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  1. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Queen Creek, AZ - S Meridian (under construction May 2024, 16 V3)

    I was there yesterday. The condition / status seems to remain the same as the previously-shared photos. When asked, one of the employees said they heard it should be done in six weeks.
  2. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ - S Signal Butte Road

    They just switched out the dispensers.
  3. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    My iPhone app shows it as still closed. I’m hoping your in car map trumps my phone!
  4. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ - S Signal Butte Road

    What about the new one going up in Queen Creek? Not incredibly convenient from a freeway perspective though.
  5. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ - S Signal Butte Road

    Yeah I wouldn’t hold my breath. :(
  6. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Queen Creek, AZ - S Meridian (under construction May 2024, 16 V3)

    I’m holding out hope for east Mesa still on Signal Butte but not holding my breath.
  7. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    The flaw was that it was always busy. Not enough stalls! 😁
  8. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ - S Signal Butte Road

    This is sure taking a while to start construction. I hope things are still in motion.
  9. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ - S Signal Butte Road

    Oooh this location is exciting! That area has really been built up a lot over the last 18 months. As an aside I tried Backyard Taco over there and a more tasteless meal I don't think I've ever experienced. :D
  10. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Queen Creek, AZ - S Meridian (under construction May 2024, 16 V3)

    They are? supercharge.info only has one in QC and a new one in Gilbert off the 60 and Higley.
  11. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Queen Creek, AZ - S Meridian (under construction May 2024, 16 V3)

    Strange location but I’ll take what I can get in the SE Valley!
  12. hobapolis

    $500 Rebate for Powerwalls until October 31

    Got my check. Took about 5 weeks after submitting in app.
  13. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Scottsdale, AZ - 7366 E Shea Blvd

    I am yeah. For those that don't know about it, check out this map. I guess my response was just a knee-jerk reaction to seeing another Scottsdale location go up while the SE Valley is pretty under-served (IMO).
  14. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Scottsdale, AZ - 7366 E Shea Blvd

    Honestly it’s enough with Scottsdale already. They don’t even use the ones they have and meanwhile the rest of the valley SC are packed.
  15. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Quartzsite, AZ - Main Event Lane

    will they keep the existing SCs that already exist near that location?
  16. hobapolis

    $500 Rebate for Powerwalls until October 31

    Yep. Put my order in. It was weird because I had an existing PW order that was constantly in a "Waiting to be available in your location" or something like that. I had to set up a whole new order and cancel the old one. Anywho. Powerwall #3 hopefully coming soon!
  17. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Waukesha, WI

    My folks are driving to Milwaukee this weekend and this SC would be super handy for a variety of reasons. Gonna keep a keen eye on this thread. Thanks for all the updates everybody.
  18. hobapolis

    Complaint about Glendale, AZ Tesla Service

  19. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Chandler, AZ

    It takes a lot of mole-people running back and forth to produce that much energy. We should provide them reasonable working conditions.
  20. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Chandler, AZ

    Honestly I just go to the city I live in and search the public records. I don’t know how some folks aggregate it all. Maybe some APIs provided by certain cities.
  21. hobapolis

    Locked Out Completely

    My father's 11-day old Y had a similar problem. He doesn't live near a service center. The SC folks told him: "The failure with the vehicle is a high voltage controller which went bad and took the high voltage pyro fuse along with it. The controller was charging and controlling incorrect...
  22. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ - West Guadalupe Road

    I'm really happy for more superchargers. However I simply do not understand how they decide to put 4 locations so close to each other while huge swaths of the SE valley go totally ignored. Between Eastmark, Cadence, Queen Creek, and Gilbert there must be thousands of Teslas roaming the streets...
  23. hobapolis

    Locked Out Completely

    Any resolution on this @Tim G ?
  24. hobapolis

    Sudden Production Drop

    Correct. No problems since then. There was one day when they said it was done but they lied and just didn’t do both inverters. Once both inverters were done I’ve not had an issue since. Fingers crossed!
  25. hobapolis

    Sudden Production Drop

    Oh yeah a “grid code adjustment” like I mentioned in an old post. That was the fix.
  26. hobapolis

    Sudden Production Drop

    If I remember correctly they had to do a software reprogramming on the inverters. I will get the exact work they did when I get in front of a computer. Can’t seem to find the thread.
  27. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Phoenix, AZ - East Camelback Road

    Wow. Had no idea they were doing this. Will the older urban superchargers stay (I hope)?
  28. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Chandler, AZ

    I’m optimistic there will be tons more in the future. The number of superchargers in the area has more than doubled in the 5 years we’ve been here and the southeast valley SCs are packed all the time. There is a demand for these things and Tesla isn’t dumb enough (I hope) to leave that much...
  29. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Chandler, AZ

    The 24 and the 202 sounds just about perfect to me. :)
  30. hobapolis

    Petition for a Supercharger in the Phoenix-East Valley area

    Several times. It's fine. For reasons I don't quite understand my charging speeds are generally slower at this location even with a very low SoC.
  31. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    105 max kW with 22% SoC. 2017 S. No precondition.
  32. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    No clue sorry. 2017 == free supercharging
  33. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Special guest S in the background is Hobapolis! :)
  34. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Showing up on the map too!
  35. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Is it operational?
  36. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Thanks for the update!
  37. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    They must think we’re all nuts.
  38. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    i stopped by the site yesterday. There is a big black fence surrounding the work site. Couldn’t see much else from the car.
  39. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Has anyone been near the location recently? Gotta be close at this point.
  40. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Is there another one in the works for Mesa? I’ve only seen the Stapley permit.
  41. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Phoenix, AZ - E Mayo Blvd

    An embarrassment of riches in Scottsdale!
  42. hobapolis

    Sudden Production Drop

    Best advice I can give is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I stopped being Mr Nice Customer and got more assertive and things started happening for me. Check out my earlier post about grid code adjustments. Since that went into place all has been well.
  43. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Not amazing news to report. The Tesla website now says they're targeting Q1 2023:
  44. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    Perhaps this is progress? Status is back to “in review”
  45. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Phoenix, AZ - E Mayo Blvd

    Could be worse. Could be waiting for the Mesa tease
  46. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Mesa, AZ

    This sucks. What’s the delay I wonder? 😔
  47. hobapolis

    Supercharger - Phoenix, AZ - E Mayo Blvd

    Scottsdale is the Supercharging capital of Arizona. Hope they start on the Mesa location one of these years. 🤞