience with human-automation interface. Can you guess how many aircraft require your hands on the controls for the automation to work? Zero. One of the benefits of low level automation is the way it expands your awareness of what...
  23. IhateOPEC

    The Legendary Tesla Customer Service

    I f I don't know. Could you fuel your vehicle?
  24. IhateOPEC

    The Legendary Tesla Customer Service

    Keep telling unhappy customers they are entitled. I cant charge my $55k electric car. Wah wah. How dare I complain. Keep dismissing criticism. Part of the tesla "brand" has been its amazing customer support stories. Wait until thousands of 1 year post reveal orders get their cars and can...
  25. IhateOPEC

    The Legendary Tesla Customer Service

    So, your argument is that Tesla Service, (the people who work on these cars) shouldn't have common parts like these around? That holding, say, 2 or 3 of each adapter would be cost prohibitive? Keep in mind, these adapters are already in stock somewhere in the company. Thats cool. They...
  26. IhateOPEC

    The Legendary Tesla Customer Service

    It would be cost neutral. All NEMA adapters made by Tesla cost $35. Why wouldn't Tesla service: 1) Carry all accessories for sale. Its not like there is a huge amount available on the Tesla website. 2) Make whatever charging solution you have in your house available at time of purchase...
  27. IhateOPEC

    The Legendary Tesla Customer Service

    So, I get my car. I write a check the size of a college education. Flawless vehicle, but the delivery? Not so much. Two nitpicks. The phone chargers? One USB-C and one Iphone. On a $55k car, could we maybe just stock all the common types still in use and allow the customer to choose...
  28. IhateOPEC

    Financing through USAA

    USAA aint what it used to be. Super expensive now. If you are a vet try navyfederal or penfed. Or, go with Tesla financing which was surprisingly the same. On a side note I switched auto insurance from USAA and saved $100/mo for the same coverage.
  29. IhateOPEC

    Model 3 or cheap Bolt?

    Dude, if you are a student pilot you should be driving a 10 year old prius. You are about to enter the ranks of the regional meat grinder, with, and I am just guessing here, huge debt. I am already at a major, and am having a tough time justifying a model 3. Unless you are one of those guys...
  30. IhateOPEC

    How many of us are in a STEM profession?

    I put yes. I am a pilot, but my degree is in Aerospace Engineering.
  31. IhateOPEC

    Sick of waiting? Vent here

    Says the guy who is getting the tax credit.
  32. IhateOPEC

    Sick of waiting? Vent here

    *sigh* The "let them eat cake" argument from a model S owner again. What a surprise. How about this, they need to get the tax credit to make the car fit into their budget. Or, they need the tax credit to justify the purchase. Whatever semantics make you happy with the fact that the middle...
  33. IhateOPEC

    Sick of waiting? Vent here

    Mine got pushed back as well, March-May now. Day 1 line waiter. Good thing all those needy Model S/X owners will soak up the tax credits. Hint for Elon: When the tax credits go away its the non owners who will cancel their reservations. They actually need it to afford the car.
  34. IhateOPEC

    Guestimating Tesla "invitation to configure" heuristic

    They don't need to know the difference. All they need to do is distribute the cars in the sequence they were reserved, within reason (i.e. logistically possible). Honor the wait list. Not that hard, but Tesla excels at making something easy into something complicated (*cough* gullwings *cough*).
  35. IhateOPEC

    Guestimating Tesla "invitation to configure" heuristic

    You just described the consept of a wait list, then said we don't "deserve something special" like higher priority. Ever been to the supermarket? Ever waited in line? Were the people in the front of the line getting "something special"?
  36. IhateOPEC

    Guestimating Tesla "invitation to configure" heuristic

    I don't blame people for taking $7500 they don't need. However, the smuggness is saying things like "If you can't afford it without the tax credit you shouldn't have it." All while gobbling up a SECOND $7500 credit for yourself. BTW you are not the first prior owner who has posted this...
  37. IhateOPEC

    Guestimating Tesla "invitation to configure" heuristic

    Spoken like a someone who could afford to buy an S/X. Smug I think is the word. I am just hoping some other company can build out a charging network so my next car can be from a company that doesn't lie and play favourites.
  38. IhateOPEC

    Model 3 Hits More Showrooms Across U.S.

    That would deprive all those people who selflessly gave Tesla money for a Model S/X their rightful place in line. Those great martyrs didn't buy those cars for THEMSELVES! They bought them for Tesla!
  39. IhateOPEC

    Guesses on "token of appreciation" for line waiters tweeted by Elon Musk

    I can tell you what it WON'T be. The ability to configure your Model 3 before anyone else.
  40. IhateOPEC

    Tesla owner configurations begin

    Let the Let them eat cake, and drive a bolt.
  41. IhateOPEC

    Tesla owner configurations begin

    Statements like this are why normal people hate rich people.
  42. IhateOPEC

    Tesla owner configurations begin

    I suppose you bought your car out of cherity for Tesla? Or did you buy it because you WANTED the car? Thanks for funding the 3. You also got to drive a Tesla around for years when most of us couldn't afford to. I'm insulted that I waited in line, gave Tesla $1k to hold my place in line and...
  43. IhateOPEC

    Tesla owner configurations begin

    Oh dude, I don't blame you at all. If I were in your shoes I'd be doing the same thing. It's Tesla that allowed the line cutting. You should order the second one and sell it while there is still a tax credit. Free market and all that. If people have a problem with it they can take it up...
  44. IhateOPEC

    Why so many Model 3 on eBay for close to cost?

    They are hoping to capture the various tax credits. In CA its $10k with the federal credit included. It's illegal, but the IRS would have to catch them, then prove that they "intended" to resell. Also, if they are employees they have had the car for a few months now so it would be hard to...
  45. IhateOPEC

    Tesla owner configurations begin

    T And that is the problem with allowing owners to cut. They already have at least one Tesla. They probably don't need another one. So AFTER they see the huge demand shown on the first day, by people who couldn't afford a Tesla before, they put in an order (or two now) in order to profit off...
  46. IhateOPEC

    Tesla owner configurations begin

    Oh cool! I will just continue to look at my "thank you" card they gave me for standing in line for hours in the cold. Tesla is making me seriously mad not honoring the fact that people waited in line having not even SEEN the car yet. Now owners get TWO oportunities to cut in line?! I am...
  47. IhateOPEC

    Change from alcantara to cloth on PUP???

    More impotantly, the textile feels out of place. It is the cheapest part of the interior. Even if I had not read this thread, it would have stood out. From the top of the doors down its an amazing car, from the top of the doors up its a base model chevy. Completely incongruent.
  48. IhateOPEC

    Change from alcantara to cloth on PUP???

    Just got a chance to sit in one of the model 3s in the showroom. The headliner is CHEAP. The lady called it "re-engineered textile". I called it the exact same material in my chevy. The rest of the interior is awesome, which makes the really cheap headliner stand out. That and the vanity...
  49. IhateOPEC

    Non-owners, did you get invite to configure?

    Tesla: Did you try to defrost your roof with boiling water? Owner:Yeah. Tesla: Are you a Model S/X owner? Owner:Yeah. Tesla: Ok, thats all that matters to us. It's covered!
  50. IhateOPEC

    Non-owners, did you get invite to configure?

    I don't. Can you imagine if you waited in line for hours to get the new iphone, then when you got to the front of the line they said "Gee, we really appreciate your support! No, REALLY! Here is a card with a picture of an iphone on it to prove it. THIS phone I am holding in my hand is going...